Sugars from fruit good or bad

my daily sugar intake mostly comes from fruit is that good or bad


  • enyangale
    Sugars are sugars, but fruit is more nutrient dense as you will be getting vitamins, minirals and dietary fibre. If you eat sugars, fruit is the better way!
  • joneallen
    joneallen Posts: 217 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Sugar is sugar

    Exactly. Don't sweat the sugar with your diet. Focus on your macro nutrients.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Nothing wrong with a little sweetness in your life. Double-bonus if it comes wrapped in a fiber sandwich.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Food is neither good nor bad.
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    enyangale wrote: »
    Sugars are sugars, but fruit is more nutrient dense as you will be getting vitamins, minirals and dietary fibre. If you eat sugars, fruit is the better way!

    _FATNSASSY Posts: 107 Member
    Fruit burns faster than other processed sugars because it is natural (easier to break down).
  • Charliegottheruns
    Charliegottheruns Posts: 287 Member
    Good in moderation
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    dandayatra wrote: »
    my daily sugar intake mostly comes from fruit is that good or bad

    Don't worry about sugar, worry about energy balance and macronutrients... in that order.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    If you are eating in a calorie deficit, it is unlikely the levels of sugar you are consuming are even remotely close to unhealthy, so it really does not matter.

    Log it enjoy it.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    My brother told my diabetic dad that fruit sugars are 'time release'. That sounds like a load of crap to me. My doctor said sugar is sugar and diabetics have to watch ALL sugar intake.
  • HeidiHirtle
    HeidiHirtle Posts: 126 Member
    Jolinia wrote: »
    enyangale wrote: »
    Sugars are sugars, but fruit is more nutrient dense as you will be getting vitamins, minirals and dietary fibre. If you eat sugars, fruit is the better way!

    Yup. Fruit that hasn't been separated from it's fiber is better for you than any refined sugar, including 100% fruit juices.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    Jolinia wrote: »
    enyangale wrote: »
    Sugars are sugars, but fruit is more nutrient dense as you will be getting vitamins, minirals and dietary fibre. If you eat sugars, fruit is the better way!

    Yup. Fruit that hasn't been separated from it's fiber is better for you than any refined sugar, including 100% fruit juices.

    Sugar in and of itself is not good or bad for you, it's just sugar.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    _FATNSASSY wrote: »
    Fruit burns faster than other processed sugars because it is natural (easier to break down).

    Ummm, nope.

    Fruit is not one kind of sugar. Fruit has fructose and glucose. Glucose is processed the fastest, in all forms. Diabetics carry glucose tabs around for a reason. Artificial or not, the body processes it the same.

    Faster is not always better. Diabetics typically don't want a fast absorption of sugar unless they are experiencing insulin shock. Slow and steady absorption is better. Which is where the fiber comes in. The fiber slows down the absorption of sugar from fruit.

    @fbmandy55‌, I think your brother is right. Sugars from fruit because of the way they are packaged, absorb slower. Which is good. I know when I was more sensitive to sugar, I ate fruit just fine. Some carbs like refined rice, however, hit my system like a mack truck. Way too fast. Might as well have eaten a teaspoon of sugar straight.

    I made this table, "all about sweeteners", if you want detail.

  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    _FATNSASSY wrote: »
    Fruit burns faster than other processed sugars because it is natural (easier to break down).


  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member

    MrM27 wrote: »
    Sugar is sugar

  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    _FATNSASSY wrote: »
    Fruit burns faster than other processed sugars because it is natural (easier to break down).

    Ummm, nope.

    Fruit is not one kind of sugar. Fruit has fructose and glucose. Glucose is processed the fastest, in all forms. Diabetics carry glucose tabs around for a reason. Artificial or not, the body processes it the same.

    Faster is not always better. Diabetics typically don't want a fast absorption of sugar unless they are experiencing insulin shock. Slow and steady absorption is better. Which is where the fiber comes in. The fiber slows down the absorption of sugar from fruit.

    @fbmandy55‌, I think your brother is right. Sugars from fruit because of the way they are packaged, absorb slower. Which is good. I know when I was more sensitive to sugar, I ate fruit just fine. Some carbs like refined rice, however, hit my system like a mack truck. Way too fast. Might as well have eaten a teaspoon of sugar straight.

    I made this table, "all about sweeteners", if you want detail.

    Totally right - sugar absorption and thus insulin response is affected by what else is being consumed along with it. Whether or not this will make a difference in a person's weight loss strategy depends both on their metabolic response and their over-all calorie intake. All of that being said, fruit has a load of micro nutrients that are good for health. They also taste good. No reason to curtail fruit just because of "sugar" - and plenty of reason to include fruit as a part of a healthy food intake - offered here with the acknowledgment that folks with diabetes or insulin resistance need to factor in fruit sugars as they eat to maintain healthy over-all blood sugar levels.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    fbmandy55 wrote: »
    My brother told my diabetic dad that fruit sugars are 'time release'. That sounds like a load of crap to me.

    It is, the blood glucose response to fruit, fruit juice and fruit puree is very similar in the first 30-60 minutes.

  • joneallen
    joneallen Posts: 217 Member
    _FATNSASSY wrote: »
    Fruit burns faster than other processed sugars because it is natural (easier to break down).
