P90 nutrition guide seems good but I have a few questions...

Me and my wife are thinking of doing P90. P90X is a little too extreme for us and we'd like something that we can both do together and that is sustainable as well. P90 seems like it's good for us and will be good to do for years to come.

That said, the nutrition guide is great but given that we're doing this for the long haul. I need to know how much protein, fat, and carbs I should be eating a day. It's telling me I need to eat 1843 calories but doesn't tell me how much is protein, cards, or fat.

A little about me:

I am 210 pounds.
I work a desk job
I am 34 years old.
I want to workout 6 days a week.

Can someone please help me determine the following:

1. What % of protein of the 1800 calories a day should I be eating?
2. What % of carbs of the 1800 calories a day should I be eating?
3. What % of fat of the 1800 calories a day should I be eating?

I am tracking with myfitnesspal.com so I am hoping I get these numbers.



  • RoToQ
    RoToQ Posts: 93 Member
    At the moment I'm eating ~33/33/33 and it's working great. I'd recommend starting there and adjusting it over time to see what suits you best.
  • tdelam
    tdelam Posts: 48 Member
    RoToQ wrote: »
    At the moment I'm eating ~33/33/33 and it's working great. I'd recommend starting there and adjusting it over time to see what suits you best.

    That seems reasonable. is your goal to lose weight and firm up too?