low fat and low carb what is low

i know i have to lower carb intake and my fat intake What i don;t know is how much fat am i to aim for what is normal in a healthy diet. My old docter told me 90 carbs a day but not how much fat Any advice would be apprieciated. I am also looking for more friends on here that need to loose 100 or more pounds to help support and encourage each other to go on the straight and narrow Thanx in advance for all the help.


  • xcountrymom2
    xcountrymom2 Posts: 29 Member
    Being a person that has trouble with "diets" I just want to say to concentrate, not on fats or carbs and how many, but on just filling out your food diary every day and staying accountable for every little thing you put in your mouth. If you use your food diary and just concentrate on staying at your correct calorie intake, then it will be easier for you to stay on track because you are eating foods that you like. Try to fill out the diary before you eat something so you know the calorie/fat/carb content before you make a mistake and eat it because you may decide to make a different /better choice. My husband loves his home made pizza but after putting in his recipe he found that each piece (because of the flour crust) was over 600 calories! Once you start feeling good about staying on your food diary for a few weeks, you will see you that you will automatically look at your choices more closely and even try to adapt them with less fat, lower carbs etc., just naturally. Good luck/good health/good eating!
  • betterlife2011
    Thanks for the advice the reason that i have to count them things is because im a diabetic a new diabetic Im triing to do what my docter say I already have nerve damage in my feet dont want to loose them u know what i mean
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    I aim for less than 100 a day at the very most and try to make sure that most of that comes from vegetables, nuts, fruits, etc. rather than anything processed (I do have a piece of bread every day but it's not mass manufactured bread). I'm doing a bit of an experiment at the moment and not counting fat grams at all and just watching that my fat intake comes solely from nuts, avocados, and full fat dairy (trying to really cut out the sugars, etc. and I'm finding that most "low fat" things are made to taste better by bumping up sugar, salt, and unnatural stuff etc.) So far so good - I feel much more lively!
  • Ladywindchaser
    Ladywindchaser Posts: 44 Member
    I am also a diabetic and my Dr's. put me on 30 carbs per meal 6 x's a day for a total of 130. Every Diabetic is different also. I have severe damage to my nerves and eyes because of this disease.

    It is truly hard to live by the limited carb intake that we as diabetics must live on. But it is so worth doing. Diabetes is a silent slow killer and once the damage is done there is no going back to change the damage. That is why it is so important that you really count the carbs and listen to your Dr's.

    If your Dr. did not tell you how much fat then what you need to do is call his office and ask his Nurse to ask him. You should get a phone call back advising you how much. That is best solution to find out how much you need. Getting advice on what and how much you should eat from a forum is not a good thing. As I said before we are all different & the stage of your Diabetes is a very personal thing.

    When I stay within my alloted carbs per meal/day I feel so much better. The minute I go off track I am sick and tried. It is not
    just a diet solution it truly is a lifestyle change for you.

    If your Dr. did not tell you how much fat you can have then call his office and ask them to ask him. You should get a phone call back advising you how much. That is the best solution for you because what is good for one Diabetic is not the same for another. My Dr's. sent me to a Registered Dietician who helped answer all my food questions. You also could ask his office about a referral to one. Mine was great to work with.

    Good luck.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    If you're just looking for normal amounts, and don't have any special conditions for fat and carbs

    then your fat should be anywhere from 12% to about 25% of your daily total, with about 85 to 90% of that fat being healthy fats (omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids), and you should steer clear of anything that has hydrogenated oils, trans fats, and saturated fats. Things like nuts, whole grains, avocados, fish oil, and some oils (extra virgin olive oil is an example) are good examples of this type of foods.

    As to carbs, there's a big window there, generally, most experts agree that anywhere from 35% to 60% of your daily caloric intake should be carbohydrates, with the majority of those coming from complex carbs (whole grains, fruits, vegetables)

    to translate this, carbs are 4 calories per gram (approximately), protein is also about 4 calories per gram, and fat is about 9 calories per gram, so you can convert your percentages easily from this.