100 pounds to lose... I'm restarting my journey.

Hello all,

I have been part of My Fitness Pal on and off for years now. I haven't used it seriously in a very long time, but I've reached a point in my life that if I don't start getting serious again then I'm going to end up in the hospital. I'm redoing my profile and cleaning things up. I'm considering myself brand new because clearly some stuff has changed and I haven't been here for a long time.

About 7 years ago I had two spinal fusions so I'm very much familiar with chronic pain. This is a major factor of why it's so hard to be fit and healthy. Pain has caused all sorts of mental and emotional problems for years now. But I'm at the worst I've ever been.

I'm at my highest weight: 265 pounds
I'm in the most pain. My depression and anxiety is heightened...
It's just been a really tough year. I've gained 40 pounds in the last 12 months alone and that is a lot for me. I feel like it came on all at once and my body is paying for it. I'm laid off from work until Mid-March so thats really not helping me keep busy and I just started school again after taking a two year break. I'm ready to start my life. I'm 24 years old and I need to feel like I'm taking control of my life.

I just joined a gym that I'm pretty comfortable in with one of my best friends, but I need a greater and stronger support system if I'm going to do this right this time.

I want to lose 100 pounds in the long run, but thats not what my sights are set on right now. I'll be happy with every pound lost no matter how long it takes I just need your help and support.

If you're in the same boat I'm in or want someone to help keep each other motivated then lets become friends and regularly check in together, support each other, challenge each other... I want this journey to be fun and I want to see results. :smile: Please message me if you are interested or comment. Thank you all so much.


  • Emdee86
    Emdee86 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi There!

    So many inspiring attitudes here, we can do this. I too have been getting "signals" if you will, from my poor body, begging me to treat it right. I'd love to connect with you, for check-ins and challenges!! It seems you may be a bit more experienced with this app than me (used it for a few months, just found out about the community! Lol) so please, feel free to add me and let's help each other through this!!

    All the best,
  • cthomas4579
    cthomas4579 Posts: 5 Member
    It's all in the mind! I've been overweight my entire life hit my worst at 324 pounds. Wife and I had twin boys and about a year later when they started getting really mobile something clicked in my head! I started the journey the day after thanksgiving in 2013. Have lost 93 pounds so far.

    I found some of my biggest motivation from watching Chris Powell's show but started simply with walking on a treadmill I made it my goal to sweat. Just keep walking till I'm soaked in sweat. That task has gotten harder over the past year. In the beginning I was really hurting after a mile to a mile and a half but I'm getting through 4 to 4.5 miles now in 45 minutes.

    It's all in the mind! Being overweight is a lifestyle (which can literally be thought of as a habit) habits are hard to break. Chris Powell pushes people to make a promise to themselves. Something simple! Like "log your food on myfitnesspal each day" or "wake up a half hour early each day and make a healthy breakfast" whatever it is. If you can't keep that simple promise your mind may not be in the right place yet. So you have to find that one thing that motivates you to keep your promise. I believe that was my boys!

    Seeing them run around making me winded was more than enough to kick me in the side to get going again.

    I still have a good 20 pounds to lose and these are the hardest by far. But I'm keeping my promise and having more fun each day with my babies.

    I'd be happy to offer guidance motivation whatever. Feel free to add me. Hope I can help
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member

    I can certainly understand your situation. Just over a year ago, I was in a lot of pain myself. Carrying 100+ excess pounds, my knees were screaming at me all day long. I committed to drop that weight, and now my knees are virtually pain free. Full story here.

    I wish you a successful weight loss program, and a pain-free future.
  • rigorouslogik
    rigorouslogik Posts: 13 Member

    I defiantly understand where you are coming from. I am just starting my journey to lose 100 pounds, and it is extremely hard for me to even walk for 10 minutes without my lower back being in pain and feeling like its going to give out. If you need anything even just to talk hit me up.

    Good luck on your journey you can do this.