Uk member looking for friends :)

I don't just want to be motivated, I want to poke fun and laugh so if anyone is out there who doesn't take themselves too seriously (apart from the logging obviously *wags finger*) then feel free to add me :smiley:
Want to make the journey as positive as possible!


  • melorastar
    melorastar Posts: 31 Member
    Heloooo! I also think it's important not to take everything too seriously during such a journey, otherwise it just becomes toooo serious and depressing *cries over ice cream
    Yayyy friends, I shall add you if that okey :'D
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    I'm pretty light-hearted and try not to take everything too seriously, always happy to have new friends who actively log/post, so long as they don't yell at me over my hopeless love affair with chocolate. :p
  • aromaticmist13
    aromaticmist13 Posts: 20 Member
    Well my theory is that if I'm enjoying the social company, then I'll keep on top of tracking & logging :) not that I'm having trouble at the moment, I've come over rather like an obsessed mfp drug addict!
  • David2788
    David2788 Posts: 94 Member
    If you don't enjoy the journey then you will never get to the goal and just wimper out. New on here myself and it seems a good place for that extra motivation!
  • tnzglr
    tnzglr Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in! SteampunkSongbird, Chocolate is my weakness too!
    I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, so a chill community would be great!
  • Darkhawk1969
    Darkhawk1969 Posts: 1,419 Member
    life is too short to take things too seriously, like to have a laugh, normally at my expense. Feel free to add x
  • I've just started this all over again, so I'm in! I need a right good boot up the bum when it comes to my tracking, I'm awful!
  • Help guys motivation needed!
  • daisy_janinex
    daisy_janinex Posts: 20 Member
    Motivation needed here toooo!
  • daisy_janinex
    daisy_janinex Posts: 20 Member
    (from the Uk also :)
  • VixxyLiss
    VixxyLiss Posts: 44 Member
    Add me in, I'm in the UK as well, need to have fun or die of boredom! Love MFP, where else can you talk about food, exercise and all those other things without people's eyes glazing over and being labelled as a diet bore! :D
  • Wibbly1960
    Wibbly1960 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi... I'm from South East Sheffield and have been a member here for just over a year and I too now need support... I lost 70lbs very quickly, initially planned and then down to losing my appetite because my husband left me. A year on I have regained 15lbs and I have to stop the rot and go into reverse. I recognise that I am an emotional eater, so this place will be brilliant for giving and getting support. :#
  • I've added you and I'm British too
  • Jim_G30
    Jim_G30 Posts: 72 Member
    In UK (Livingston, Scotland), don't take myself seriously, and like to have a laugh even though this is a serious process of change. Add me anyone/everyone..
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    edited February 2015
    Just tried to add you :)
  • From US definitely need motivation to lost weight.
  • Also UK..... Added you. Shout if you need motivation or advice
  • Tandysbooty
    Tandysbooty Posts: 13 Member
    UK here, 2nd time rounder too :p
    Trying not to be uptight but yes I have weighed myself after dropping the kids off in a hope to weigh less
  • baby_girl_ellie
    baby_girl_ellie Posts: 20 Member
    Hi I'm from UK and I want to have a laugh! Please please add me every one!
  • JoeyJo865
    JoeyJo865 Posts: 5 Member
    Heya.. I'm new here and from UK.. Wanting laugh, friends, support, advice xx please add me everyone