Lower cal junk foods



  • kayeiam
    kayeiam Posts: 215 Member
    Question for Phoenix_Down. If you put pork, beef, chicken, fish all in one category what would you call it? Most would say "Meat". If you put Cheese, Milk, Yogurt, Butter in one category what would you call it? Most would say "dairy", If you put Frito's, chips, brownies, cakes, pie's, etc into one category WHAT WOULD YOU CALL IT ? The rest of us would say "Junk" It doesn't mean you can't eat it, it is just label for that category and we all know what it means. So what do you call that last category since you don't call it 'JUNK"?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    How about "high crave snack foods". Or sweet snack/savoury snack?

    How about fun food?
    Not to be confused with "fun with food" which is a whole different subject and one where icecream fits the bill perfectly....
  • peter56765
    peter56765 Posts: 352 Member
    “When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

    ’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

    ’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    kayeiam wrote: »
    Question for Phoenix_Down. If you put pork, beef, chicken, fish all in one category what would you call it? Most would say "Meat". If you put Cheese, Milk, Yogurt, Butter in one category what would you call it? Most would say "dairy", If you put Frito's, chips, brownies, cakes, pie's, etc into one category WHAT WOULD YOU CALL IT ? The rest of us would say "Junk" It doesn't mean you can't eat it, it is just label for that category and we all know what it means. So what do you call that last category since you don't call it 'JUNK"?

    For me personally, my food fits into 3 categories: protein, fat, and carbs. So I'd call fritos, chips, brownies, etc. carbs because that's primarily what they consist of. If I was the OP, I would have phrased the question, "What are some lower-calorie snack options I can eat?"
  • peter56765
    peter56765 Posts: 352 Member
    https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=junk food definition

    junk food
    food that has low nutritional value, typically produced in the form of packaged snacks needing little or no preparation

    Seems like a perfectly reasonable and workable definition. And I suspect we all really understood OP's use of the term to mean precisely this. Anything else is people bringing their own biases to the table.
  • petitedemoiselle
    petitedemoiselle Posts: 69 Member
    Here for suggestions. :D
  • hellcaterika
    hellcaterika Posts: 12 Member
    I actually have a pack of the Keebler Fudge cookies. Not exactly healthy but definitely portions it out nicely for ya...lgpcxihz54lc.jpg
    elf.jpg 75.2K
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I am so over this..... Thanks for the suggestions, all. There were some good ideas here for when I want some "junk" food. It's just a term, I'm sorry it offends some of you, but I'm not going to stop using it.
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    I am so over this..... Thanks for the suggestions, all. There were some good ideas here for when I want some "junk" food. It's just a term, I'm sorry it offends some of you, but I'm not going to stop using it.

    And you shouldn't
  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    kayeiam wrote: »
    Question for Phoenix_Down. If you put pork, beef, chicken, fish all in one category what would you call it? Most would say "Meat". If you put Cheese, Milk, Yogurt, Butter in one category what would you call it? Most would say "dairy", If you put Frito's, chips, brownies, cakes, pie's, etc into one category WHAT WOULD YOU CALL IT ? The rest of us would say "Junk" It doesn't mean you can't eat it, it is just label for that category and we all know what it means. So what do you call that last category since you don't call it 'JUNK"?

    For me personally, my food fits into 3 categories: protein, fat, and carbs. So I'd call fritos, chips, brownies, etc. carbs because that's primarily what they consist of. If I was the OP, I would have phrased the question, "What are some lower-calorie snack options I can eat?"

    ^these are my feels, too. And man, I love carbs.
  • rseneca724
    rseneca724 Posts: 46 Member
    When I want to have some junk food, (I am using the term to reference the foods that we learned about our entire lives as having little to no nutritional value and given a cutesy name that encompasses all kinds of these items), I will try to find better alternatives to the originals. I still indulge in the originals, because let's face it, Baked Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles are no match for the original. But I will eat them in the interest of saving some calories in my diet. I LOVE Fiber One's 90 calorie Chocolate Fudge Brownies, but will on occasion indulge in that good ol' boxed kind from Duncan Hines that you get to lick the spoon after making.

    it's all about balance, and making room for these goodies when you can. And when you can't make room for the original old skool junk food, there are other things that are less bad for your body, that actually taste pretty good. I have noticed that so-called "diet food" has come a long way since the 80's-90's which is when I first thought I should try dieting....

    Oh crap, is someone going to argue with me about the term "diet food" now?

  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Popcorn. Especially if it's not the packaged microwave kind.
  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    I'm the same way! CHOCOLATE ALL DAY EVERY DAY. lol :)
    Anyway, I eat Chocokage Brownie Quest protein bars (170 calories, 20g protein!). Also, Atkins has these little chocolate caramel squares that are about 47 calories each and don't taste like "diet food" :)
  • katab2014
    katab2014 Posts: 41 Member
    A good tip is to get travel portions of stuff which helps you with your portion control. There's a new product out in UK supermarkets called Urban fruits which are delicious.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    I bought some of those Keebler fudge cookies because I just thought of them last night and wanted them. 2 little cookies have 170 calories, so that's disappointing! Just looking for ideas on sweet type junk food crap without a HUGE amount of calories. Thanks!

    No offense...ok, some offense, but you are either in this or you are not. If you are serious about what you want to do to make gains, you will not ask questions like this.
  • ms_milo
    ms_milo Posts: 4 Member
    -- SF pudding mix stirred into plain FF yogurt
    -- popcorn sprayed with cooking spray and tossed with cinnamon & sweetener
    -- protein powder mug cakes (check Pinterest)
    -- frozen fruit blended with plain yogurt (similar to soft serve)
    -- ditto to canned pumpkin or apples microwaved with cinnamon & sweetener