trouble with snacking late at night

I have recently booked a holiday for october which has given me some motivation to loose the weight that I so badly need to shift. My only problem is that i tend to feel hungry later in the evening if i eat dinner at around 5/6 and i know eating late at night is bad


  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    It's likely out of habit rather than hunger.

    My body is used to eating at night, thanks to having 3 little ones. I find decaf hot tea helps curb the instinct to eat once my minions are in bed.
  • Good observation!! Here is a neat trick! Right after dinner, brush your teeth and use mouthwash. If you do this, you won't want to eat!!

    Awesome that you're going on Holiday. Where are you off to?
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    I have similar issue sometimes. Try snacking on baby carrots or celery...even a handful of nuts won't kill ya. Almond milk unsweetened, is only 30 calories for a cup and fills you up! I also find that green tea or ginger tea or peppermint tea, relax me and lesson the cravings as well. Maybe set aside 100-150 calories for emergency snacking after dinner? As long as you're not eating heavy foods at night and staying within your calorie goals, I don't see a problem. It's calories in, calories out!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Just stop doing it. Your body will program itself after a while
  • On wednesday which was my first day back on track after booking the holiday (to tunisia by the way) I was so hungry and I had thought about that and had packed up some fruit and a small bag of those special k bite things but even after that I was hungry and then I went to bed early and hubgry because I was wound up with myself because I expected more of myself and couldnt understand why I was so hungry

  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    One thing that will help is to eat more fiber, and make sure you're getting in enough protein.

    Then, if you're still hungry at night, have a snack that's about 100-200 calories....with some protein and a little carbs.

    I have a snack box that has 100 cal protein/fiber bars and 120 cal snack bags of pretzels in it. I'll also break down other snacks like that into baggies so that I have a "go to place" where the snacks are relatively safe to eat. I also have it right next to a dorm fridge that has string cheese and yogurt in it. Just last night, I had a baggie of pretzels (120 cal) and 2 things of string cheese (100 cal). It worked out nicely.

    For what it's worth...
  • mirki002
    mirki002 Posts: 47 Member
    I love snacking at night so I try to leave at least 300ish calories for a snack after dinner. I find it helps to choose a snack that you have to make, because time spent making it is time not eating- I like oven roasted kale chips, chickpeas, or edamame. After that I have some tricks to stop snacking: drink herbal tea, take a bath, paint your nails, or do some other activity that distracts from eating. If all else fails, I go lay in bed and watch tv. Usually when I am in bed I'm not thinking about snacking. I also eat dinner around 5 because I work 7-3 and eat lunch at 11am or earlier most days, so I feel your pain. You will find what works for you!
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    I eat dinner later, usually about 7. Meal timing in itself doesn't matter unless it affects your sleep. The only reason they say "don't eat after ___" is if you're late night snacking beyond your calorie goals. I also plan on a small snack before bed, usually chocolate milk.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    mirki002 wrote: »
    I love snacking at night so I try to leave at least 300ish calories for a snack after dinner.

    this. I get a rice cake and peanut butter (sometimes even with chocolate chips on top, calories permitting) at night if I'm good through the whole day. it helps me stay focused when my office starts stacking up with daily treats. "I can have this now, or I can have that later."
  • moulecular
    moulecular Posts: 6 Member
    I had the same problem, but when I ate at night sometimes I would go overboard. I don't eat about 5hrs before I sleep (that's just me). I would adjust when, what, and how much you eat. Eat foods that make you feel more full, and drink lots of water through the day. It's good for you and it makes you feel full. If you need to eat more during dinner, cut a few calories from breakfast/lunch and put it towards your dinner. This is from my experience. Stay on track and good luck!
  • Thank you everyone for your advice, i am greatful for any tips people can give me I love the tip for making the snack so its time not eating i might try roasted chickpeas I like spicy things so I could always add some spices
  • jsobole
    jsobole Posts: 139 Member
    I used to be a HUGE late night snacker too. Now if I feel the pangs and know that based on my calories for the day I SHOULDN'T be hungry - I drink a glass of water. Dehydration can lead to hunger pangs. If I still feel hungry after that, then a small, healthy snack, which you've seen above! :)