Couch to 5k - Starting 02/23/15

I'm looking for people to friend on here who are also looking to train using the C25k running plan.

I already completed C25k once (last spring) and jogged/walked my first 5k on July 4th at 39:26. I'm aiming to get under 35:00 at the same annual 5k July 4th 2015! Since the summer I haven't gotten much running in and I figure it'd be a good place to start again.

I'm going to start on February 23 (I always start my week on a Monday). I plan to run 3-4 times a week; I've been running on a treadmill due to joint and asthma problems but once it warms up here I plan to switch over to running on a track.

Anyone else looking to start or re-start? Let's do it together!


  • Enf3ktid
    Enf3ktid Posts: 10 Member
    I am planning on running my first 5k in April. I planned on using C25K also! I'll add ya!
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    Sure I'll join in! It's bitterly cold here though (-37*C), so I've been running on the spot in m living room. Probably 2-3 more weeks before it's decent enough to even think about running outside :(
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I'm going to download the "Zombies, Run!!" app which apparently has a C25k type module. It sounds fun and entertaining. I was planning to wait until I got under 155 lb but I'm only 1-2 lb away and getting bored with my cardio stuff so I'll be starting soon.
  • olgasgarden
    olgasgarden Posts: 34 Member
    i am a runner. i have been unable to run over last 2 months (at the rate that i would like). i am hoping that i will be back on track in March. i have about 15 lb that i need to drop to get to my goal.
  • keeponlaughing
    keeponlaughing Posts: 41 Member
    I just started couch to 5k on Tuesday:) I plan to run 5 to 7 times a week. I go out on my lunch hour at work as the weather here is abnormally nice right now. I am in now way abnormally runner abnormally am way out of shape but so far am loving it!
  • mustangtiff21
    mustangtiff21 Posts: 21 Member
    Im in! Feel free to add me. I have good results when doing it before. I need to get back into this!
  • DecemberPsalm
    DecemberPsalm Posts: 97 Member
    I just started C25K yesterday. I'm a beginner to say the least, never been able to jog more than 5 minutes at a time (and that was ONE single time, haha), so this shall be interesting! Feel free to friend me:)
  • Hi there! Can this Brit join in? Would love to have some supportive people to get me going again!
  • joools1980
    joools1980 Posts: 2 Member
    Me too!
  • CriticLite
    CriticLite Posts: 32 Member
    I'll join in too!
  • Kelin
    Kelin Posts: 49 Member
    I'll do it! Add me!
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    There's a couch to 5 k group with lots of helpful info and a daily check in thread. Click on the groups tab. I ran W6D1 yesterday. You can do it!
  • jonesm97
    jonesm97 Posts: 39 Member
    I would love to join. Add me!!!! It's bitter cold here outside so I will compromise. Is there an app that has tips and hints?
  • tabyzd
    tabyzd Posts: 5 Member
    I would like to join! I plan on starting C25k this weekend. How do we do it together - by adding each other as friends, or using this thread to check in? (This is my first MFP post, so I'm still learning how this works).
  • scg17
    scg17 Posts: 88 Member
    Doing a 5k mud/obstacle run in June. I'll join :)
  • I've been wanting to transition to running/treadmill for my cardio so you can count me in!
  • doogledoggle
    doogledoggle Posts: 17 Member a non runner starting out
  • SDB210
    SDB210 Posts: 100 Member
    Me too, I just finished week 1, I've never been any good at running so hoping I will surprise myself!
  • steebsthegreat
    steebsthegreat Posts: 70 Member
    jonesm97 wrote: »
    I would love to join. Add me!!!! It's bitter cold here outside so I will compromise. Is there an app that has tips and hints?

    I think there actually might be an app. I usually just look at the plan before I get to the gym or get outside and track it with my FitBit Charge.
  • steebsthegreat
    steebsthegreat Posts: 70 Member
    edited February 2015
    tabyzd wrote: »
    I would like to join! I plan on starting C25k this weekend. How do we do it together - by adding each other as friends, or using this thread to check in? (This is my first MFP post, so I'm still learning how this works).

    You can add me as a friend if you'd like. I'm going to post after each workout.
    Or I guess we can just post in this thread for everyone who plans to start next week!