Waist Size

I am 5'4" and about 114 pounds. My waist is usually around 27 inches. I really want to get it down to at least 25 inches. I measured my waist size today to find that it is almost 28 inches and I am devastated.

I am unable to get to a gym much because I am an engineering student that has an extreme amount of homework and getting to the gym in such cold temperatures is difficult. However, I tend to walk about 1 mile per day to get to and from classes. I keep my calorie consumption around 1200 calories per day, and I have been trying to manage my sodium intake, which is pretty difficult when I need to use my school's meal plan.

Does anyone have some advice on how to shrink my waist and get more comfortable in my own skin?


  • kandell
    kandell Posts: 473 Member
    Everyone will tell you that you can't spot reduce. Unfortunately that's true. But a calorie defecit should definitely help. And try ab exercises to tone up your abdomen muscles, which could help as well. Blogilates has some great ab workout videos.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    At your size, I doubt losing weight or even strength training is going to make a big difference (in fact, a lot of ab work might increase your waist measurement if the muscles get bigger. It'll still look flatter but it's probably not going to be a huge help if you're looking for that hourglass kind of shape.)

    I'm about the same height and weight and I think it's pretty much just genetics. My waist is just under 25" but my chest is still almost 34" and my hips don't go much lower than 35" no matter what. It's just one of those things you have to accept. Some people are hourglass-y, some are pear-shaped, some are straight the whole way down.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    No spot reducing... I am 46 and do have added "fluff" around my mid section .. because of well who knows.

    I do Jack Knifes, Pilates, sit ups, crunches, etc.. every day... It works

    Curious, is this weight gain or possibly bloating or water rentsion.. I am 5'4" and 115 and my waist can be different size depending on the day like on my period, bloating, gas, water rentention... but I still have some fluffy belly too..

  • dontjinxit
    dontjinxit Posts: 82 Member
    My waist is around 28 and it goes up and down by an inch on any given day. Measure it a couple of different times before panicking :)
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    Stomach measurements can vary quite a bit just like weight. You might have just been a little bloated!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    dontjinxit wrote: »
    My waist is around 28 and it goes up and down by an inch on any given day. Measure it a couple of different times before panicking :)

    Yes, this. And, the types of food you eat affect your stomach and your waist. Food and drink that cause bloating are the problem.
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    edited February 2015
    xoxluvvy wrote: »
    I am 5'4" and about 114 pounds. My waist is usually around 27 inches. I really want to get it down to at least 25 inches. I measured my waist size today to find that it is almost 28 inches and I am devastated.

    I am unable to get to a gym much because I am an engineering student that has an extreme amount of homework and getting to the gym in such cold temperatures is difficult. However, I tend to walk about 1 mile per day to get to and from classes. I keep my calorie consumption around 1200 calories per day, and I have been trying to manage my sodium intake, which is pretty difficult when I need to use my school's meal plan.

    Does anyone have some advice on how to shrink my waist and get more comfortable in my own skin?
    Untile I got to 60 sm waist from 66 sm I lost weight from lot of places so there really isn't spot reduction only workout + cal def ( I am 1 kilo less now then I was on this pic ) I do calistenics with 4 kilo weight and 10 kilo (squats,crunches,arm workout,planks etc.)
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    kandell wrote: »
    Everyone will tell you that you can't spot reduce. Unfortunately that's true. But a calorie defecit should definitely help. And try ab exercises to tone up your abdomen muscles, which could help as well. Blogilates has some great ab workout videos.

    I've been doing the Blogilates 28 Day Abs! I'm only on day 15 and my abs are already starting to look fantastic :)

  • xoxluvvy
    xoxluvvy Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you everyone! I will definitely check out those Blogilates videos and wait for a few more measurements.
  • dinosaurparty
    dinosaurparty Posts: 185 Member
    If you're 114lbs and 5'4"... well, I remember when I was about that size, and I hate to say it, but unless you have a teeny tiny bone structure, your waist might not physically be able to get much smaller than that. Bloating might have a bit to do with it, but that comes and goes. You might consider doing some ab/core exercises - they won't necessarily make your waist smaller, but they can give you a 'tighter' look around your midsection.

    I agree with the user who said it might just be genetics. 27/28 inches is definitely not a big waist.

  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    You may just have to accept that around 27" is your natural waist size. You cant exercise your body into a shape you weren't born with. Meaning, if you do not have a natural hourglass waist curve, you may not ever get one. I myself don't have much of a waist. I also have extremely short legs and a propensity to carry ALL my extra fat in the butt and backs of thighs. I may not prefer it, but I don't let it "devastate" me. It's useless railing against the things you can't change.

    Also, 1200 cals is too low for someone your height. And if you're not weighing your food (which I'm assuming you're not because you're on a school meal plan) then you're probably overestimating your calories by quite a bit every day, and probably have no idea what your actual intake is.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    Just popping in to be all "yay Blogilates"!
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    You may just have to accept that around 27" is your natural waist size. You cant exercise your body into a shape you weren't born with. Meaning, if you do not have a natural hourglass waist curve, you may not ever get one. I myself don't have much of a waist. I also have extremely short legs and a propensity to carry ALL my extra fat in the butt and backs of thighs. I may not prefer it, but I don't let it "devastate" me. It's useless railing against the things you can't change.

    Also, 1200 cals is too low for someone your height. And if you're not weighing your food (which I'm assuming you're not because you're on a school meal plan) then you're probably overestimating your calories by quite a bit every day, and probably have no idea what your actual intake is.

    This. There are just some things you can't make smaller (not without pushing too hard). My hips will never drop below a certain point. It's just not happening. Your waist is at a good place and small for an adult. If you're around college student age, this might be the time where you start looking at yourself in terms of adult sizes and not teen sizes.

    I wouldn't drop any more weight. Strength training could help with shaping your body the way you want it to look in terms of overall appearance.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    It seems a sill unattainable goal to me. You are a great weight for your height. Enjoy QUIT OBSESSING go on maintenance and enjoy life!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Devastated over a 1" difference in waist size? That's an extreme reaction.

    Start eating at maintenance or slightly over and strength train so that you can build some muscle, which will give you a tighter look, with or without a change in measurement.
  • MaryCS62
    MaryCS62 Posts: 266 Member
    I've lost about 45 lbs, & you can definitely tell when looking at my face & belly -- they're much smaller. However, even though I've had to set aside several pairs of pants for being too big (yay!), my legs are still quite large, & my hips will always be. I have the typical hourglass shape -- supposedly, the ideal waist to hip diffence is (-) 10 inches, but at my lowest, it's (-)14 inches. When I was wearing a size 12 (back in college) I couldn't wear my mom's size 16, straight cut skirts--miles too big in the waist, couldn't get them over my hips/thighs. She & I are built completely differently, & could never wear the same things.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    At your height and weight, I'm not sure how much smaller it's going to get. Being 5'4", 114 is the low end of a healthy weight for you. If it's a different shape you're going for, you could try bulking and lifting to grow your glutes, which might help give you a more hour glass shape.

    I have a 27 inch waist as well. Also 5'4" but weigh 136 pounds. I'm shooting for 26 but the thing won't budge.