Do you think he is right???



  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Cking1162 wrote: »
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    Cking1162 wrote: »
    My husband told me that the only way I am going to start losing weight is if I totally jump-start my system and work out for 3 hours a day for awhile. I am thinking if I keep working out sensibly (I go to gym 3 days a week and do 40 min of running and weight machines; and work out 3 days at home doing exercise bike, Jillian shred and kettle ball for about 1 hour a day) and eating 1300 calories a day without eating exercise calories back I will eventually see results. I started MFP a 15 days ago...saw a 3 lb weight loss quickly then gained 2 back but I am thinking that is just from the change in diet/exercise.

    I should mention that the reason he believes this is that it is hard to lose weight because i have Hashimoto's (hypothyroid) and insulin resistant.

    Thoughts? I am depressed thinking I am going to have to work out for 3 hours a day to see any results.


    I have PCOS and thyroid issues, and I lost the majority of my 160 lbs without exercising at all. Unfortunately, when I started, places like MFP weren't around, so I thought if a little was good, more was better. I ended up with an eating disorder by working out too much and not eating enough. Your current workout schedule sounds more than sufficient. Weight loss happens more from diet than from exercise. Exercise if more about health. And if you just jump in and immediately start doing 3 hours, it's just asking for an injury.

    thank you --this helps a lot!

    I'm glad! Feel free to message me if you need support!
  • Cking1162
    Cking1162 Posts: 65 Member
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    Cking1162 wrote: »
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    Cking1162 wrote: »
    My husband told me that the only way I am going to start losing weight is if I totally jump-start my system and work out for 3 hours a day for awhile. I am thinking if I keep working out sensibly (I go to gym 3 days a week and do 40 min of running and weight machines; and work out 3 days at home doing exercise bike, Jillian shred and kettle ball for about 1 hour a day) and eating 1300 calories a day without eating exercise calories back I will eventually see results. I started MFP a 15 days ago...saw a 3 lb weight loss quickly then gained 2 back but I am thinking that is just from the change in diet/exercise.

    I should mention that the reason he believes this is that it is hard to lose weight because i have Hashimoto's (hypothyroid) and insulin resistant.

    Thoughts? I am depressed thinking I am going to have to work out for 3 hours a day to see any results.


    I have PCOS and thyroid issues, and I lost the majority of my 160 lbs without exercising at all. Unfortunately, when I started, places like MFP weren't around, so I thought if a little was good, more was better. I ended up with an eating disorder by working out too much and not eating enough. Your current workout schedule sounds more than sufficient. Weight loss happens more from diet than from exercise. Exercise if more about health. And if you just jump in and immediately start doing 3 hours, it's just asking for an injury.

    thank you --this helps a lot!

    I'm glad! Feel free to message me if you need support!

    Thank you :)
  • LavenderLeaves
    LavenderLeaves Posts: 195 Member
    Yeah. It's not his field. He means well but he's wrong. Talk to your endo, talk to a registered dietician - doctors tend to have very specialized fields.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    edited February 2015
    jkwolly wrote: »

    Calories in vs. calories out for weight loss.

    ^this. While thyroid issues might make it a bit harder calorie deficit still rules weight loss

    This. your husband is incorrect. I also have thyroid issues. While my weight loss may be slower than others', I certainly have lost weight (97 pounds actually). It's taken a while, but never, ever have I had to go to the gym for 3 hours a day to lose weight! In fact, many weeks, I'm hard pressed to go to the gym for a total of 3 hours all week!

    ETA: I also eat plenty of carbs. I don't demonize any food, I just eat everything in moderation.
  • Cking1162
    Cking1162 Posts: 65 Member
    Thorsmom05 wrote: »
    I don't care if this isn't your husbands field, he should know that three hours a day of working out is not a bright idea at all. Sounds like he has different motives to me ,but that's just my opinion. He gave you terrible advice and it lacks common sense .

    He is an Iron he lacks some perspective. I think he is frustrated that I am frustrated. But I agree....he is wrong. That is why I wanted to see what others thought!
  • annas987
    annas987 Posts: 301 Member
    Sounds like he wants to start off at Level 10! Start sensibly at Level 1 and work your way up!
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    I am hypothyroid and have am now in maintenance after reaching my goals, so it is possible, if it is well managed.

    Weight loss is primarily from controlling your diet. If you're not using a food scale, I would highly recommend getting one, and using it for everything. For example, I weigh my cereal every day. It's shocking the difference in grams for similar volume at the start of a box vs at the end of a box. Also, sometimes the serving sizes are inaccurate on some packages, always go by the weight they indicate for a serving, not on the number of slices etc.

    Good luck!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Cking1162 wrote: »
    Thorsmom05 wrote: »
    I don't care if this isn't your husbands field, he should know that three hours a day of working out is not a bright idea at all. Sounds like he has different motives to me ,but that's just my opinion. He gave you terrible advice and it lacks common sense .

    He is an Iron he lacks some perspective. I think he is frustrated that I am frustrated. But I agree....he is wrong. That is why I wanted to see what others thought!

    I understand . it can be frustrating and he probably didn't really think about it before speaking. Just know that cico does work and that even though it may be a bit harder for you due to your medical issues , that it can be done. I suggest using a food scale and weighing and measuring everything you consume . stick with your current workout times, there's seriously no need to do three hours per day . I started at @202 and am currently 135. I'm 5'8 tall . portion control works wonders :) you'll be fine :)
  • pplastics
    pplastics Posts: 135 Member
    Cking1162 wrote: »
    Thorsmom05 wrote: »
    I don't care if this isn't your husbands field, he should know that three hours a day of working out is not a bright idea at all. Sounds like he has different motives to me ,but that's just my opinion. He gave you terrible advice and it lacks common sense .

    He is an Iron he lacks some perspective. I think he is frustrated that I am frustrated. But I agree....he is wrong. That is why I wanted to see what others thought!

    Men want to solve while sometimes women just need to vent. My advice is to stop complaining to him that you are not losing weight, keep doing what you are doing (more reasonable workout routine/eating within calorie goals), and become happy with yourself no matter what size you are.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Nope I think he's wrong

  • Cking1162
    Cking1162 Posts: 65 Member
    Thorsmom05 wrote: »
    Cking1162 wrote: »
    Thorsmom05 wrote: »
    I don't care if this isn't your husbands field, he should know that three hours a day of working out is not a bright idea at all. Sounds like he has different motives to me ,but that's just my opinion. He gave you terrible advice and it lacks common sense .

    He is an Iron he lacks some perspective. I think he is frustrated that I am frustrated. But I agree....he is wrong. That is why I wanted to see what others thought!

    I understand . it can be frustrating and he probably didn't really think about it before speaking. Just know that cico does work and that even though it may be a bit harder for you due to your medical issues , that it can be done. I suggest using a food scale and weighing and measuring everything you consume . stick with your current workout times, there's seriously no need to do three hours per day . I started at @202 and am currently 135. I'm 5'8 tall . portion control works wonders :) you'll be fine :)

    Good ideas! thank you!
  • LoveLoveandRage
    LoveLoveandRage Posts: 55 Member
    I have PCOS (causes insulin resistance) and Hypothyroidism. I am losing, slowly, by working out moderately and watching what I eat. I don't stick to my plan 100% but I am still making progress when I don't completely fall off the wagon. Consistency is key. You do not need to burn yourself out, but realize progress may be slow.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    You should never just jump into doing three hour per day workouts. It takes a while for your body to get used to putting in that much effort. Besides which, many people who are putting in a lot of exercise don't lose weight because they think they can eat more than they should.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Nope. Weight loss starts in the kitchen and has nothing to do with exercise. Exercise is for your health and to increase your deficit.
  • barnot113
    Totally agree with Blankiefinder...use a digital scale to measure food! It makes a world of difference. Mis-measuring can lead to all sorts of frustration: you think you're getting x number of calories but then don't lose weight because in reality you are consuming much more!
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    Your husband's way can lead to injury. You don't need to work out 3 hours a day. Just stick to your calorie count. That is the best way to lose weight. Exercising 45 - 60 minutes a day 3 - 5 days a week is great for your health. But, you don't need to do more than that.

    And don't think you can't lose. I am disabled, 61 years old, on medication that puts weight on, have thyroid nodules, etc., etc., and I have 62 lbs off so far. If I can lose weight, you can.
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    3 pounds over 15 days is a success. Gaining back 2 pounds (still 15 days is) is just normal weight fluctuation from a wide range of reasons. Keep pressing forward with your plan and you'll continue to see results. 3 hours a day right of the bat could easily burn you out and you can be just as successful with the plan you originally decided on.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    Cking1162 wrote: »
    My husband told me that the only way I am going to start losing weight is if I totally jump-start my system and work out for 3 hours a day for awhile. I am thinking if I keep working out sensibly (I go to gym 3 days a week and do 40 min of running and weight machines; and work out 3 days at home doing exercise bike, Jillian shred and kettle ball for about 1 hour a day) and eating 1300 calories a day without eating exercise calories back I will eventually see results. I started MFP a 15 days ago...saw a 3 lb weight loss quickly then gained 2 back but I am thinking that is just from the change in diet/exercise.

    I should mention that the reason he believes this is that it is hard to lose weight because i have Hashimoto's (hypothyroid) and insulin resistant.

    Thoughts? I am depressed thinking I am going to have to work out for 3 hours a day to see any results.


    depending on how much thyroid function you have is how difficult its going to be - presumably you are on levothyroxine but even with supplemental thyroid hormones its still going to be a bit more difficult to lose weight

    does this mean you have to work out 3 hours a day? certainly not - thats not neccessary or realistic - it does mean that the calories MFP wants you to use or whatever TDEE calculator you use will probably not be accurate - you really need to figure out accurate maintenance calories for you and slowly decrease from there.

    consistency is key - try and keep your macros constant and be as accurate as possible with your food tracking and calorie burn tracking (the calorie burns on here are horribly innacurate)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Cking1162 wrote: »
    Thorsmom05 wrote: »
    Cking1162 wrote: »
    Thorsmom05 wrote: »
    I don't care if this isn't your husbands field, he should know that three hours a day of working out is not a bright idea at all. Sounds like he has different motives to me ,but that's just my opinion. He gave you terrible advice and it lacks common sense .

    He is an Iron he lacks some perspective. I think he is frustrated that I am frustrated. But I agree....he is wrong. That is why I wanted to see what others thought!

    I understand . it can be frustrating and he probably didn't really think about it before speaking. Just know that cico does work and that even though it may be a bit harder for you due to your medical issues , that it can be done. I suggest using a food scale and weighing and measuring everything you consume . stick with your current workout times, there's seriously no need to do three hours per day . I started at @202 and am currently 135. I'm 5'8 tall . portion control works wonders :) you'll be fine :)

    Good ideas! thank you!

    I'm sure if you look around, there's likely groups here that discuss the specific medical issues that your dealing with and that way you can connect with others that are dealing with the same issue. Mfp is a good place to find support and helpful info .you'll see that many others in your situation have had success losing weight and keeping it off . good luck !
  • purplemystra
    purplemystra Posts: 159 Member
    I have PCOS and I'm insulin resistant. Watching carbs has really helped me. I have switched from pasta to spaghetti squash. I use whole grain thin bread instead of regular bread. Also probiotic supplements have helped me a lot.