Lose 5lbs in February 2015 Open Group



  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    SW:185 lbs
    CW:182 lbs
    GW:158 lbs

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(02/01 Sunday):182 lbs
    02/07 Sat: 182
    02/14 Sat: 181
    02/21 Sat:
    End of the month(02/28 Saturday):

    Total weight lost so far this month: 1
  • steebsthegreat
    steebsthegreat Posts: 70 Member
    edited February 2015
    SW: 162
    CW: 160
    GW: 155

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(02/01 Sunday): 160
    02/07 Sat: 159.5
    02/14 Sat: 159.0
    02/21 Sat:
    End of the month(02/28 Saturday):

    Total weight lost: 1.0 pounds

    I'm finding it very difficult to get motivated to go to the gym. It's always so damn cold out and I'm definitely using it as an excuse to stay home. On top of that, I've been sick on and off all month (strep, stomach bug, etc.) so that sucks too. I need to get back to running and lifting!
  • AllAboutThatPace
    AllAboutThatPace Posts: 151 Member
    SW: 202 lbs
    CW: 197.4 lbs
    GW (for the end of the month): 196 lbs

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month (02/01 Sunday): 202 lbs
    02/07 Sat: 200.6
    02/14 Sat: 199.4
    02/21 Sat: 197.4
    End of the month (02/28 Saturday):

    Total weight lost so far this month: 4.6 lbs

    Saturdays are bad days for me to weigh in!!! Sorry! I still want to participate, but I am probably just going to finish out on Friday!!!
  • nicolawall5
    nicolawall5 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I'm kinda puttin up my very first post on here but I have been recording my weight this month, so here it is..

    SW: 206.8 lbs
    CW: 199 lbs
    GW: (for the end of feb) 196 lbs

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(02/01 Sunday): 196
    02/07 Sat: 200
    02/14 Sat: 201
    02/21 Sat: 199
    End of the month(02/28 Saturday):

    Total weight lost so far this month: no overall weight loss
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    SW: 86 kg = 190 lbs
    Feb GW: 74.5 kg = 164.2 lbs

    Start of the month(02/01 Sunday): 76.2 kg = 168.0 lbs
    02/07 Sat: 75.9 = 167.3 lbs
    02/14 Sat: 75.3 = 166.0 lbs
    02/21 Sat: 74.8 = 164.9 lbs
    End of the month(02/28 Saturday):

    Weight lost this month: 1.4 kg = 3 lbs
    Total weight lost: 11.2 kg = 25 lbs

    @nicolawall5‌ Stay positive! No weight lost in one month isn't a big deal. The main thing is that the long term trend is towards a healthier lifestyle :smile:
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    edited February 2015
    This thread helps me so much.

    I restarted my healthy lifestyle in January after a very rough year and putting on around 30 lbs of stress weight. Now to get it off.
    Starting weight- Jan. 1st- 192.5
    Current weight - 188.9
    Goal weight for this month - 183.9 (-5 lbs)
    Ultimate goal weight - 160 (and we will see from there.)

    Weigh in dates:
    Feb. 1st - 188.9
    Feb 8- 186.7 yay!!!
    Feb. 16 - 188.3
    Feb. 21 - 186.7 Back in the right direction.
  • buzzardsrule
    buzzardsrule Posts: 183 Member
    SW: 180.1 pounds
    CW: 139 pounds
    GW: 134 pounds

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of month (Sun) 1/2: 139 lbs
    Sat 7/2: 138.2 lbs
    Sat 14/2: 140 lbs
    Sat 21/2: 139.7 lbs
    Sat 28/2:

    End of Month Sat 28/2:
    (total pounds):
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    SW: 240lbs
    CW: 147lbs
    GW: 142 lbs

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(02/01 Sunday): 147lbs
    02/07 Sat: 145.8lbs
    02/14 Sat: 145.6lbs
    02/21 Sat: 146lbs
    End of the month(02/28 Saturday):

    I had a brutal week of eating 2800-3000 calories/day which is normally fine if I'm running but aside from today I haven't run since Monday. I'm surprised the number on the scale wasn't higher. I'm going to give a strong push for the final week of February. I won't lose another 4lbs by next week, but any loss is good and I'll take it :)
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    SW: 192lbs (13st 10lbs)
    CW: 187lbs (13st 3lbs)
    GW: 180lbs (12st 12lbs)

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(02/01 Sunday): 187lbs (13st 3lbs)
    02/07 Sat: 196.2lbs (14st 0.2lbs)
    02/14 Sat: 187lbs (13st 3lbs)
    02/21 Sat: 189lbs (13st 5lbs)
    End of the month(02/28 Saturday):

    Total weight lost so far this month: 3lbs

    Overall loss: 3lbs

    One more week before the end of the month we can do it.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member

    SW: 217.6
    CW: 176.8
    GW: 171.8

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(02/01 Sunday): 176.8
    02/07 Sat: 175.8
    02/14 Sat: 173.6
    02/21 Sat: 173.8
    End of the month(02/28 Saturday): (won't be able to weigh in this day because I'll be out of state, so I'll weigh in the day before.)

    Total weight lost for month: 3.0 lb

    Forgot to weigh in yesterday, lol. I literally gained a pound after going out to eat on Wednesday (not that i ate 5,000 calories). And even though i take continuous birth control, it would appear that TOM comes to visit me anyway...my skin has been freaking out and that pound of water weight just budged today, but I'm thinking it might come back. Oh well, 3 pounds down for the month, my doctor will be happy with that :D
  • astrotam
    astrotam Posts: 153 Member
    Name: Tammy
    Age: 34
    Height: 5'4"

    SW: 178
    CW: 173
    GW: 168

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(02/01 Sunday): 173
    02/07 Sat: 170.8
    02/14 Sat: 169.2
    02/21 Sat: 166.4
    End of the month (02/28 Saturday):

    Total weight lost so far this month: 6.6!!!

    Woohoo! I don't know how, but I was down another 2.8 lbs this week, even without much exercise other than walking! Hoping this week will be even better!!!
  • brntwaffles27
    SW: (121)
    CW: (121)
    GW: (116)

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(02/01 Sunday): 121
    02/07 Sat: 121
    02/14 Sat: 120.5
    02/21 Sat: 119
    End of the month(02/28 Saturday):

    Total weight lost so far this month: 3 lbs
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    edited February 2015
    SW: 161.4
    GW: 155.0

    Weigh in dates:
    02/01 Sun: 161.4
    02/07 Sat: 157.6
    02/14 Sat: 158.4
    02/21 Sat: 157.4
    02/28 Sat:

    Total weight lost: so far this month 4 lbs, better than last week, fluctuated down to 155 but came back up. Resetting today!!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    SW:185 lbs
    CW:182 lbs
    GW:158 lbs

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(02/01 Sunday):182 lbs
    02/07 Sat: 182
    02/14 Sat: 181
    02/21 Sat: 180
    End of the month(02/28 Saturday):

    Total weight lost so far this month: 2

  • melisahester
    I'd like to join! Just started back up from having a baby ;-)

    SW: 162lbs
    CW: 159lbs
    GW: 125lbs

    Weigh in dates:
    02/21 Sat:162lbs
    End of the month(02/28 Saturday):
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    SW: 192lbs(13st 10lbs)
    CW: 187lbs(13st 5lbs)
    GW: 180lbs(12st 12lbs)

    Weigh in dates:
    Start of the month(02/01 Sunday): 187lbs(13st 5lbs)
    02/07 Sat: 196.2lbs(14st 0.2lbs)
    02/14 Sat: 187lbs(13st 5lbs)
    02/21 Sat: 189lbs(13st 7lbs)
    End of the month(02/28 Saturday): 189lbs(13st 7lbs)

    Total weight lost this month: 3lbs

    Overall loss: 3lbs

    Ok so it is the end of the month and I have lost 3lbs. Hopefully I can lose more next month. For March I am taking part in the British Heart Foundation DECHOX so I don't know if that will make any difference to my weight but I try. Good luck everybody for next month.
  • buzzardsrule
    buzzardsrule Posts: 183 Member
    SW: 180.1 pounds
    CW: 139 pounds
    GW: 134 pounds

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of month (Sun) 1/2: 139 lbs
    Sat 7/2: 138.2 lbs
    Sat 14/2: 140 lbs
    Sat 21/2: 139.7 lbs
    Sat 28/2: 136.8 lbs

    End of Month Sat 28/2: 136.8 lbs
    (total pounds): 2.2 pounds
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    SW: 161.4
    GW: 155.0

    Weigh in dates:
    02/01 Sun: 161.4
    02/07 Sat: 157.6
    02/14 Sat: 158.4
    02/21 Sat: 157.4
    02/28 Sat: 155.6

    Total weight lost: so far this month 5.8 lbs, yay! Close to goal and I think I can do it by Monday. Will someone be creating a thread for March??
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    SW: 86 kg = 190 lbs
    Feb GW: 74.5 kg = 164.2 lbs

    Start of the month(02/01 Sunday): 76.2 kg = 168.0 lbs
    02/07 Sat: 75.9 = 167.3 lbs
    02/14 Sat: 75.3 = 166.0 lbs
    02/21 Sat: 74.8 = 164.9 lbs
    End of the month(02/28 Saturday): Sat: 74.8 = 164.9 lbs

    Weight lost this month: 1.4 kg = 3 lbs
    Total weight lost: 11.2 kg = 25 lbs

    After January's spectacular result I took my eye off the ball and missed my goal. Not doing that again.... Here's for a better March.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Oh well. . .

    SW: 283
    CW: 210.8
    GW: 204 (For the month, I had total goal weight previously, which is 160)

    Weigh in dates:
    02/01: 210.8
    02/07: 207 (Thank you hills and headwinds!)
    02/14: 212.4 (What???)
    02/21: 209.8 (back on track)
    02/28: 208.8 (slowly. ..)
