Getting Started

antoniohunter82 Posts: 9
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Just trying to get back in shape wish me luck.


  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    Good luck to you! It's a wonderful tool to keep you motivated and keeps you accountable for what you eat and how much you exercise!
    Feel free to add me if you would like a new friend.
  • Sidneylog
    Sidneylog Posts: 15
    Best of luck. I been on here for 3 days and I can already tell this time I'm going to do well - I'm sure you'll feel the same too. :)
  • congresta77
    congresta77 Posts: 31 Member
    Good luck!! I am pretty new to this too but am doing great so far!! It is a great tool. I will send you an add because it is good to have friends who can help motivate you. Jami
  • cpumeu
    cpumeu Posts: 89
    Horray! You are doing something awesome for yourself...that is worthy of celebrating. You can do this....stay focused remember you can't do it all at once....Friend me if you like...we can all use motivation! Here if you want!
  • Iam918
    Iam918 Posts: 118 Member
    Just trying to get back in shape wish me luck.

    A free help for you; Change the way you think / talk about your goal of getting in shape and losing weight. Don't say trying, say I will be or I am. Say I will lose xx lbs not I hope to. :D

    It's a subtle change in your thoughts but it'll go a loooong way in helping you to reach your goals.

    This way of thinking helped me as I lost 155+ lbs.

    Best of luck to you, You CAN and WILL do it.
  • Hi! I am new to myfitnesspal. What a great weight loss tool! As a previous member of ww, i am excited to find a way to be accountable for my eating habits and exercise, and it is free!! Wish me luck!!
  • Chitownward
    Chitownward Posts: 3 Member
    Good Luck
  • Chitownward
    Chitownward Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all, I am here and trying a different approach that feels more positive to me. I signed up yesterday and the food journaling showing what my intake was made me do a little planning this morning. The positive words I have read to others is also a help even though they weren't meant for me. I feel good about MFP... Here's to meeting my goal weight by my birthday in October.
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