Diamonds in the Rough 7 Week Challenge: Round 2 [Week 2]



  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    I see you have 3 people in team 11...could I possibly join in on your challenge? I had a challenge last year with my family (mom, aunt, sister) but they all dropped out and I've been trying to get back into my groove so I could keep losing weight and getting in shape - I promise I'm dedicated :flowerforyou:
  • ygrad2001
    ygrad2001 Posts: 230
    QOTD Tuesday- I would have to say water. I have never been much of a water drinker but now that is pretty much all I can stand to drink.

    QOTD-Wed-I seen a friend that I haven't seen in a long time and she actually referred to me as skinny.
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Wednesday WOTD.... I'm just starting out, so I haven't really had too many NSVs yet, but I was very happy the other day when DH told me that my butt looked good :wink:
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: What NSV are you proud of?

    My NSV was last friday when 3 of co-workers said i lost weight i don't see any diff. in me
    and BF said ur waist is getting smaller :tongue:

    Kathy Go blue Diamonds!!!!!!
  • lesiaatkinson
    Wednesday QOTD: I love to see the number on the scale come down. But sometimes it can be stubborn, and I get discouraged. Concentrating on NSV’s (non-scale victories) can help bring me out of my funk. What NSV are you proud of?

    I think my NSV"S would have to be My husband everytime I feel like i'm not making a goal he always tells me how sexy I look :blushing:
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Way to go Ladies!! Especially Blue team! Let's make this week even better!

    Tuesday's QOTD----What is your "new" favorite healthy food?

    my answer--I have discovered avocados. People kept telling me to replace mayo with smashed avocados. It really is good!

    I have found a new love - tilapia. I've been eatting it once a week now.
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: I love to see the number on the scale come down. But sometimes it can be stubborn, and I get discouraged. Concentrating on NSV’s (non-scale victories) can help bring me out of my funk. What NSV are you proud of?

    My NSV would be ending my love affair/ addiction with Diet Mt Dew and replacing it with water. Previously, I was drinking an average of 3 cans a day, some days even 4 cans but only consuming about 20oz of water a day. NOT healthy!!! Now, I only have one can of Diet Mt Dew each day or some days none at all. And I have increased my water consumption to approx 80oz of water per day.
  • DiamondsInTheRough
    I see you have 3 people in team 11...could I possibly join in on your challenge? I had a challenge last year with my family (mom, aunt, sister) but they all dropped out and I've been trying to get back into my groove so I could keep losing weight and getting in shape - I promise I'm dedicated :flowerforyou:

    Unfortunately DITR is completely full with a waiting list. Make sure to sign up in a few weeks for Round 3!
  • chasekilgannon
    I'M A RENEGADE. *swoops*

    I want to pick your brains, ladies, in the non-zombie way. This isn't the question of the day or anything, but I'm the curious type.

    How important is good music in your workout? Do you have to have the perfect playlist or are you able to jive with the radio? That's right, I said jive. Danny Zuko got nothing on me.

    I digress.

    Personally, if so much as one song puts me out of the mode, it's hard for me to not stare at the timer weeping silently for mercy from the machine. And no music at all leaves me staring in the mirror that mocks my efforts, wondering why my glasses just wont stay at the bridge of my nose!

    ...Anywho, your thoughts?
  • emchen
    emchen Posts: 48
    Good active music is essential for me! Especially on a long distance run.

    For awhile I was obsessed with Kaskade's remix of Katy Perry's Teenage Dream:
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    QOTD Tuesday response...... I am loving my chicken right now. I only do chicken or fish. I have to be very creative. Hello Mrs Dash! lol
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    QOTD response Wednsday....... Right now my biggest NSV has to be that I have lost 21" in my neck, chest, waist and hips. Woohoo
  • Nakisha81
    Nakisha81 Posts: 24
    Wednesday QOTD: I love to see the number on the scale come down. But sometimes it can be stubborn, and I get discouraged. Concentrating on NSV’s (non-scale victories) can help bring me out of my funk. What NSV are you proud of?

    I'd have to say trying on several pairs of jeans in my closet that could not go up my thighs to save my life! When I try them on they now go up my thighs & I even have space around the waist. It makes me feel great!

    Tuesday's QOTD: My favorite food would have to be baked or steamed fish.......ummm
  • jacks90
    jacks90 Posts: 14
    Wednesday QOTD: Some NSV that I'm proud of is that many of my jeans are very lose now and when people notice my loss
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Wednesday QOTD - NSV that I'm proud of...

    Well, I'd have to say the thing I'm most proud of right now is that I started mfp about 45 days ago, and I have been faithfully following the program with no cheating. My "treats" have been programmed in and I've logged everything I've eaten. I can't really notice too much difference yet, just maybe in my face a little bit, although I do hear from others that they notice a difference.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Wednesday word: nsv I am proud of is definitely getting back into my pre-pregnancy jeans, and now they are also getting too big! Yipeeeeeee! X
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    Way to go Ladies!! Especially Blue team! Let's make this week even better!

    Tuesday's QOTD----What is your "new" favorite healthy food?

    my answer--I have discovered avocados. People kept telling me to replace mayo with smashed avocados. It really is good!

    Hello Diamonds, I hope everyone had a great day. Tues' QOTD - my favorite food is Chobani greek yogurt. Plain or Pinepple. Also, I love Almond Milk. I started drinking it 3 mos again and have not gone back. I like Blue Diamond brand the best:drinker:
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: I love to see the number on the scale come down. But sometimes it can be stubborn, and I get discouraged. Concentrating on NSV’s (non-scale victories) can help bring me out of my funk. What NSV are you proud of?

    I am in a size 20 again. I know for smaller folks thats a big number but I've been a size 24 for the last 5+ years or so I was really excited when I could fit back into my size 20:bigsmile:
  • TrimmingTracie
    My NVS is while moisturizing from the shower, I notice my cankles are shinking! And it makes me feel semi-sexier! Also, that the hills on my back are only speed bumps now.
  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member
    I'M A RENEGADE. *swoops*

    I want to pick your brains, ladies, in the non-zombie way. This isn't the question of the day or anything, but I'm the curious type.

    How important is good music in your workout? Do you have to have the perfect playlist or are you able to jive with the radio?

    Music is extremely important! I have a special playlist on the ipod full of jumping tunes to get me through my workouts.