Bridesmaid dresses?

So, Im going to be in a wedding on July 31st and have to make an appt to get my dress fitted. But im trying to lose weight. Am I supposed to stop losing until after? I dont want my dress to be huge. What do I do?


  • tinytotnot
    tinytotnot Posts: 67 Member
    When I was a bridesmaid I had my final fitting 2 weeks before the wedding, any good seamstress will be able to make alterations in no time at all :smile:
  • GrampsWooha
    GrampsWooha Posts: 184
    im lost on this one.....but wanted to say hi
  • cframe800
    cframe800 Posts: 11
    I was loosing weight when I bought my wedding dress.....they said dont loose more than two dress sizes or else the dress wont be able to be alterd I would just mention it to them when you go to get measured for the first fitting....but you do have a final fitting within a month before the wedding so you should be fine as long as you arent planning on loosing a lot of weight.
  • vodkaswigger
    vodkaswigger Posts: 467
    I know how you feel,im getting fitted for my dress at the end of august but the wedding isnt til the end of October,so those 2 months will be hard if im in the weight loss zone,,all this stress and its not even us getting married!!! Good luck with your weight loss journey xx
  • Shmorg27
    Shmorg27 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been in a ridiculous amount of weddings and have been where you are. Your final fitting should be approx. 1-2 weeks before the event AND a seamstress can take in or let out up to 2 sizes. When I was in a wedding a few years ago, I dropped 2 sizes and my seamstress did an awesome job the week before the wedding. So it can be done!
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    I am in a wedding in July and the bride wanted us to get our alterations done this month (May) so that we don't have to worry about it close to the wedding but because I hope to lose another 8-10 pounds by the time the wedding is here, I'm not getting alterations until 2-3 weeks before the wedding. I think that would be plenty of time. NO, I don't think you should stop losing weight before then. Its much easier to take a dress in than let it out, even on short notice.
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    I'm in a wedding in 2 weeks and I lost a ton of boobage recently that left my dress needing about 5 inches taken up around the bust. Just wait until 2 weeks before for your last fitting and anyone should be able to correct things within that time frame. Darts in the back of the dress are a savior! Anything you lose within the last 2 weeks will either not be that big of a deal with the dress or can be fixed with a couple of hidden safety pins :) I'm going through the same thing! Just remember....people aren't going to be staring down your dress, they will be looking at the bride! As long as it isn't falling off, nobody will notice if it isn't perfect!