1 week in doctor controlled weight loss.. Need help.



  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    Kchapa82 wrote: »
    My husband works oil field and is a mechanic for land rigs so he is gone quite a bit and when he is home he coaches t ball and I am team mom.. I WISH I had time to fit in an hours gym session but honestly I do not see where unless I get up at 3 and hit the gym.. Lol
    I can however buy an elliptical or bike and squeeze in 30 minutes a day I am sure! I hope!! Lol
    Small steps are the goal:)

    Do your duties as team mom during practices and games keep you occupied the whole time, or could you spend part of the time walking around the field, and working your way up to jogging around the field?

    Not all exercise has to be done at a gym or with special exercise equipment. You could do squats, lunges, and push-ups on the sidelines, too.

  • Kchapa82

    I think a lot of people have already posted some good advice here. I'd just like to share a bit of my story with you, in hopes it might help you a bit.

    This September I made the decision to get healthy. We want to try for a baby next year and I knew that I needed to lose weight and get into a lot better shape before that happened. I started off slow, by changing my diet to include healthier options, and had treats in moderation. I also started walking. At first it was just for 15 minutes, and quickly it became 1.5 hour long walks, and I started swimming, going to aquafit classes, and doing videos at home. By slowly adding more exercise (I'm quite active now) and just eating better, I've now lost 56 lbs in the last 6.5 months. I started off at 310, and so I still have a lot more to lose before I am in a healthy range, but I figure I'm off at a good start.

    If you have around 50lbs to lose, I can tell you that it can be done a lot easier than getting needles and taking pills. Honestly, I usually eat between 1400-1900 calories a day, and I'm not hungry all the time, nor am I depriving myself of treats when they fit into my day's plan.

    I'd suggest that if snacking is a huge problem for you, get rid of the "bad" snacks and replace with carrots (or other easy to snack on veg), fruit, and things like yogurt (greek yogurt has a good amount of protein which also might help keep you full). Then you can have those instead. Figure out what exercise you enjoy, and then slowly add that in. I'd also encourage you to stick around the forums here as you might find some other good advice that is helpful.

    Otherwise, based on what you wrote, you might benefit from seeing a therapist. It seems that you may have some emotional issues with food, and don't trust yourself to handle eating properly. It might be helpful to talk to someone about that, to see if you can get some further coping strategies.

    You're welcome to friend me as well, and I'm happy to help cheer you on. Know that you can do this, and that you are making the effort to get healthy, so as long as you are trying to safely approach things, you will do great. :)

    Thanks so much for the advice:) and congratulations on the weight loss!! Very sensible plan and I think i will benefit from adapting that strategy as well. Therapy definitely wouldn't be a bad idea to see why I emotional eat... I can see that I cope with my stressful job a lot by eating... Managing that might help for sure. Thanks!
  • Kchapa82
    Kchapa82 wrote: »
    My husband works oil field and is a mechanic for land rigs so he is gone quite a bit and when he is home he coaches t ball and I am team mom.. I WISH I had time to fit in an hours gym session but honestly I do not see where unless I get up at 3 and hit the gym.. Lol
    I can however buy an elliptical or bike and squeeze in 30 minutes a day I am sure! I hope!! Lol
    Small steps are the goal:)

    Do your duties as team mom during practices and games keep you occupied the whole time, or could you spend part of the time walking around the field, and working your way up to jogging around the field?

    Not all exercise has to be done at a gym or with special exercise equipment. You could do squats, lunges, and push-ups on the sidelines, too.
    Great idea:) not the whole time but I have both boys in this year so I'll see how that goes! Lol:) thank goodness daddy is the coach and not me!!!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, you are getting so many questions about what kind of doctor & whether it's a weight loss clinic, because US doctor's don't get much training in nutrition and exercise. So an MD directing your weight loss may not know much more than any other random person. They can make sure you don't hurt yourself, but they have no specialized knowledge about weight loss. And often they get kickbacks for prescribing certain drugs.

    Anyway, 58 lbs is not really that much. There are tons of MFPers who have lost far more, and they just don't want you to waste money and get discouraged with stuff that doesn't really matter anyway! If you set MFP to 1 lb per week, you will have lost most of the weight in a little more than a year at a nice healthy pace. However you do it, be kind to yourself, make sure you fit in the foods you love, move more, and don't get discouraged. You'll have good weeks and bad weeks and it's no big deal. Good luck!
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    My concern for you is HOW are you going to sustain this plan once you're off it? Appetite suppressant for life? Not drinking anything else but water for life?
    Weight loss is gratifying, but weight regain when one tries to lead back in their "normal" life ends up being depressing and demotivating.
    The habits you learn now to lose/maintain weight, should be the ones you continue with for life. If you can't do this diet for life, then it's not the right one. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but I've been doing this for years and see it happen over and over again with people who tried the approach you've tried. Just trying to let you see from an objective point of view.

    This. I spent the last 2.5 years losing 40lbs and it has been an incredible life altering educational journey.

    Also please don't try to exercise on 800 calories, your body is not being fueled properly. If your doctor is suggesting this please, please find a new one!!!