Very down and out

Options 5 foot tall and my curent weight 139...its all in my hips and a lil muffin top. I have had scoliosis so I have more fat on one hip then the other, which bugs the hell out of me. I always wanted to lose some weight and actually love working out, just never did it. I started about 2 weeks ago. The main reason is because my fiance made it clear to me when we were having problems that when he was out with his friends that he saw and talked to these 2 girls and they were" so skinny and so hot". "You are getting bigger" " I love skinny girls with big boobs" which let me note..i dont really have ( 34 c) So I have worked my butt off at the gym 6 times a week. Not seeing results yet, actually gained. I dropped pop, I always drink water all day long with one beer here and there. I feel disgusting around my fiance...havnt cried about it until today. HELP!


  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    First of all why would you want to spend the rest of your life with someone that would say those things to you?
    Second, you deserve to do this for YOU, not for him, the only way it will ever be a life change is if it's for yourself.

    Stick to it you can totally do this!!!

    And get rid of some extra weight in the form of your fiance!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    First of all, a man should love you how you are at any time. Having said that, I'm proud of you for trying. Losing weight isn't easy and you need to make sure you are doing it for yourself. If you are doing it for anyone will fail. Plain and simple. Make this about you. He can support you if he chooses or try to keep you down. If its the latter I would rethink the relationship. Best of luck to you.
  • smoten
    smoten Posts: 53 Member
    its not gonna work if its for someone else, it has to be for YOU. he sounds like a loser.
  • Fr4z
    Fr4z Posts: 26 Member
    NO1: you should be doing this for yourself and not for anyone else
    NO2: vary your exercise routine to 'shock' muscle groups in different ways - your body learns repeated activities and muscle become more efficient thus burning less .

    Keep on with your goals and you will see the results - it's hard but the rewards are there. Keep on trucking!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Well number 1, drop the boyfriend because anyone that comes home and tells you that he likes 'em 'skinny and hot' obviously has no respect for you OR for what you're trying to do and you deserve better!!!

    Now I'll jump off of my high horse.

    Don't give up on this. There is SO much support on this board and EVERYONE will help you in any way you need. If you'd like to, open your food diary and your exercise log and I can take a look and see if there are any recommendations I can make. I train women with diabetes, hashimoto's, CGH and that are pregnant. I'm by far NOT an expert but I've had quite a bit of success and would be happy to help.
  • brat4life
    brat4life Posts: 19 Member
    I'm sorry you are so bummed hon. :(

    I'm gonna ask to add you as a friend so I can message you privately.
  • peanut352
    peanut352 Posts: 75 Member
    First of all why would you want to spend the rest of your life with someone that would say those things to you?
    Second, you deserve to do this for YOU, not for him, the only way it will ever be a life change is if it's for yourself.

    Stick to it you can totally do this!!!

    And get rid of some extra weight in the form of your fiance!

    Exactly what she said!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    1. Your fiance is a ****
    2. Eat healthfully and get your exercise in and you will get to/stay at a healthy weight. Trying to lose it all in a couple of weeks won't help you either physically or emotionally.
    3. You can do anything you want!
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    sweetie he no good dump him my soon to be hubbt met me at 323 pounds he made me feel like a Ex fat Cinderella . and he here now with the skinny me he loves me both ways and was so supportive . so point if he dont love and appreciate you now? he never ever will. Some one who cares would never say things like that and you right you never going to get the weight off till you can love yourself enough to know your worth as simple as that. that and no man is worth the aggravation not one
  • penn_ee
    penn_ee Posts: 6
    Massive e-hug!!!

    First off - get a tape measure and measure thighs, hips and waist as quite often when your weight plateaus or increases, your measurements are going down. (weight is due to creating heavier muscle, but lose inches as you lose fat)

    Secondly - your fiance is being very insensitive. Talk yo him about how you feel, and that you are wanting to make an effort (for your own health and sanity) but need his support not his snidey remarks about other women.

    He proposed to you - so he obviously adores you, 34C, muffin top and all. Always remember that xx
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Keep on with the program. It takes time. Get to the weight you are comfortable with.

    But before you start, dump the jerk. Unless you need him for motivation, then lose the weight, then dump the jerk.
  • GemmieNoWobbles
    GemmieNoWobbles Posts: 398 Member
    First of all why would you want to spend the rest of your life with someone that would say those things to you?
    Second, you deserve to do this for YOU, not for him, the only way it will ever be a life change is if it's for yourself.

    Stick to it you can totally do this!!!

    And get rid of some extra weight in the form of your fiance!

    I so agree with this! You should be doing this for you and I cant believe someone who loves you would say that stuff to you! What an a**e!! :grumble:

    If you want to lose weight for you then go for it but not because your finance is being a complete spanner.
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    Don't get discouraged. It will happen if you stick to your calories, get some regular excercise, water, etc. BUT, do this for YOU!
    And, glad that he is just a fiance. You have time to think if you really want to be with someone that makes you feel this way about yourself. He should uplift you. If he likes skinny & big boobs... suggest he lose some extra pounds & get himself some implants.
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    Sweetheart, if you are unhappy with your body, by all means, change it. But don't ever do it for a man to love you. Know that you should marry someone who loves you for who you are. When you start having kids and your body will change (saggy boobs, stretch marks, wider hips, etc), how will he react to your new body? How will you feel about it?
  • LovieCakes
    LovieCakes Posts: 6
    Well it hard at first but keep working at it. The results will show soon. Don't let anyone make you feel that you are not fabulous. You don't have to skinny with big boobs to be fab. Remember this process is for you. Stay Fab!
  • Foster77
    Foster77 Posts: 1 Member
    I know we are strangers, but take it from me. You are beautiful no matter what your fiance says to you. Know that you are unique and know one person is exactly like you. He is a lucky guy to even get a girl like you. Dont get your hopes down. You work out 6 days a week and are probably gaining muscle which ways more than fat does. Hence the reason you are gaining. Keep up the cardio. Helps you lose more. Your so called "muffin top" (we all have those), may be off because the scoliosis, but that is something you unfortunately will have to get over. Have you tried sitting on the floor with a medicine ball, leaning back some with knees bent and tapping the medicine ball on each side of your hips? It helps the love handle area and muffin top region. It takes time to get to those goals we want so bad, but stick with it. You will be where you want to be in know time. Dont let your fiance get you down with words. If he truly loves you, than he will love you for who you are and will become and should support you in whatever you decide to do or not do. Remember, he is the lucky one for getting you!! :wink:
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    Massive e-hug!!!

    First off - get a tape measure and measure thighs, hips and waist as quite often when your weight plateaus or increases, your measurements are going down. (weight is due to creating heavier muscle, but lose inches as you lose fat)

    Secondly - your fiance is being very insensitive. Talk yo him about how you feel, and that you are wanting to make an effort (for your own health and sanity) but need his support not his snidey remarks about other women.

    He proposed to you - so he obviously adores you, 34C, muffin top and all. Always remember that xx

    just because a man gives you a ring does not mean he actually loves you. men are strange beings and can marry for the weirdest reason so....................
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    First off, your fiance is a jerk, or at least was being one when he said those things.

    If you try to lose weight because he feels this way, you run a very real risk of bingeing just because you are mad at him one day. That will lead to a very unhealthy relationship with food.

    Secondly, most people don't see very many results in two weeks, especially since you are just barely overweight. A healthier lifestyle takes time and dedication.
  • Wangenstein
    Wangenstein Posts: 31
    I'm a little concerned about your fiance's attitude, but I'll stick to your exercise question.

    You don't say what you've been doing at the gym (cardio vs. weight training), but believe me: watching your calorie intake and getting exercise WILL work. If you're doing any weight training, you may be starting to add muscle you didn't have before, which will cause the scale to go up initially. Muscle is a lot more dense than fat. However, it also burns more calories, so it will help you in your goal as you go forward. You may want to check and see if you've replaced your soda consumption with another source of sugary calories, but my guess is that you've probably started adding a little muscle which is showing up on the scale.

    You're just getting started. Keep at it, and you'll definitely start seeing the results you want! (And then you can decide whether you still want that particular fiance. :D )
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Wow... I can't believe your fiancee would even say that to you!! He totally should love you for you... and if you get healthier along the way, then great. But for that to be THE reason to get healthy, the routine isn't going to last. I agree with the others: you have to do this for YOU!

    That being said... It's only been two weeks. Give your body time to adjust. The body is an odd (and often an annoying) thing. It'll get there... :-)