Trying to loose 100 pounds by 12/31/2015



  • I have been here many times and keep loosing sight of my goal. I'm back and more determined than ever. End goal is 110 lbs but right now I'm focused on 55 to be back in 1derland.
  • crazylizz
    crazylizz Posts: 47 Member
    I am not sure I can do 100lbs in 10 months but anything is better than the nothing I am doing so far! Thank you for starting this group. I am in!
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    why a timeline? I have lost 140lbs, maybe 80 in the first year, then the body slows down. This has to be a new lifestyle. I think it is better to go at a moderate pace so the body and mind have time to adjust. Sometimes things that happen quickly or easily, end just as quickly. Good luck!
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    mini goals 20lbs at a time, may be something more acheivable, and they add up.
  • I am trying to lose a lot of weight as well. My goal is to lose 2 pounds a week. It adds up to 8 pounds a month which sounds good to me. Lets do it! In one year that's like 96 lbs. If we end up 100 lbs lost by December 31 great ... if we lose 80 or 75 by December 31 that IS BI great too!! We can do this!
  • Anyone feel free to add me! I have around 70 pounds to lose this time! I've lost 50 before so I know I can do it! I just had 2 more kids after I lost it all and need to get there again!
  • mmama2010
    mmama2010 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to follow everyones journey! I have lost 18lbs but have at least 70 more to go!
  • JelliKah
    JelliKah Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I have 100 lbs to lose. I am set for 2 lbs a week! Here is to one week at a time!
  • Can someone answer this question for me as I've been unable to find the answer. When using myfitnesspal, can I eat whatever I want and still lose weight as long as I stay with daily calorie recommendation?
  • cindigh
    cindigh Posts: 4 Member
    dinnalja wrote: »
    Can someone answer this question for me as I've been unable to find the answer. When using myfitnesspal, can I eat whatever I want and still lose weight as long as I stay with daily calorie recommendation?

    i guess the technical answer is yes, but the realistic answer is no.

    think about it as how much bang you can get for your buck. if you are allowed to eat 2000 calories a day and a candy bar has 200, you could technically eat 10 candy bars a day and lose weight. but your nutrition levels and health would be in the sewer.

    now say you take those same 2000 calories and eat healthy foods; vegetables, fish, chicken, etc. you would still lose the same amount of weight, but your nutrition and health would be outstanding. actually, you'd probably lose more weight because it would not be that easy to eat that many calories if you were only eating healthy. can you imagine how much salad it would take to reach 2000 calories? lol

    so i guess you can, but it would be one of the most unwise decisions you could make for your own health.
  • cindigh
    cindigh Posts: 4 Member
    i am 25 lbs into my 125 lb weight loss journey, so i'd love to join your group and see how close we can get by the end of the year!
  • FloriBamaGirl
    FloriBamaGirl Posts: 10 Member
    I want to be able to wear something nice for New Years. Count me in.
  • Searcher85
    Searcher85 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm trying to lose 100 lbs as well, and I could use the support of other people working towards the same goal

    Amen. I've never done anything like this before. Looking for support and to encourage others. Feel free to add me
  • Great I can use motivation as well :D I'm send a friend request
  • khorst22
    khorst22 Posts: 1 Member
    I also want to lose around 100 pounds.
  • sarahmac828
    sarahmac828 Posts: 10 Member
    I need to lose 50lbs so could really do with support....this is the heaviest I've been and I'm done making excuses!!!
  • Count me in, lost 50 and gained most of it back! I have to learn to maintain. Working diligently...
  • ShalaraQ
    ShalaraQ Posts: 82 Member
    Can you please add me to the group?
  • therealklane
    therealklane Posts: 2,172 Member
    If anyone would like to add me, please feel free. I started with 190 lbs to lose March 1, 2014 and I've lost 122 lbs to date. I'm active, log daily, and keep my diary well as my inbox :)
  • snowfallingsoftly
    snowfallingsoftly Posts: 34 Member
    edited February 2015
    I do believe I will join u. A dream come true. If only......perhaps this time with support of MFP friends, doing it together. 2014 was a year from hell, in many ways. I just know 2015 will be stellar. Reach for the stars and might end up on the moon. how to join?