Looking for more friends willing to share their food diary! Believe me, I will not judge.



  • kalegria24
    kalegria24 Posts: 34 Member
    Oh, and I'm in the Mature Age zone, too :smiley:
  • jmichaelminton
    jmichaelminton Posts: 47 Member
    Feel free to add me. It may look like I eat a lot (1700-2000 kcal/day), but I burn a lot of that through exercise and have been losing a steady 2 lbs/week... A lot of the food I eat is really healthy, so it should give you an idea of what you can do.
  • Barbs2222
    Barbs2222 Posts: 433 Member
    My diary is open and any of you all can add me too. More support the better :) I've lost 9.5 since Jan. 2nd and have about 30 more to go. After failing 3 times by not logging my calories I've decided I probably need to be here for life.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Diary is open to public. Nothing to hide.

    I think its hilarious people in this thread say their diary is Open when its not...just an observation on my part.
  • thecraftinista
    thecraftinista Posts: 66 Member
    I keep mine open! I opt for 1500 calories a day but I rarely eat that many. I've already lost 26lbs since the beginning of January. Anyone can add me :)
  • leah0822
    leah0822 Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2015
    This is a great idea! Please add me as well. I think it helps when we can be accountable to people in the same journey! My goal is to get back to a healthy weight based on my body type. I felt my best when I was at 150 lbs about 4 years ago, pre-baby and when I was eating mindfully and exercising regularly. If I lose more weight past 150 it will just be icing on the cake. I try to make short term goals - losing 5 lbs at a time is less daunting than saying I need to lose 20 lol.
    I just started doing calorie counts recently, and it has been challenging to stay at 1200. It would be encouraging to see that other people are able to do it.
  • BaniArmour
    BaniArmour Posts: 16 Member
    I think my diary thingy is public, so you nayone can check! I'm not very good at it, but i'm working on it.
  • My diary is wide open. Pizza and beer will be staples.
  • I keep mine open! I opt for 1500 calories a day but I rarely eat that many. I've already lost 26lbs since the beginning of January. Anyone can add me :)

    Wow, that is impressive. I'm going to add you and ask for help with food.
  • Diet242
    Diet242 Posts: 21 Member
    My diary is open too. Anyone can add me!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. My diary is open. Some days I meet macros, some days I do not. Some days I don't add things that I don't know the nutrition into so I use the quick add caloroes feature with a best guess on caloroes.
  • I didn't know I could have my diary open. I've been flaking a lot with this diet thing but I recently joined the gym and started eating healthier (when not I do watch my calories). Would love to see what everyone is eating. Feel free to add me.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I'm 64 and eat about 1700-1800 cals daily and workout everyday. My diary is open and I don't mind people looking at it in the least. I've been here since Sept 2013 and have lost 60 lbs with 10 to go!

    Good luck to all of you!
  • JimFsfitnesspal
    JimFsfitnesspal Posts: 313 Member
    I only looked at three diaries so far but I found many common themes. Based on that, here are my suggestions based on my own weight loss journey.

    Eat smaller meals / snacks... every 2.5-3 hrs
    More consistency in meal / snack quality through the day (esp breakfast)
    Portion control
    Limit carbs, sugars, processed foods (fruits, veggies, ok)
    MUST exercise. Do 30 minutes a day, every day.
  • lee134
    lee134 Posts: 280 Member
    Hello please add me
    My diary is open . Lost 100 pounds eating what I want but counting everything and heavy exercising.
  • jliving10
    jliving10 Posts: 3 Member
    Mine is open to friends. I added you, but anyone can add me. Personally, knowing that other people are going to be looking at everything I eat helps me make better choices. But when I don't, I'm okay with honesty
  • helenhair28
    helenhair28 Posts: 9 Member
    amadalia wrote: »
    I keep mine open! I opt for 1500 calories a day but I rarely eat that many. I've already lost 26lbs since the beginning of January. Anyone can add me :)

    Wow, that is impressive. I'm going to add you and ask for help with food.

    Ooops. I just realized that I think you meant 2.6 lbs LOL - Helen
  • Withwings137
    Withwings137 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me too! :) I'm on my second weight loss journey. I lost 67 lbs after my first baby mostly by logging my food (not here). I fell off the train with my second baby so here I am. 35 lbs to go. I would love some ideas and variety, I tend to eat the same thing for breakfast/lunch for a few weeks at a time.
  • lisac114
    lisac114 Posts: 6 Member
    My diary is open to friends, it makes me feel accountable and keeps me on track!
    Feel free to add me, more friends = more motivation :) x
  • MinnesotaNice507
    MinnesotaNice507 Posts: 60 Member
    My diary is open. Anyone can add me!