Walking distance challenge (starting Mon 23 Feb)

Hello MFP friends and strangers!

Does anybody fancy doing a walking challenge next week?

I will be tracking distance covered on intentional walks (ie. not including the miles you log up wandering around the house etc) and am looking for others who would be interested in using this an opportunity to compete as motivation to be more active.

I will be posting my total miles covered each day and encourage you to do so too. Mileage totals will then be added up over the 7 days and we'll see who gets the crown :)

thanks for reading!


  • Absolutely!!! I am in desperate need of motivation to get moving again
  • tlr526
    tlr526 Posts: 12 Member
    I would love to join you, but would have to log treadmill miles....we are in a deep freeze in the north east and my asthma doesn't tolerate it well....I do need a kick in the butt to get moving this time of the year.
  • breathebelievejen
    breathebelievejen Posts: 83 Member
    Hello and thanks for replying :) treadmill miles are absolutely fine- however you're getting your walking in is a-ok with me.

    I've started today - please let me know how you're getting on and we can cheer each other on!
  • _journeyofavirgo
    _journeyofavirgo Posts: 16 Member
    So how do I join?
  • breathebelievejen
    breathebelievejen Posts: 83 Member
    edited February 2015
    So how do I join?
    Track your walks and then share them here :) I don't think there's a way to make a proper challenge board unfortunately but if anyone knows better please give me a shout.
  • breathebelievejen
    breathebelievejen Posts: 83 Member
    edited February 2015
    So today I've been for 3 walks: 2.14, 3.48 and 2.03 miles. So in total I've walked 7.65 miles today. Not my best but not too shabby considering my hangover lol

    How are you ladies getting on? :D