Core workouts without hitting the gym?

I would love to work out my core without having to go to the gym. I do planks daily but I want to be able to mix it up. Any tips for core exercises that don't need any equipment?


  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    There's a lot of core involved in could see if Netflix has anything to stream, or check your local library for DVDs to borrow.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Can i ask why you want to work just your core, as opposed to a full-body strength workout?
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Try bicycles, reverse crunches, letters, flutter kicks, and side plank raises. Also, check out this video for some other ideas for ab exercises.
  • kimbercolleen
    kimbercolleen Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you everyone! There are definitely some suggestions I haven't tried. Cherimoose - I do want to do full body strength workouts, but I've found that my core has been the hardest for me get any results. So I've been looking for ways to add core so it balances with everything else if that makes sense.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Thank you everyone! There are definitely some suggestions I haven't tried. Cherimoose - I do want to do full body strength workouts, but I've found that my core has been the hardest for me get any results. So I've been looking for ways to add core so it balances with everything else if that makes sense.

    A full-body strength workout will help improve Core strength but you definitely should include 1 to 3 exercises to work on Core strength. Ideally you should follow a good strength training routine and include a couple Core exercises for overall function, strength, and injury reduction.

    Exercises that can be done at home.

    Front Planks
    Front Planks w/ Rear Hip Extension
    Side Planks
    Side Planks w/ lateral hip extension
    Side Crunch
    Leg Lifts
    Superman as an iso-hold
  • Pickles175
    Pickles175 Posts: 211 Member
    I dont go to a gym, I use kettlebells at home and they are amazing for working the core!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    For $2.99 download the You Are Your Own Gym app. Has exercises you can do anywhere, no gym required or equipment to buy. You can follow routines provided in the app or build your own with the huge list of exercises categorized by section; Core, Legs, Push, Pull. You will get full body workouts generally, but what I find cool is that the workouts provided in the app have built in variability to keep your muscles building effectively, and proper rest.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    YouTube will give everything you want. Google fitness blender, ab workouts or core workouts. Just find something you like.

    Atm, I'm doing Jillian Michael's 6 week 6 pack workout and some rebounder videos with integrated arm and core work.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    Pilates is great for engaging and strengthening your core. You can buy DVDs or get demo videos online. There might be local classes where you can learn the different exercises and practice at home.
  • Ian_Davies
    Ian_Davies Posts: 122 Member
    I do squats and lunges too which i find help a lot
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Don't forget to bridge (aka wheel pose) It's an often overlooked exercise
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Cherimoose - I do want to do full body strength workouts, but I've found that my core has been the hardest for me get any results.
    What kind of results? If you're trying to reduce abdominal fat (or "tone" the fat), you're going about it the wrong way. For an explanation, Google "spot reduction myth".
    If you're not following a good full-body strength program, that's where i would start.

  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Just google ab workouts. There are countless exercises for your core that don't require gyn equipment. Bicycle's, flutters, 100s, russian twists, crunches, leg lifts, penguins, etc etc etc. As said above a strong core does not mean a 6 pack. Your core can be strong under a layer of fat. Abs are made in the kitchen (as where 80% of weight loss is). Can't pick where the fat disappears unfortunately!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    I would love to work out my core without having to go to the gym. I do planks daily but I want to be able to mix it up. Any tips for core exercises that don't need any equipment?
    I'll do turkish getups at home with a heavy backpack. Load 70 pounds or so in it and then get to work.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    I like pilates and yoga. Yoga with Adriene and Blogilates on YouTube are my dailies. (And yes you get full body strength, balance, flexibility, but there's also a good solid amount of core work.)
  • klund13
    klund13 Posts: 98 Member
    Blogilates on YouTube. She has some killer core workouts.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited February 2015
    My core stability workout consists of crunches, bicycles, reverse crunches, squats, lunches, push ups, planks, sit-ups, russian twists, and supermans (as well as single-leg 60 second balances, but that's not quite abs). There are tons more, but these are my favorites. :) I don't have a 6 pack by any means, but when I do these regularly (2-3x a week), it makes a big difference with my running and I feel generally stronger.
  • bmanlatour
    bmanlatour Posts: 48 Member
    edited February 2015
    For a couple bucks buy some furniture sliders at home Depot or use a paper plate or towel. Put your toes on them for plank knee tucks, mtn climbers, or plank jacks. In a plank, walk with your hands, dragging your toes for an alligator walk. Lay on your back and put you heels on the sliders, brace your core and bend only your knees for hamstring curls. Put your elbows on the sliders for army crawls. Standing with one foot on a slider, slide one toe back behind your stationary leg for curtsey lunges

    Bear crawls (any direction), breakdancers, bird dogs, warrior iii, hallow holds, v ups are some of my favorites bodyweight only ones.

    With an exercise band, any chop works the obliques, Pallof presses of various directions, single arm exercises require you to brace your core.

    Any overhead weighted exercise is tough on core stabilizers while standing, kneeling, or half kneeling, especially when the weight only in one hand. OH squats, lunges, presses. Remember the weight could be a soda bottle or something.