Looking for more friends willing to share their food diary! Believe me, I will not judge.



  • SolitudesMuse
    SolitudesMuse Posts: 67 Member
    My diary is open. Anyone is welcome to add me. Have a great week!
  • desika8787
    desika8787 Posts: 99 Member
    Feel free to add me :smile: Open Diary, too :smile:
  • sahead710
    sahead710 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi there! I have about 50 lbs to lose and I don't eat the greatest foods but I do try to eat fairly well, weekends I like to indulge a little bit but keep an open diary and I don't care who sees what I eat because I know I'm not perfect but I'm proud of myself no matter what :) anyone feel free to add me so we can support each other and good job op for the 6 lbs you have lost!!
  • x_tasha07_x
    x_tasha07_x Posts: 3
    edited February 2015
    Hi I am new to this, just looking for guidance on a healthy food diary and good exercise tips. I'm starting tomorrow, add me. Thanks
  • sc9576
    sc9576 Posts: 47 Member
    I keep mine open! I opt for 1500 calories a day but I rarely eat that many. I've already lost 26lbs since the beginning of January. Anyone can add me :)

    That is amazing if it is ok I will send you a request (and try to work out how to open my diary!) as I need some ideas because Slimming World is not really working for me (the rules mean I cant eat cereal, not even muesli, and a sandwich on the same day due to only being allowed one healthy extra B)
  • jtipton58
    jtipton58 Posts: 5 Member
    My diary is open as well!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Mine is open, feel free to add me.

    I've logged on MFP for 960 days now. I had a short break from logging food last May after I had my baby, and didn't log the other week when I had a bad cold/cough, but apart from that, I log pretty much every day except Xmas and my birthday :)

    I'm 37 and have around 28lbs left to lose to get me back to pre-pregnancy weight.
  • jtced
    jtced Posts: 20 Member
    My diary is open to friends. Please feel free to add me. I need more accountability!
  • secretsquiral
    secretsquiral Posts: 329 Member
    My diary is also open. But im doing keto, low carbs, high fat an medium protein. Feel free to add me also.
  • dinosaurparty
    dinosaurparty Posts: 185 Member
    edited February 2015
    My diary is open, and my friends list is looking a little bare, haha. Our weight loss goals are a bit different, but I'm aiming for 1200cal/day as well :) Feel free to add me!
  • juicymisslucy
    juicymisslucy Posts: 72 Member
    Diary is open to friends :) Add me!
  • theskinnyonme
    theskinnyonme Posts: 443 Member
    mines open add away B)
  • tnwlkr43
    tnwlkr43 Posts: 57 Member
    mine is open also
  • Mine is open as well. Feel free to add me too!
  • Hi! I keep my diary open to friends so feel free to add me. I am 35 and my current calorie goal is 1200/day. Most days I'm make it but there are some I go over. I will have a treat if I take my kids to the movies etc. Currently trying to get into running and do some fun obstacle races this summer. I've lost 11lbs so far and have about 10 more to go but want to tone up and get fit.
  • I need more friends too! I am new here and I am trying to drop weight after my third baby. :#
  • Dwiggins62
    Dwiggins62 Posts: 1 Member
    My diary is open. I've lost 30 so far, and I'm trying for 20 more by July. Add me!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My diary is open and you are welcome to view. I don't mind at all people viewing it, what I take issue with is some folks that send private messages that say " I just looked at your food diary and saw that you had a bag of Skittles 3 days ago. Did you really need those?" or "I was just going through various food diaries and see that you seldom eat more than 1200 calories per day. This is not healthy and you really need to maybe add some cheese to your diet." WTF? Don't judge me folks, I eat like a normal person, just watch my portion sizes and carbs and add a little more exercise if I indulge in a bag of cheese puffs. I'm not fanatical but am losing 1-1.5 lbs per week. I do have digestive issues due to losing part of my intestine a couple years ago so a butt load of cheese to eek up my calories to what someone else thinks I should be at would do nothing more than cause a miserable obstruction. No 2 people are the same. What works for one, may not be what works for another.

    I hate people like that. If there are skittles in my diary (and there are yesterday bc I went to the movies with my nephew ;)) heck yes I needed them..and guess what? I've lost 122 lbs so if I want skittles, I'm going to have some freaking skittles. I don't deprive myself of anything and stay within my cal goals 99% of the time. So I think I've earned the right to splurge without being judged every now and then..and that's what I'd say to them..just not as nicely. Hehe.

    Luckily I've never had anyone do that! I can't stand skittles, but if someone wants to eat them, so what? Perhaps if every single meal contained skittles, then I might wonder why, but a one off bag of skittles, even 1 a day if it fits in your calorie goal. I make cake for my kids on a Friday after school sometimes so have cake in my diary Fri and Sat. You don't need to deprive yourself.