
Hi ive just started on here need a bit of help. After putting all my info in ive been set a 1200 daily limit. Im assuming thats what I can eat per day but im noticing on posts people are writing things like net and deficit. What does this mean? Just want to make sure im doing this all properly. Also when I add exercise it then adds my calories onto my allowance but I think this defeats the object? Please help and explain in the most simple terms !. Im 5.3 and I weigh 15.1lb and I want to get to 12st

Thanks in advance


  • O_L_I_V_I_A_L_D
    O_L_I_V_I_A_L_D Posts: 3 Member
    The more calories you burn, the more you get to eat:) 1200 is your limit if you dont workout at all:)
  • Thanks getting confused a bit some people have wrote in posts that theyve set a deficit of x amount of calories and I havnt a clue what it means ??? Ill get there eventually good luck
  • foreverslim1111
    foreverslim1111 Posts: 2,626 Member
    gracie2122 wrote: »
    Thanks getting confused a bit some people have wrote in posts that theyve set a deficit of x amount of calories and I havnt a clue what it means ??? Ill get there eventually good luck

    If you enter your exercise time and type into your exercise diary, MFP will credit you the calories you burned at the bottom of your food diary to your cal total. Then, the difference between your daily allowed total and that total + the added calories you burned during your exercise is the cal deficit. You can choose eat or not eat up to that 2nd total. Or you can eat only some of that difference. You go by how you feel. And it may increase your weight loss speed if you do not eat them. It's your choice. Hope this helps you.
  • Thats brill thank you thought I had to eat them !
  • foreverslim1111
    foreverslim1111 Posts: 2,626 Member
    gracie2122 wrote: »
    Thats brill thank you thought I had to eat them !

    You're welcome!