Eating more and losing weight?



  • :D
    Anyway, OP, I didn't mean to derail the thread. ;)

    Yay for eating more! For me, I don't think of it as "eating more" so much as "eating right." When I eat too little, I have so little energy that I don't burn off as much calories. I go to bed earlier, sleep later, walk the dog less, the laundry piles up, etc... When I'm eating right, I'm as hyper as a thousand caffeinated gerbils. It's not that eating more makes me lose more weight, but I'm more active in my normal daily life.
    It hasnt ever been like that with me. I have insomnia and was getting about 5 hours of sleep a night and barely eating. Gym twice a day plus all the normal experiences of walking around a huge college campus. Then going to the gym in the early am. I like eating more because it makes me feel like im not dying so thats nice.