My Story

Long story, skip to the end if you really don't feel like reading.

2002 - 6 years addicted to online video gaming. Little to no exercise. Middle school and High school.
Went from average weight to overweight, to borderline obese.

2008 - Done with High school, went to trade school, finished 2010 with an HVAC degree, became a janitor at Wal-Mart.

Through depression, online gaming addictions, lack of care for what I ate, I was up over 200 pounds. For me that felt just absurd. I grew up eating right, was always active, and let my health slip away from me.

2009-2010 - Lost 20 pounds, but was still hovering around 180-185 pounds. Though my girlfriend doesn't mind the weight, I did. Still did nothing. Made New Years resolution - nothing. I did pick up mountain biking, but don't get out to do it much.

Fast forward again, Tuesday, April 12th. I opened a new text document on my computer and wrote out a basic workout plan. Just calories burned (according to the treadmill) and how long it took.

First day, I walked at 3 MPH at an 8% incline until I could barely breath. I felt awful, is this really what I'd become? I can't walk for 45 minutes?

Threw out my soda, threw out my chips, replaced with all water (and those 0 calorie drink mix-ins) and pita chips and hummus for snacks. Introduced a fruit bowl to my kitchen.

Week one, worked out 6 days, took a day to rest. Weighed myself. I gained a pound. 3.0 MPH at 8% incline for 30 mins.
Week two, kept the steep incline, pushed the treadmill speed to 3.5 mph. Mustered up what I could of my pride and pushed through the wall that was stopping me.
Week three, 4.0 mph. same incline, 40 minutes. Tired, but I was feeling better in general. Every day tasks were no longer a struggle. I was no longer depressed with my job. A paycheck is a paycheck after all, right?
Week four. 4.2 mph. 8% incline, pushed myself for 45 minutes, slowed it down to 3.5 mph for another 15 minutes.

Here I am now, Week 5, I haven't taken a day off working out since it's all cardio. Monday, I hopped on the scale, I hadn't gotten on since the first week in fear. I lost 11 pounds in one month.


This is the first time I've ever been proud of myself.

I'm 5'8". 21 years old. Male. Nothing can stop me now.
While at 169 pounds, I still have my gut, but I got my pride and confidence back.

For the first time in over 8 years I can get on a treadmill and jog over half a mile before slowing back down into my walking pace.
"Oh you're young, it's easy for you." I fought many relationship killing addictions, years of unhealthy sedentary life style, and depression. All with, no drug abuse, no alcohol consumption and I don't smoke.

Recovering my health is the most important thing I've ever done in my life, and I've never been more proud of myself than I am now.

That's my story. I hope it was of some interest to anyone. It's my life, it's my inspiration. I thought I'd do this little write up before I went and got on the treadmill.

(I probably will not be using the food and exercise reports on this website, however skewed the calorie count on my treadmill may be, has kept me motivated. That, and I like my Notepad layout for my schedule, it's been good to me.) :smile:


  • emmadee1
    emmadee1 Posts: 6
    just read your story videokid keep up the hard work it will all pay off well done you :)
  • luvmy2babies
    luvmy2babies Posts: 94 Member
    Keep up the great work. You are doing awesome!!!
  • kaylaCdewire1311
    Very good story. Keep up the hard work. I'll be 23 in 9 days. Just had a baby 4 months ago.. and have lost 24 pounds.. still I feel I'm not doing good enough because the scale hasn't been moving very much. I have decided not to get on the scale until my birthday, and HOPEFUlLY it will have changed. I work a full time job, take care of my child, tend to a house and husband.. but I still make time for myself to go to the gym. Now, more than ever, losing this weight isn't all about my appearance. My mom had a heart attack and had to have open heart surgery 4 days after my daughter was born at 44 years of age. TALK ABOUT LIFE CHANGING.
  • Videokidd
    Videokidd Posts: 2
    Thanks for all the positive feedback.

    And newmommy1311, I hear ya'. My fathers side of the family has a history of heart problems, but he's surpassed his own fathers age now, and the doctor said he's in outstanding shape. He took up walking on the treadmill before I did and I just followed in his footsteps, so to speak.

    I am to young to be out of breath all the time, and so very, very sluggish.

    I guess we'll see what transpires.