Losing ~30 lbs, 5'8", female, SAHM


I'm a Canadian looking to lose about 30 lbs. Currently I am 184 lbs, trying to get to 154 lbs, at which point I will re-evaluate. I am lightly active chasing after my two kids as a stay at home mom. I love gardening, being as health conscious as I can be, and feeding my family nutritious whole foods on a budget. In the summer I love to garden, and I love talking about my laying hens. In the winter I like to shovel snow, and dance in my living room.

I'm a no drama kind of person, and am looking for people who are like-minded and committed to achieving their goals. Send me a friend request, and a message about your goals.

Let's get losing together!! We can do this, and we deserve it!!


  • lauren13stone
    lauren13stone Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! We have very similar goals! I weigh 178 and my goal weight is 135. I am also a no drama girl looking for some motivation! I just started logging my calories this week, and I've been exercising each night to meet my calorie goal. I also love gardening and I love cooking from scratch! I wanted to add you as a friend but I'm not sure how so if you would like to add me that would be fun :)
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    I'm not sure how to add either, but I think I sent you a request?
  • ccvianzon
    ccvianzon Posts: 11 Member
    Hello fellow ladies! I started using/logging my fitness and calorie intake for about a month now. I'm still completely new. I'm also a SAHM, wanting to get healthy and fit do I can keep up with my three kiddies. I had my third at the end of Nov. So I'm pretty weak. I've been careful with my abdomin. So, that has slowed me down, exercise wise. I want to eat clean, build muscle and lose weight (-30ish).

    Can I add you?
  • facesbyctmua
    Okay so I just learned about this app today. I am 5'8 and looking to lose 30lbs.
  • Emma8882015
    Emma8882015 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm the same height as you. I started at around 177 about a month ago, and decided enough was enough and started being more aware of my portion sizes and mindless snacking. I'm currently at 165 and looking to lose another 20 pounds. In my early college years (about 5 years ago) I was about 150 and thought I looked great!
    Anyway, I just started using my fitness pal to get a real idea of just how fast the calories add up and it's been a real eye opener!!
  • ladymidge
    ladymidge Posts: 11 Member
    Hey all!!

    Add me!! Same boat- 5'8 sitting at 198. Just had baby #3 and am struggling to get back into working out and losing weight. Need to lose 30 by May.. Not sure if that's possible. Just want to be healthy.

    I work part time in the evenings and on the weekends when my husband is home and have a very busy schedule.

    Just looking for support and friends.
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm so happy that people have replied! Lets use this thread to talk about our goals, trials, and successes. We can do this!! I started out with really aggressive goals (to lose 2 lbs a week), but I think I went a bit too hardcore because I ended up getting a bug that I can't seem to shake. I'm hoping that my energy comes back this week so I can get back into the swing of moving more!

    @ladymidge‌ why would you like to lose 30 by May? You could do it, but you'd have to lose 2 lbs a week. It is possible though! Ideally I'd love to lose mine by June (friends wedding), and I'm thinking that it will be a lot easier to be more active once the snow goes away :)

    If you want to bookmark this thread to come back and chat, click the star at the top :)

    Oh, and I'm not selling or promoting anything, I think the only way to have lasting success is to learn how to eat right! I've actually figured out that when I get to my final goal weight (I'd LOVE to be ~140 lbs!), then I will only be able to eat about 1500-1800 calories to maintain, so each day I try to not go over that, as a way of building a habit that will last long term. If I want to lose 2lbs a week I need to eat 1200. Some days I can do it, other days I can't. I don't beat myself up if I have a bad day though, I just learn what my triggers are, and try to do better next time!

    What are some thoughts or revelations you've had? What are your MFP goals? Do you have a good support system at home?
  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    You can do it...just keep at it and the 30lbs will come off in no time

    I'm in the same boat as you, 30lbs I have to lose