constantly hungry!

Hi Guys

Been doing this since Monday and I found I am constantly hungry - to the point where my stomach rumbles. LOL
I generally have my breakfast about 7am, then by about 10 I am hungry again, I try to hold off until about 11 and have a snack (or my lunch). Then i find I'm hungry about an hour or so later and then again, so i seem to be eating every 2/3 hours :-S

I'm keeping it healthy and have kept around my calorie allowance. I have gone down about 0.4kg (nearly 0.8lbs) in the last 3 days, but this could be water weight. Was wondering if anyone else feels constantly hungry? Also I am drinking 2ltrs of water per day.



  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Eating every couple of hours is actually not a bad strategy. BUt if you constantly hungry, try increasing your protein at the expense of your carbohydrates. Many people ( myself include) have a greater sense of satiety with higher protein lower carb meals and snacks
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Eating every couple of hours is actually not a bad strategy. BUt if you constantly hungry, try increasing your protein at the expense of your carbohydrates. Many people ( myself include) have a greater sense of satiety with higher protein lower carb meals and snacks

    My advice exactly--you should be eating more frequently. If you wait too long to eat, you will be very hungry and tend to eat more than you really need.
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    I would eat when you are hungry, just small snack. It will help. I think it took like 2 wks for my body to adjust.
  • jasmin1310
    jasmin1310 Posts: 80 Member
    Eating every couple of hours is actually not a bad strategy. BUt if you constantly hungry, try increasing your protein at the expense of your carbohydrates. Many people ( myself include) have a greater sense of satiety with higher protein lower carb meals and snacks

    I know you are right, but I've just come off atkins and am sick of meat - so aiming to eat more fish, legumes and seeds. Plus I am a complete carb monster - if only atkins was eating carbs :bigsmile:
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I eat 200-300 calories a day, 5 times a day to stay full. Also, I agree try increasing your protein and your fiber - both are key for me. Takes a bit more planning, but once you get it down, it's pretty easy to stick with. My typical meals:

    Breakfast: Oatmeal w/ peanut butter and banana (or toast, egg whites, veggies and cheese)
    Snack: Greek Yogurt and almonds
    Lunch: Lean Meat , green salad with balsamic and veggies (sometimes I add brown rice or whole wheat bread)
    Snack: Green Smoothie ---- 30 minutes later, vitatop
    Dinner: See lunch (I usually eat left overs for lunch)
  • Last_15
    Last_15 Posts: 129
    Are you eating enough calories?? If I try to eat only 1200 calories I get insane with hunger, to the point of getting dizzy, shaking and nausea ~ it is too low for me!
  • meemsta
    meemsta Posts: 1
    Hunger means it's working. :laugh:
  • LyndseyMcKnight7
    I have been at this for over a year, and lost plenty of weight, but I am always starving. I just look at it like it's the price I pay to be healthier. I have bad days where I waste calories on bad things, and I know that I will sacrifice and be hungry because of it, but even on a good day I am hungry all the time. I eat lots of fiber, protein, veggies, etc, and am still starving about an hour after I eat. I also drink about 16 glasses of water a day. I work out plenty and I just don't know what to do about it.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    I eat all day long- literally every couple of hours. I would also suggest increasing protein and fiber, as that will keep you full longer. Watch out for empty calories- they dont last long!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Eating every couple of hours is actually not a bad strategy. BUt if you constantly hungry, try increasing your protein at the expense of your carbohydrates. Many people ( myself include) have a greater sense of satiety with higher protein lower carb meals and snacks

    I know you are right, but I've just come off atkins and am sick of meat - so aiming to eat more fish, legumes and seeds. Plus I am a complete carb monster - if only atkins was eating carbs :bigsmile:

    Being a carb monster is what got me sooooo overweight to begin with. Some people are very carb sensitive and that is me. When I increase my protein I do not do it like atkins. I only choose extra lean meat, Extra lean turkey, fish, nuts, pnbutter, or grilled chicken. No red meat for me. I also keep my carbs below 100 g a day.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    I have to eat every couple of hours or i will end up making bad choices. Here is what my day looks like right now:

    7:30am, coffee drink, sometimes a peice of fruit

    9:30am, breakfast (usually oatmeal)

    11:30am, lunch

    1:30pm: first afternoon snack

    3:30pm: 2nd afternoon snack

    then I go my longest period without food, but this is also when I usually exercise, so I am good.

    7:00 dinner

    9:00 evening snack

    This works well for me, and I am never TOO hungry.
  • calistyle
    calistyle Posts: 7
    eat less amounts more often.

    I was used to 2500-2800 calories per day, now I have around 1700.

    7am - cherrios or something similar
    9am - protein shake
    11am small lunch
    2pm protein bar or small snack
    4pm (pre workout) protein shake
    6pm dinner
    8pm protein shake
  • gatorgirl7
    gatorgirl7 Posts: 103 Member
    i hear you! i get that way too--esp when i do a ton of cardio. i try to eat every few hours. my snacks are typically a piece of fruit and a cheese stick or almonds and a piece of fruit...or whole wheat bread and peanut butter. sometimes, i eat a half of a cup to a full cup of grapes--they are full of water and more dense so make you feel fuller faster and longer. i try to eat a few grapes 30 min before i eat a meal (an old ww trick) so i won't devour it the second i see the plate! i'm glad you said you are drinking a lot of water--that was going to be my first suggestion...a lot of people think they're hungry when they're thirsty. good luck :)
  • jasmin1310
    jasmin1310 Posts: 80 Member
    I thin i need to keep my carbs slightly lower and look at more protein options - find it difficult to find low calorie protein snacks in the UK.
  • remcohekker
    Chewing gum works great for me.
    It stops me from feeling hungry but doesn't add to the days total.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Up your protien levels! I feel satisfied longer, v.s other foods. Try to stay away from carbs, they make your sugar levels peak and drop!
  • misslys9304
    misslys9304 Posts: 17
    if you get too hungry between meals just drink water and try to find something to keep your mind busy. don't think about eating just try to stay distracted, meal time will come before you know it. good luck!
  • patricia92d
    patricia92d Posts: 49
    well what i do is

    it worked for me cause i was also constantly hungy in the beginning but the weight fell quicker :D