Beach Body Programs



  • AReeves41
    AReeves41 Posts: 66 Member
    Im about to start P90x3 as soon as it arrives. Im looking to trim down and jmprove my performance.

    Feel free to add me
  • AndyCool22
    AndyCool22 Posts: 131 Member
    turbo jam is great for me and my girlfriend who are out of shape. we've also done some of the T25 as well as the 21-day-fix. hip hop abs is OK.
  • slittle80
    slittle80 Posts: 80 Member
    I did 3 rounds of Insanity. Then tried out T25, Combat, and Asylum before moving onto Body Beast. I'm on round 4 of Beast now and love it. Going to start a Max:30/Beast hybrid next month to get ready for beach weather.
  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 239 Member
    slittle80 wrote: »
    I did 3 rounds of Insanity. Then tried out T25, Combat, and Asylum before moving onto Body Beast. I'm on round 4 of Beast now and love it. Going to start a Max:30/Beast hybrid next month to get ready for beach weather. [/quote)

    Liking the sound of a Max 30 / Body Beast Hybrid!
  • lingo10
    lingo10 Posts: 305 Member
    Some of the beachbody programs are great, depending on what you are looking for and your level of fitness.

    Insanity, Asylum, Max 30 are more of a higher level, sort of intermediate to advanced levels. Its tough and you get great results from them. I did Insanity and am on week 7 of Insanity Max 30, so i am nearly done with that. I do admit sometimes its hard to stay motivated, so when I feel myself deviate, I supplement another workout in, on week 7, I started to, not that I did that the first 6 weeks when I followed the program to a T.

    Piyo is a great yoga-pilates hybrid, havent tried that yet, but I would think its a bit lower impact than those listed above.

    Focus T25 is a great beginner/intermediate program and when you reach the gamma its more intermediate to a lower advanced style of training.

    P90x is a great program as well for all levels, its built on a solid foundation of taking from all disciplines. the new x3 is about the same workout I hear but only on 30 minutes when you dont have the full hour to alot in the day to give it.

    Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam are great. Turbo Jam is a little easier and fun in terms of dancy kickboxing. While Turbo Fire is the same thing with a higher intensity.

    Hip Hop Abs and Rockin Body are dance cardio and they are alot of fun.

    Then you have Yoga Booty Ballet, which I dont really like, but people like the concept behind it and still have the dvds for it.

    And Les Mills Pump/Combat are branded partnership of Pump barbell style workouts and Combat is a mma/kickbox/muay thai/ boxing workout that is a great cardio workout that makes you feel like you are training with the pros.

    Wish I could explain better, but make sure to watch YT videos and read google blog postings about the different workouts.

    I have done: Insanity, Insanity Max 30, P90x (some of the workouts), Turbo Fire, I own PiYo but didnt do it yet, Les Mills Combat, Hip Hop Abs, Turbo Jam, and some of the other ones like Brazil Butt Lift I have but haven't done a full rotation yet.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I did Chalene Xtreme, great program to learn correct lifting form.... Also P90X, P90X3, and Body Beast. For an all rounder program, P90X did the best for me....Enough strengh training to build up some strengh if you use heavy enough dumbells, cardio that is not boring and TonyHorton is entertaining by himself!
    Just watch out for the ever present "coaches" who try to convince you that you won't have any success without overpriced shakology.....You don't need that......
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I've done Insanity and loved it. It's challenging but it's a great program.

    I'm currently doing Les Mills Combat & I love it - it's so much fun. I'm only about 3 weeks in and haven't lost a lot of weight, but I can already see an improvement in my overall fitness.
  • brown001
    brown001 Posts: 1 Member
    aimsterrz wrote: »
    I'm currently doing Piyo and have turbo fire being delivered soon. Piyo is great if you're looking to get more flexible and tone up the core area. It's a very different but great exercise. I'm happy to help with any other questions if you have them.

    PIYO is one of the programs I was interested in... When you say it's difficult.. What makes it that way?

    Piyo is a great mix of Pilates/Yoga/Cardio. Some of the segments can be challenging some are easier. I recommend if you are looking for something with no impact. You still get sweaty(at least I do). I do still try and get a jog in everyday. If you do get PIYO, it comes with a schedule so you can ease into the moves.
  • MrBryGuy
    MrBryGuy Posts: 115
    P90x is a great program. I completed one round and working on round 2. I have only done the original program, not 2 or 3. But you can cater the workouts to your needs / abilities. You can modify, there is a variety of workout schedules depending on your goals.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited February 2015
    I've done TurboFire, Insanity, Focus T-25, and am currently in my last week of Insanity Max 30. All of these programs were great and I'd easily recommend either one of them.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I've been doing Brazil Butt Lift and LOVE it. Despite the somewhat silly name, it's a great workout. And my husband says he likes the results. ;)
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Beachbody programs are fine I guess. They are beginner and basic and you will most likely outgrow them pretty fast. As long as you can get it without having to deal with an unqualified coach, I can't see the harm.
  • TiffanyOsman135
    TiffanyOsman135 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm getting ready to start Piyo here in the next few days. Not sure what to expect, guess I will find out soon enough!
  • misskris78
    misskris78 Posts: 136 Member
    I primarily run, but I've done P90X, X3, Insanity, Insanity Max 30, Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam and T25. I do these primarily in the winter, when it's -28 outside and if I run, I'll get attacked by a Yeti and eaten by a snowbank.

    I liked all of them, except T25. I'd rather gouge my fat out with melon ballers than do T25. I'm in the minority.

    Certainly, if you're an elite athlete, these workouts won't quite cut it. If you're a mortal, they're fine and come cheaper than a gym membership.
  • sdado1013
    sdado1013 Posts: 209 Member
    i love P90X3 it is great and only 30 min exercises. I lost 7 lbs in first 30 days of it while following the nutrition plan too.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    I've done tapout xt with good results previously, am working with daily burn right now and using the 30 day workout (arms, abs, pushups) on breaks at work since it does something at the desk. Was looking to alternate in p90x also so it's good to see so many positive posts about that one!
  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    I've tried Slim in 6, Hip Hop Abs, Focus T25 and PiYo. They're all great. If I *had* to pick one, I'd probably go with Hip Hop Abs because it's just so much fun. Shaun T makes me laugh in that one more than in T25. T25 is just 25 minutes so that makes it easy to stick to. PiYo is low-impact, but high intensity which made it a whole new kind of challenging for me.
  • MrBryGuy
    MrBryGuy Posts: 115
    Love Beachbody programs. I am a P90x dude! Been doing it for years!
  • PAtinCO
    PAtinCO Posts: 129 Member
    I've done three rounds of Insanity and one of T25 (all three stages). I really like Insanity and T25 Gamma, right now I alternate between the two each day. They really helped my endurance and appearance, but I think they lack a little on the strength training side.

    Next up is a hybrid Insanity\Body Beast. Hopefully that will help with strength, especially upper body which has always been my weak area.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    I completed 2 full cycles of T25 and dropped 30 pounds of fat. I then started Insanity and finished 1 full cycle and put on 10 pounds of lean muscle. I'm on my second cycle of Insanity and the results are really showing.

    These programs are primarily cardio and plyometric based and I definitely recommend starting with T25 and moving to the more intense Insanity. Also, T25 is only 25 minutes a day so it's a good program if you're crunched for time where the Insanity workouts are roughly 30-60 minutes.

    Sorry, but just gotta call this one out. It is incredibly difficult to add 10 lbs of "lean muscle" (all muscle is lean, btw), even with a perfect bulking diet and heavy resistance training. I am familiar with Insanity, and am hard pressed to believe it is in any way physically possible to add 10 pounds of muscle mass in one cycle. Just ain't gonna happen.