

  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »


    These links are super helpful. I know they're a bit of a read, but I didn't read (or know) any of this stuff until I'd been on MFP for two years. I was pregnant at the time, but it helped me get back on track in a non-insane way after giving birth.

    The "sexypants" post linked above has another link within it that I think you should pay special attention to, given that you say you've been eating x amount of calories/day and only lost so much back in January but then did the same even more recently and gained weight. It's about making sure your calorie intake is as accurate as possible:


    I know it's hard! If exercise is too daunting right now, it's OK. I lost quite a bit of weight without any exercise when I first joined MFP. Even now that I work out regularly, I don't have 2 hours a day to dedicate to exercise. I get it whenever I can and do whatever works for me on that particular day. Sometimes it's strength, and sometimes it's cardio. I would suggest that, right now, you focus on your food, then try to add in some movement - in whatever form you like - as you go. It doesn't have to be squats, planks, push-ups, or sit-ups. It could just be taking a walk.

    I hope this is helpful, and I wish you all the best!
  • adbkansas
    adbkansas Posts: 1 Member

    One of the best things I found was to increase my protein. Split it up between multiple meals. But a healthy diet with high protein with exercise (walking, wall push-ups, standing crunches... you can do a lot of modifications to exercises.) can help you. But it doesn't happen over night. Some weeks even when I did everything right I only lost .2 pounds.

    According to the leader of a weigh loss group I am in, I am supposed to eat around 130 grams of protein each day... but MyFitnessPal says a lot less. I lost 12 pounds and 11.25 inches during this competition that began on Jan. 4 and ended yesterday. And if I can do it I'm sure you can do it. I too got very discouraged along the way.

    Best of luck to you on your weight loss journey.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    As far as exercise goes, the most effective exercise you can do is the kind that you enjoy. Do a variety to see what you enjoy doing. If you try doing something that is way too intense or that you hate doing you will be less likely to stick with it. Planks are not a requirement for weight loss.

    Also learn a little bit about how the body works. When you start exercising your body will hold onto water for muscle repair. This can mask fat loss. Be patient and give your body some time to adjust. A week is not long enough to determine anything.

    Maybe it would also be a good idea to set some goals that are not about the number on the scale. Goals geared toward logging consistency, water consumption or exercise goals are easier to control and will help you feel like you accomplished something even when the number on the scale isn't moving.
  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I try doing sit ups and planks I find them hard to do

    Which is exactly why you should do them! Don't worry about sit ups for now. Work on planks: get your form correct. Time yourself. If you can only hold it (perfectly) for 5 seconds, so be it. The next day do another 5. Then try for 7 or 10 seconds. Honestly, building little by little will not only help strengthen your core but it will give you the confidence to know that you CAN do this!

    I've been doing planks for years and I STILL do them regularly. They still challenge me. I start every weight workout with a 90 second plank. It gets my heart rate started.

    Agreed! I have over 100lbs to lose myself and I go to a training 2x a week and everything I do there is hard! I do squats, lunges, push ups, sit ups, left lifts, "bicycles" and other things. It's was terrible on my 1st visit. I thought I was going to die! (A little dramatic but you know what I mean). It's still hard but I can do more, I feel stronger, I did like 5 pushups. Sound silly for some but I had NO IDEA I could do 5 push ups! I ran for 1 1/2 miles on the elliptical the other day. That was hard too! This is after only a month of sticking with it! I eat a little lower on calories than some but I eat NO junk food, lots of good stuff and I feel full at the end of the day. It's an amazing difference! I could eat 2,000-3,000 calories of junk and be hungry at night before! Now I eat 1500-1600 calories a day.
    I think it's going to be hard for a while and, I am definitely no expert but, I think the only way to do it is to fight for it every day and wanting it more than you want whatever made you overweight. Plenty of days are going to be hard but other days you will feel great, accomplished, proud. Just keep trying!

  • cheltgirl87
    Thank you all for your messages I have read every one of them , I am going to eat 1,400 calories and exercise 3 times a week to start with for 45 mins and I'm thinking of doing an aerobics/walk one day and the other two days doing. Some weight training with kettle bells what do u think
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Thank you all for your messages I have read every one of them , I am going to eat 1,400 calories and exercise 3 times a week to start with for 45 mins and I'm thinking of doing an aerobics/walk one day and the other two days doing. Some weight training with kettle bells what do u think

    Sounds like a good plan!! Best wishes :)
  • Isabelle_1929
    Isabelle_1929 Posts: 233 Member
    edited February 2015
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Thank you all for your messages I have read every one of them , I am going to eat 1,400 calories and exercise 3 times a week to start with for 45 mins and I'm thinking of doing an aerobics/walk one day and the other two days doing. Some weight training with kettle bells what do u think



  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Sounds to me like you have a very moderate, doable plan now! I promise if you are consistent and don't try to do too much too fast, you will be amazed at what your body can do a year from now. When I first started MFP in July 2013 I was 45 pounds heavier and had bingo wings. Now I can do full pushups and I'm working on unassisted pullups. I'm twice your age, so think what you'll accomplish!! Don't quit!! :)
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Thank you all for your messages I have read every one of them , I am going to eat 1,400 calories and exercise 3 times a week to start with for 45 mins and I'm thinking of doing an aerobics/walk one day and the other two days doing. Some weight training with kettle bells what do u think

    first stop THINKING about what you're going to do and just do something anything. go out for walk. too cold get on a treadmill and walk. don't have a gym, walk inside your home, march inside your home. anything. you don't need a specific program you just need to start moving. second, make sure you are WEIGHING all your food. not measuring not eyeballing but weighing. buy a scale for your food, you can get cheap ones they work fine. i bought mine for $20. i eat 1510 calories, plus my exercise calories, i'm 4' 11-3/4", 150lbs, i lost 38lbs over 2 years. YES TWO YEARS! i've kept it off. i don't deprive myself of anything i go over in my diary (it's open), i don't stress over it. you didn't gain your weight overnight you won't lose it overnight either. jumping 100% head first into ALL this is only going to frustrate you. focus on just one day. what can you do TODAY that will make a difference in your health. :smile:

    don't stress you can't do a plank. if you want to try one go for it. try it for 10 seconds, not a full minute that some can do. eventually you'll get there. baby steps. baby steps and you'll be successful.

    good luck to you.
  • detradearmas
    detradearmas Posts: 10 Member
    krithsai wrote: »
    What works for one person isn't going to work for another. You are just starting out, so go slow. Start off with walking 30 minutes a day. Or three times a week. Then, add some bodyweight movements like bodyweight squat, elevated pushup and lunges. Go slow. Don't listen to those who are telling you to work out twice a day etc. it's not going to work for you right now. Be patient.

    What she said. I highly recommend Leslie Sansone's home walking videos if you're just starting out. The moves are uncomplicated and you'll break out a nice sweat. You could even do it twice a day without having to spend an insane amount of time on it.

  • detradearmas
    detradearmas Posts: 10 Member
    I have a freind that walked 2miles a day and change what she eat to healthier foods less starch more fiber and protein. Her and her husband being elderly and heavier than 200, both managed to loss well and look great. I prefer the firm videos. And a vegetarian diet. Since I also have thyroid problems my doc sent me to a dietitian. I have lost 3lbs and a inch overall. In a month. I'm 61 and very happy to weigh in at 232 today. If I can do it you can too if you dont stop trying u cant fail
  • cheltgirl87
    Thank u all but I have been doing Jessica smith walking workouts , and also some of Walk on workouts with the firm band and also the walk on 3 mile walk that lasts about 45 mins. And with that I ate 1,500 but haven't lost anything so I'm going to eat 1,350 and exercise twice a week for 1 hour a time I hope it works otherwise I don't know what I will do :(