healthy/protein/meal replacement shakes

I am just getting back into working out. Breakfast is hardest for me and I do better with shakes or smooties. What is a quick but yummy protein or meal replacement shake?


  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Greek yogurt - I like Fage 0. Frozen strawberries, four packets of Stevia in the raw, milk. Use your blender/chopper. So good!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    You're about to be bombarded with Beachbody salespeople (they call themselves "coaches", lol).

    Steer clear!
  • Chassity1987
    I don't hold much stock in people who sell the items opinions. More so people who have tried them. Would love something all I have to do is add ice and probably almond milk.
  • Tim_Simons
    Tim_Simons Posts: 64 Member
    Protein shakes are very low calorie and are not designed to replace a meal. Bars, soups, puddings and other snacks are designed to replace one or two of your daily meals. Add supplements in your diet in case of nutrient deficiency.
  • MsPrncss
    MsPrncss Posts: 19 Member
    Premier Protein High Protein Shake these are the best and is helping get this weight off