Clean Eating Club ~ Dec. 8-14



  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Oh, and I drink at least a gallon of water a day. Coffee in the morning and sometimes green tea.
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Didn't get my workout in :grumble: My 5 year old had been sick Fri. and Sat. was feeling better Sun. Before school Mon. I noticed he had a hive like rash on his torso and called the doc, well the nurse, and gave her all the details, sore throat, mostly gone, low fever, now gone, rash on torso??? She said it was probably dry skin, gave him Benadryl, rubbed on some Aveeno, sent him to school. Today, went to friends, told her about weekend, rash, she said, that's probably strep!!! It was!!! I'm mad at that nurse for not connecting the dots (no pun intended) about the sore throat and the rash! Sorry to vent...

    1 hardboiled egg w/ salt
    1 c. green tea

    2 c. romaine salad w/ carrots, celery, cabbage
    2 oz. chicken
    1 T. sunflower seeds
    2 T. LF dressing

    4 oz. chicken
    1 sweet potato
    1 c. green beans

    Ooooooh, and I just bought some "Flackers" (flaxseed crackers) at my coop, they're 100 cal. for 2 with 5-6 g. of both fiber and protien, savory flavor, can't wait to try them!
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    1/4 c lowfat plain yogurt
    1/4 c cottage cheese
    1/4 c pomegranate seeds
    14 almonds

    Wheat tortilla
    2 oz. turkey
    1 Tbs hommus
    2 slices tomato
    Green leaf lettuce

    Trail mix
    1 c skim milk
    1 Tbs unsweetened cocoa powder

    1 c sweet potato stew
    1/2 c cottage cheese

    1/4 c dry roasted wasabi edamame

    Just feeling blah :sick: . I'm going to try really hard to get myself out the door for some exercise in the morning!
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    I'm mad at that nurse for not connecting the dots (no pun intended) about the sore throat and the rash!

    Don't get me started on "health care" providers. I hope your son feels better soon!!! :flowerforyou:
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Didn't get my workout in :grumble: My 5 year old had been sick Fri. and Sat. was feeling better Sun. Before school Mon. I noticed he had a hive like rash on his torso and called the doc, well the nurse, and gave her all the details, sore throat, mostly gone, low fever, now gone, rash on torso??? She said it was probably dry skin, gave him Benadryl, rubbed on some Aveeno, sent him to school. Today, went to friends, told her about weekend, rash, she said, that's probably strep!!! It was!!! I'm mad at that nurse for not connecting the dots (no pun intended) about the sore throat and the rash! Sorry to vent...

    Oh I hope he gets better soon!! It's probably scarlet fever - I had that when I was like 8? But I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on tv!!
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    More mindless eating: Raisins and nuts, and more raisins and nuts. The raisins are satisfying my sweet tooth. TOM, please get here!!! :sad: :grumble: :tongue: :laugh:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Didn't get my workout in :grumble: My 5 year old had been sick Fri. and Sat. was feeling better Sun. Before school Mon. I noticed he had a hive like rash on his torso and called the doc, well the nurse, and gave her all the details, sore throat, mostly gone, low fever, now gone, rash on torso??? She said it was probably dry skin, gave him Benadryl, rubbed on some Aveeno, sent him to school. Today, went to friends, told her about weekend, rash, she said, that's probably strep!!! It was!!! I'm mad at that nurse for not connecting the dots (no pun intended) about the sore throat and the rash! Sorry to vent...

    Yes, it sounds like strep or scarlet fever. My girls have had strep a LOT so I feel like I could diagnose it. :grumble: I hope he is feeling better soon!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Tummy still upset all day, almost wondering if I had a touch of food poisoning????

    1/2 c. NF yogurt + 1 T. NM PB + 1/4 c. Nature's Path Pumpkin Flax Granola

    Usual oatmeal (again, all that sounded good)

    And just had herbal tea tonight, hope I wake up feeling normal tomorrow!! :ohwell:
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    I just increased my base calories to 1320 because I want to see what happens. Even for my small height and size, 1200 sounds like starvation (although I almost never eat that little). If I don't lose or gain in a couple of weeks, I'll increase again. I'm curious!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I just increased my base calories to 1320 because I want to see what happens. Even for my small height and size, 1200 sounds like starvation (although I almost never eat that little). If I don't lose or gain in a couple of weeks, I'll increase again. I'm curious!

    I have my baseline as 1,600 cals and then add in my exercise cals. I am 5'7" and have a lot of muscle so I just can't go below 1,500 even on rest days. I probably average around 1,800 most days. Good luck!!
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    I'm feeling better today, more like my normal self. I think that TOM will come today. :tongue: I went to the gym and did 30 mins. on the elliptical and an upper body workout on the machines.

    Pre-workout cereal:
    1/4 c Grape Nuts
    1/4 c oatmeal
    1/2 c skim milk
    1/8 c egg whites
    1 cup water :drinker:

    At least 3 cups water during workout :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Post-workout buritto:
    Wheat tortilla
    1 whole egg
    1/4 c egg whites
    Spinach leaves
    Chopped onion
    Chopped green pepper
    1 tsp better butter
    1/5 c cottage cheese
    1 cup water :drinker:

    2 cups water since :drinker: :drinker:

    I have the eating part down, so now it's time to focus on the water. My lips have been dry and cracked for days, and my hair has been full of static lately. Six cups so far! :happy:
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Oops! Dinner (last night)
    4 oz. chicken
    1 c. green beans
    1/2 oz. dry roasted corn
    1/2 c. FF yogurt

    4 dried apricots

    And I didn't get my workout in earlier, sick kid and all, so I went out last night and dug the end of our driveway out with a shovel, the hard-packed snow-plowed stuff, what a workout!!!
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Sick boy is doing great, doesn't even feel sick, good thing, Mexico in 2 days.....


    2 c. water
    20 oz. coffee
    2 pieces Ezekiel cinnamon/raisin bread
    1/2 T. smart balance spread
    1/2 c. FF french vanilla yogurt
    1/2 c. blueberries

    I hope you're feelling better too, Jess! Funny, I was feeling a little nausous yesterday, a couple of times, out of nowhere.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Sick boy is doing great, doesn't even feel sick, good thing, Mexico in 2 days.....

    I hope you're feelling better too, Jess! Funny, I was feeling a little nausous yesterday, a couple of times, out of nowhere.

    Glad that he's feeling better! I'm ok so far today. Breakfast was fine. I think it was something I ate at the Chinese buffet... :huh:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Usual oatmeal (and so far so good, but still don't feel like eating much else!)
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    1 turkey meatball
    1 sweet potato
    3 c. water
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    3 c. water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    4 oz. tilapia fillet
    1 c. brocolli
    1 c. cantaloupe
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member

    1 Portabella burger (morningstar)
    1 Joseph's small pita (burger fits right inside, how convenient!)
    onion slices
    2 T. ketchup, probably not "clean", but I can't eat a burger w/o it!!!
    1 clementine
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member

    1 Portabella burger (morningstar)
    1 Joseph's small pita (burger fits right inside, how convenient!)
    onion slices
    2 T. ketchup, probably not "clean", but I can't eat a burger w/o it!!!
    1 clementine

    I've been buying the Meijer brand organic ketchup (no HFCS) and it's really good! It's almost a bit more *tart* than Heinz, but my dh likes it better. (and my 7yo who seems to put ketchup on everything from eggs to macaroni & cheese! :huh: ) I love those Joseph's pitas and lavash breads too!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Lunch: (no mid-morning snack, just not really hungry)
    3oz chicken breast
    1/2 c. brown rice

    1/2 c. Meijer NF drained yogurt + 1 T. NM PB + 1/4 c. Nature's Path Pumpkin Flax Granola

    3 oz chicken breast
    Big salad w/ romaine, brocc, cauli, 3/4 c. peas, & topped w/ salsa
    1 c. brown rice

    Now my 5yo's complaining a bit about her tummy so I almost wonder if I had a little bit of a bug??