Feeling fat...

How do you get over the uncomfortable feeling of feeling fat and learn to love or be ok with your body?


  • ajaamadorr
    ajaamadorr Posts: 1 Member
    If you start really watching what you are eating, and just try and have a more positive attitude about things, you are trying to work on it. Give yourself confidence you can do it!
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    - appreciate what your body can do. pick up a sport or activity you love and develop your skill.
    - dress as well as you can afford
  • Mech9
    Mech9 Posts: 252 Member
    I can definitely tell you what has been helping me! I think the first step is actively treating yourself positively out loud. Don't verbalize those nasty things you think about yourself.

    Then you can begin weeding out the thoughts too. You can force your mind to "change the subject"! If you are looking in the mirror thinking, "wow, I look so bad/fat" or whatever you think, begin singing song lyrics or doing math in your head and really focus on the words/numbers. Gradually the negative thoughts should become less if you keep working on removing them.

    I think behavior begets behavior, and that's what we call habit! :P
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    alskarani wrote: »
    How do you get over the uncomfortable feeling of feeling fat and learn to love or be ok with your body?

    Get strong and fit and marvel at what your body can do .. it doesn't matter what it looks like it's what it can do .. how much more you can lift, how much further you can walk or run, how much easier it is to climb those stairs

    change your goals
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    If you feel fat but are not fat, probably get some counseling. Says the person who does not take her own advice.

    Same! Deep down I know I'm not fat, but that doesn't stop me looking in the mirror and thinking, "Ugh, I'm so huge!" It also doesn't help that even when I was 20lbs lighter I wasn't any happier, which makes motivation somewhat more difficult.

    I find for me the best way to love my body is to get a body that I love. Even if I'm not happy now, I'm still way happier than I was when I was bigger. And there's the odd day when I look in the mirror and think, "Hey, maybe I'm not so big after all." And dressing flatteringly helps a lot, too. I can't convince myself to love what I've got, but I can focus on the bits I do like and where I've improved, and it helps me carry on working towards a body that I'll want.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited February 2015
  • Never mind what?
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I have no idea if you're logging everything you eat or not. But if you are, according to your diary, you've been eating between 800-1100 calories for the past couple of weeks. (Maybe longer; I didn't scroll back further). This is dangerously low.

    Your profile also says you want to lose another 39 pounds, which, without knowing your height and weight, I have no idea whether it's reasonable or not. But something tells me it's probably not.

    Take a look here and see if any of this resonates: myfitnesspal.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/1575987
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    alskarani wrote: »
    Never mind what?


    I know (I know) you're anxious and lonely and casting about any which way for support right now. I humbly suggest that a weight loss forum (where you posted this thread) is not going to be the healthiest place for you to find it as you start anorexia recovery. Don't torture yourself further by hanging around--even virtually--people who are in the process of losing weight to make themselves healthier. Things will be SO much easier for you, emotionally, if you can find friendship-support in an environment not focused around food and exercise.

    Developing a realistic idea of your own body, and learning to tune in to the real emotions that "feeling fat" masks, are crucial and difficult parts of ED recovery. I really, really hope you have someone in person to sit with you and help you through that process.
  • Sorry, I just didn't understand that comment.

    But I also need to lose weight to be healthy. I'm trying to understand how to do that without extreme restriction...that's why I'm here...