Weight gain after gallbladder removed...



  • alowry25
    alowry25 Posts: 19 Member
    Its very frustrating. Especially when I could cut back calories, exercise and loose the weight. Now I gotta watch those dang carbs
  • I am 30 years old and had my gallbladder removed on Jun 23, 2014. I lost 20lbs after surgery but gained 8 since the surgery. I gained a lot of blubber on my lower belly. I can eat anything I want without digestive issue. I do not regularly eat fatty foods but I did try some out to see how it would affect me. I am hoping a lot of my blubber came from 3 weeks of just sitting on the couch all day and not working out. I just started working out last week so I hope I can get back in shape. I did lose a lot of leg muscle since my surgery.
  • Thimbelinda
    Thimbelinda Posts: 34 Member
    I had my gallbladder out a week ago. I was in the hospital for a total of 6 days. When I was discharged I had put on 5.5 pounds but I think it was from the meds and IV fluids. I have lost 8 lbs in the past 4 days but my waist line is an inch larger. Not sure what is going on but I would love to know how to avoid weight gain after gallbladder removal.
  • ccassityii
    ccassityii Posts: 23 Member
    I had mine out June 5, 2014... I also found out the week before that I had hypothyroidism, I gained some, but now my weight is going down. Lots of working out and eating right. I try to watch my carbs and sodium. If I eat to much sodium my body tends to hold water weight. If I eat fatty foods, my body will let me know right away.
  • LadyVivica
    LadyVivica Posts: 84 Member
    I just had by gallbladder removed last month. I have lost 20 lbs since then...

    Before I was going to have it done i was so worried about the weight gain because both my mom and sister gained 30 lbs after it. I eat clean smaller portions and take Digestive Enzymes from GNC, digestion support tea, and my multivitamin and the weight has been dropping like a rock. I really hope it keeps up. I have started walking more and more since the surgery trying to get my strength back up. I'm up to walking 45 mins a day now!

    But seriously, get the ox bile or digestive enzymes, it makes a difference in your digestion and how nutrients are used in your body. For exercise you don't have to run 50 miles right off the bat, work you way up with walking extra here and there, every little bit counts!
  • Keep gaining weight slowly but I have been lifting a lot. I can actually see the difference but I still have my blubber around my belly. I am still not as heavy as before the surgery. I haven't worked out my abs yet, I am afraid that I still might hurt myself.
  • aconn74
    aconn74 Posts: 1 Member
    I have had trouble all the way around after my surgery. With weight loss, laziness', depression, all over feeling blah. I never felt like this before. I know there is a chance it is not related, but it seems odd that the person Knew before is totally different now.
  • sugabb
    sugabb Posts: 4 Member
    I have had nothing but issues since I had my gallbladder out April 2014. Everything is out of whack. I never really had the diarrhea issues people talk about but I do have excess belly fat which never used to be there. I have lost weight everywhere else but there and I'm confused. I have ordered some Ox Bile and HCL sups to help level things out again. I tell you what, it's really hard to keep fighting the good fight when you are burning close to 600 calories in a big session and you are an inch bigger the next day and you haven't eaten any junk :(
  • janerfitnesspal145
    janerfitnesspal145 Posts: 55 Member
    bump for reference
  • sugabb
    sugabb Posts: 4 Member
    Day 5 of my normal clean eating, working out and taking HCL sups and I am down 2.5" on my waist. Belly fat is starting to finally melt away.. WOOHOO!!
  • ScorpioJack_91
    ScorpioJack_91 Posts: 5,241 Member
    I had my removed three years ago and I'm not sure if I gained or lost weight but the first few days were the hardest...feeling nauseous and terrible and my side was hurting. Don't give up...now I've lost 14 lbs and I got 16 more to go.
  • Mucknjer
    Mucknjer Posts: 2 Member
    I had my gallbladder out in Jan 2014 and have gained 10lbs. I know most of it is my lack of eating correctly since I could eat fats again I went back to my bad habits after surgery. But I also have low thyroid and have a very hard time losing to begin with. I've just started up again watching since having it out so I'm hoping I don't have issues losing. I haven't tried enzymes yet but I definitely am always bloated all day except for when I first wake up in the morning. I have a hard time swallowing pills so I have been taking a gummy pro biotic. It seems to help with some regularity but I still have lots of bloating. Thanks for the enzyme recommendations... can anyone tell me what brand they are taking? Thanks.

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Interesting thread. I only read the first page and a half of replies but will be reading them all when I have more time. I see the surgeon in a week and a half about having mine removed. I have been pretty stagnant at loosing weight since the stones became more troublesome. Curious to find out what will happen when it is gone and I will post an update then
  • mom2ava07
    mom2ava07 Posts: 186 Member
    edited March 2015
    Gallbladder has been out 3 months, and I have been dieting 2 of those months and easily dropped 21 pounds and I didn't have that much to lose.
  • alleycatblue1982
    alleycatblue1982 Posts: 10 Member
    I lost 5 stone after having my gallbladder removed, so don't think it caused me any problems :) I have put a stone on, but that's generally from eating rubbish. I have found it harder to lose, but not sure that has anything to do with my gallbladder, just more my own fault! Some interesting posts here though!
  • dkistner1111
    dkistner1111 Posts: 8 Member
    I had my "barely functioning" (apparently for decades) gallbladder out about a week ago, and I have been shocked at how hungry I've been every since! In the last year, I've lost from 208 lbs. down to 139 with 19 lbs. to go toward my goal weight, but now I'm really nervous because I'm craving milk and carbs like crazy. I had one day where I went literally almost a thousand calories over my daily limit, I was so hungry, and thought "well, maybe my body needs more to heal with." But I was still just as hungry, so today I ate mostly straight protein to try to curb my appetite.

    Does this crazy hunger level off or will it be like this from now on? Gad, I can understand now why some people have such a hard time losing weight if they are fighting this kind of hunger all the time! I never used to have much of an appetite, so I found it pretty easy to stick to clean, healthy eating within the MFP limits. Not now!
  • alowry25
    alowry25 Posts: 19 Member
    The only thing that has helped me is being on a low carb diet. Used to I could count caloried and exercise but now now. Good luck to everyone who is having any issues and the one's that dont have issues, lucky you! Thanks for all the feed back! I dont get on here a lot so if any questions were asked, sorry I have not responded. :smiley:
  • gandydancer
    gandydancer Posts: 171 Member
    People talk about digestive enzymes but why won't they name them as they are all not created equal
  • RavenBlurayne
    RavenBlurayne Posts: 10 Member
    People talk about digestive enzymes but why won't they name them as they are all not created equal

    I am taking Super Enzymes, Magnesium Citrate (both bought off amazon) and a Multi Vitamin gel cap.

    I had my Gall Bladder taken out in 10/05. I have always had a struggle with my weight and before my surgery I had lost 40 lbs and 3 months. Its want caused my gall bladder to go bad from what im told. If You drop weight to fast it can be a problem. I had no warning, had no issues prior, just within a week of the first pains it was removed. Since the removal I had lost some weight even got down to 198 at one point after being 266lbs. 4 years ago I started on the weight loss journey once again got back down to 226lbs ans was halted..... 3 months the scale would not move. changed the way I ate, exercised everything and not one lb. things in life happened I got discouraged ect... about 2 years ago I started have really bad digestive issues. I would eat lunch and im talking a salad or something light because thats how I eat and it would sit undigested the rest of the day..... I would feel awful. Then I started getting an intolerance for milk my stomach would double in size from the bloat. And now bread, I can only eat small amounts. The Dr. put me on Adapex, he expected me to lost 12 to 15 lbs a month I was lucky if I lost 6. He then tried Belviqe which made me loopy and I stopped taking it. At one point I looked into Candida or Cushings, I have the total brain fog going on and many many other symptoms but Cuchings, Candida and Gall bladder all have very close symptoms. Dr.'s wont check the other 2 so I have to think its my lack of Gall bladder doing these things to me. I started looking into it, I am back up to 266lbs now. I recently about 2 weeks ago started taking the Vitamins listed above, and they seem to help with digestion so far. I can tell a difference. They recommend taking them for 3 months to get good and in your system to see good changes.

    See what as never explained is 2 things can happen when having your GB removed, You can be fine and lose weight OR your body will no longer absorb the proper nutrients you need your bile can become to thick and will not work causing your body to go into starvation mode and hold on to everything you eat or drink. even when you exercise. So when my Dr. put me on that diet he essentially made my issue worse. Its been only 2 weeks, I don't think iv lost anything yet. Im trying to start exercising again when I can its become so hard because im so heavy again but in addition iv very very weak and tired.
  • LaurennB95
    LaurennB95 Posts: 1 Member
    sugabb wrote: »
    Day 5 of my normal clean eating, working out and taking HCL sups and I am down 2.5" on my waist. Belly fat is starting to finally melt away.. WOOHOO!!

    Hi sugabb.
    What are HCL sups and where can I get them?? :)