Goodbye wine...I'll miss you



  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I love my wine.... I usually only drink it on Fridays and Saturday nights, but I am finding myself having at least 2-3 glasses nightly this past week since my hubby is working days. I have been making sure it fits into my calories and with one glass at 112 cal it can be hard. I try not to eat when I drink because its too easy to mindlessly eat while drinking. I am counting down the days till he goes back to working nights sunday night.
  • chaitrex
    chaitrex Posts: 94 Member
    Just drink a gin and tonic instead-more bang for your calorie buck!
    Jk...kind of...
    I won't give up wine. But I will say that MFP is definitely steering me not to drink wine or beer before/with dinner anymore. I still let myself have wine when I go out for dinner though, because like...why would you let good food taste sad?
    Maybe if I cut back on carbs in another area earlier in the day, the wine would balance out, and also the two glasses would go further?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I hear ya. I sadly had a bottle yesterday, while staying in my goal of 1350cal. NOT HEALTHY. Need to get on this boat.

    That's a great point. Sure, we can make 4.5 glasses of wine fit in a deficit (iffym etc.) but that's not a particularly healthy thing to do on a regular basis. Once in a while, sure. But we're not fueling our bodies when we do that.

    We can have one glass a night (in place of dessert). For many, one isn't "worth it", and they'd rather have 0 or 3.

    We can have 3-4 on a friday night.

    Each of us needs to decide what works for us, in reality.
  • chaitrex
    chaitrex Posts: 94 Member
    I was the biggest wino red wine and cheese in the night sometimes a bottle or more I just love it! After stopping drinking it (because one glass leads to a bottle) I eat much less calories the week before valentines day so I could drink lots of red wine and eat everything ;) but watch out I would never get drunk before after one prosseco and half a glass of wine I was so drunk!!! I never really got drunk before this so this was very embarrassing haha my boyfriend has never let me forget it and now I am scared to drink!!! Haha anyone else experienced this? :)
    Yes! My boyfriend thinks it's really funny. I'm not too embarrassed though. Just slow down next time and enjoy.

  • juliedee20
    juliedee20 Posts: 45 Member
    I love wine, too! I've had to cut my wine drinking down to weekends only to lose weight and this works great for me. I tried the Skinny Girl wines which are okay, the reds are better tasting than the whites, in my opinion. But I love a good chardonnay, so I'm sticking to the better brands if I decide to drink at all.
  • Buttercupxxx
    Buttercupxxx Posts: 24 Member
    Me too, I'm a wino. :) But I like the challenge of no wine till I drop ten. Alcohol has to burn off before any others calories are burned. So it's best to avoid.
  • Greenbomb
    Greenbomb Posts: 89 Member
    I needed to cut wine out to get jump started. I only get 1250 calories a day (more when I go to bootcamp) but as a glass of chardonnay has 150 calories that really cuts into my food. So...three days now without wine, and the scale is moving already. As soon as I lose 10 lbs, as a "reward" I'll begin having wine again but on days when I don't go to class I can only have one glass. It just doesn't leave enough calories to get nutrition.
  • honeybee_kisses
    honeybee_kisses Posts: 172 Member
    I tried to give up wine since starting this 2 weeks ago but after a particularly stressful day with the kids yesterday I cracked and allowed myself a small glass once they were in bed. I was still within calorie allowance though so I guess I'll just enjoy it every once in a while, like everything else that I love!
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    i love wine - bourbon the most though. i only have alcohol on fridays or saturdays though, and never more than 2 glasses- screws up my sleep cylce and i always feel off the next day.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    I gave up beer for Lent. All that did was allow me to discover that Pinnacle tropical punch vodka and Sprite Zero is delicious.