Newb hopes to lose 10-15 pounds.

Time to burn some fat, create some muscle, build stamina and eat better!

Weight of 205 with a goal of 195-190.


  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Hi there and welcome

    have a mooch around the forums for folk with similar goals to yours, you've not got much to lose so take it easy so that you're not losing muscle too...there are plenty of fellas on here doing the same as you

    Good luck
  • mixmastaspig
    mixmastaspig Posts: 4 Member

    I have a "sort of" work out plan that consists of 3-4 days a week at the gym (1hr a time) with 20-30 mins of cardio (200-300 calories burned) and then weight idea on calories burned there.

    I think the more I attach myself to watching calories, being involved online and obtaining this goal with my spouse's own goal that things will go well!