New and looking for friends for support!

Hi everyone! I live in Toronto and am kind of new to MFP. I'm still learning about the tools and getting used to tracking everything I eat. My goal is to lose 40lbs by August 2015. I live in Toronto and would love to add some friends that I can keep in touch with daily and provide much needed support, motivation and guidance as we travel down the weight loss path together! I'm hoping to be more active on the message boards and gain some inspiration by all of you lovely and dedicated people! Good luck on achieving your goals and hope to meet and chat with some of you soon!


  • Hi and welcome to MFP! I'm right there will you wanting to lose 40 pounds. I haven't put a time limit on it myself because whenever I do that I get discouraged but hopefully that gives you that extra determination! Good luck to you on your weight loss goals!
  • merchantmarine
    merchantmarine Posts: 70 Member
    Hello, I can honestly say it works. I dropped 40 lbs just by watching what I eat and walking / running everyday. I use the garmin vivofit with the heart rate monitor. Time and patience is key..
  • daviloreana
    daviloreana Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome! I need to lose 60lbs, feel free to add me, i love having friends for support!
  • ThePurplePeanut
    ThePurplePeanut Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I have just resurrected MFP after a good few months off while I did weight watchers instead. I am moving to Toronto in about 8 weeks from the UK. It would be great to have someone else to help motivation levels when they dwindle, and great to have someone based in toronto to chat to about everyday things!
    Hope to chat to you soon!
  • changingally
    changingally Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm Ally from the UK and also new to MFP. Hoping to loose 7 pounds to start with. Also looking for support. Keep up the good work!
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    We can all use more friends! I am working on losing 52 more pounds, 65 total. Feel free to add me!