Weight watchers vs. My fitness pal



  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    The more recent WW plans are more generous than the old ones, so most people do lose slower. I too find that frustrating, but I recall how restrictive the older plans were and I know it's just a trade-off. What old plan did you lose on, Flex?

    Painfully slow weight loss is demoralizing, especially when you're paying for it. And having to modify the plan by say not eating your weekly points is also de-motivating. But if you're not very overweight, you have to. Average intake on the current plan is over 1800 calories a day. A lot of us women won't lose on that. We don't feel restricted, either, but why track like a hawk (even the easier, points style tracking), if you're eating too much to lose?
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    The biggest difference that I've seen from both is that WW does not support maintainers the way they should. It seems to me that once you get to goal with WW and you no longer have to pay money to get weighed in or attend meetings, the leaders there no longer seem to care or have anything encouraging to say. I've had a much better overall experience here on MFP over the last year in maintaining my weight than the first 2 years with WW.
  • @walkingalong I lost on the momentum plan. I did feel Like I was always overeating on the points plus plan especially with the 49 weekly that I know I have and tend to use, and the free fruits and vegetables.
  • lg3737
    lg3737 Posts: 8
    edited February 2015
    @kimbernada‌ thanks for the link awesome information.
  • Day 5 on MFP only. So far it's going great.
  • My opinion? Don't waste your time with Weight Watchers- you need determination and motivation to make the change, not money.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    I've never done Weight Watchers, but I know that my mother in law has lost & gained the same 25 pounds for years & years. She still doggedly counts her points (in fact is a bit obsessed -- but, hey, no judgment --) and seems discouraged 75% of the time.
  • I just reached lifetime at ww. I'm mfp because I've been gaining and losing the same 3.5 lbs since nov. 28. I need something new to lose the last 8 pounds.