new and looking for motivation

Hello everyone! My name is Nikki and I recently started using MyFitnessPal (again). I am not very overweight, but after starting a full-time job I've been gradually gaining weight. I'm trying to find ways to lose a little bit of weight and adjust to healthy habits so it isn't a problem in the future. I'd love to meet other people with suggestions and who can help with motivation!


  • starbucksgirl68
    starbucksgirl68 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Nikki! I've been logging with MFP on and off for 2 years. I lost 75 lbs using MFP about 1.5 years ago. I've started to gain some back (thanks, desk job) so I'm back to logging daily. Let's do it together!
  • hikarizx
    hikarizx Posts: 15 Member
    Wow that's awesome! Do you have any advice? :)
  • dhuno
    dhuno Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Nikki! Your story and mine are almost exactly alike. Just a few pounds I'd like to lose before it gets out of hand. Gained exactly after I started a full-time desk job. One of my splurges is going to be a Fitbit activity monitor to get me going. My two kids have one and say it's a real motivator. Luckily, I can walk during lunch and breaks- just have to do it, lol. If starbuckgirl is any indication, daily logging seems to help!
  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    Welcome, Nikki! I'm also a Nikki with the same story....of course, it took me gaining 25lbs at my new job to take a step back and change things.

    -My first suggestion is to invest in a decent digital food scale, I got the one I use at Target for around $15. Make sure you weigh EVERYTHING, it seems tedious at first, but it really trains you to be more aware of portion sizes.

    -Make sure you're also being consistent and accurate with your food logging, that's a big one. Log everything, even on the days you go over, it helps you stay accountable.

    -Try to only weigh yourself once a week, on the same day, at the same time, wearing the same clothes (or lack thereof). If you're anything like me, my weight can fluctuate by a couple of pounds in just one day. Weighing once a week gives me a better picture of my progress.

    -If you're going to start working out, start slow and don't try to commit to a program that kills you. Pick something you actually like doing, you'll be more likely to stick to it.

    -Finally...make a point to eat healthier, but eat stuff you like and wouldn't mind eating for the rest of your life. Ignore "diet" foods and "diet" plans. You can lose weight eating the same stuff you do every long as you're eating a deficit.

    That's a lot of stuff to read, but I can swear from personal experience that it works. Best of luck!
  • hikarizx
    hikarizx Posts: 15 Member
    What does the fitbit monitor do that helps you? I discovered my iPhone tracks my steps and automatically syncs with MFP, which is pretty cool, but I'm not sure if there are other things that could be helpful.
  • hikarizx
    hikarizx Posts: 15 Member
    Nikki, my biggest problem is that I don't have a lot of time to cook. I work two jobs (probably a total of 60 hours per week, on average), I'm taking a class, and I volunteer. So my biggest problem is eating at the restaurant I work at and generally just eating whatever is either a. fast and convenient or b. what sounds good when I'm at work and can't distract myself.

    I've gained about 20 pounds over the past few years. At first, when it was just bad eating habits, it didn't catch up with me because I was always moving. Then came college and drinking/eating even worse, now the desk job. I'm afraid if I don't do something now it will get worse.
  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    hikarizx wrote: »
    Nikki, my biggest problem is that I don't have a lot of time to cook. I work two jobs (probably a total of 60 hours per week, on average), I'm taking a class, and I volunteer. So my biggest problem is eating at the restaurant I work at and generally just eating whatever is either a. fast and convenient or b. what sounds good when I'm at work and can't distract myself.

    I've gained about 20 pounds over the past few years. At first, when it was just bad eating habits, it didn't catch up with me because I was always moving. Then came college and drinking/eating even worse, now the desk job. I'm afraid if I don't do something now it will get worse.

    I totally understand. I'm at work 50-55 hours a week and it often feels like I barely have enough time to clean my apartment. With a busy schedule I find it helps a lot to cook in big batches and rely on the leftovers to feed me for the next day or two. What restaurant do you work at? Is it a chain that has their nutrition facts online?
  • darlacmp
    Hi.....I have just started using this program again hoping it will get me re-motivated. I feel like I am at a point where I am starting to feel a few extra pounds and want to lose them before things get out of control and I am past the point of no return. I am the heaviest I've ever been but feel like it's not too late! Help keep me motivated!
  • hikarizx
    hikarizx Posts: 15 Member
    hikarizx wrote: »
    Nikki, my biggest problem is that I don't have a lot of time to cook. I work two jobs (probably a total of 60 hours per week, on average), I'm taking a class, and I volunteer. So my biggest problem is eating at the restaurant I work at and generally just eating whatever is either a. fast and convenient or b. what sounds good when I'm at work and can't distract myself.

    I've gained about 20 pounds over the past few years. At first, when it was just bad eating habits, it didn't catch up with me because I was always moving. Then came college and drinking/eating even worse, now the desk job. I'm afraid if I don't do something now it will get worse.

    I totally understand. I'm at work 50-55 hours a week and it often feels like I barely have enough time to clean my apartment. With a busy schedule I find it helps a lot to cook in big batches and rely on the leftovers to feed me for the next day or two. What restaurant do you work at? Is it a chain that has their nutrition facts online?

    Yeah I work at Fridays. Their food is sooo unhealthy. :(