
I am on week 5 of T25. I hsve not lost a pound!! I have been counting calories for the last two weeks. 1200 mon -Sat and let myself slide a little on sundays. why am I not losing? clothes are not loser either so I am not shrinking at all! any suggestions? I will welcome any advice or suggestions. im desperate!
5'9" 180 lbs 38 year old female


  • karibeargirl
    karibeargirl Posts: 249 Member
    What is your calorie intake? T25 is a vigorous workout.. Good stuff though! Are you drinking plenty of water? And what is your typical calorie burn with each workout? So many questions:)!
  • ShariTho1
    ShariTho1 Posts: 85 Member
    my calorie intake mon-sat is approx 1200. I use Sunday as a cheat day (pizza, burgers, spaghetti). I drink ALOT of water. 88 oz a day. I have NO idea how many calories I burn in those 25 min
  • karibeargirl
    karibeargirl Posts: 249 Member
    I'm not an expert.. But my suggestion would be.. Monitor your calorie burn. T25 workouts are only 25 minutes.. Even though.. You can still burn a good amount of calories within that time frame. Also, knowing your target heart rate will help you know where to reach your maximum heart rate to be able to burn those calories. Like for me.. Mine is 162.. So when I'm working out, I get my heart rate up to that and keep it there for how ever long it is recommended to burn calories. But you should be seeing some results I would think.
  • ShariTho1
    ShariTho1 Posts: 85 Member
    how do I know my target heart rate. this is so frustrating. it ahouldnt be this hard..I mean eat less/move more! I am doing that. :'(
  • karibeargirl
    karibeargirl Posts: 249 Member
    edited February 2015
    Target Heart Rate Calculator - Active.com
    I can understand your frustration. Knowing your target heart rate and amount of calories you burn can better help you to understand what's going on. So when you log your exercise into myfitnesspal, you are aloud those calories to eat.. Does that make sense? Mabye investing in a Polar watch can help with keeping track of how many calories you burn.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    ShariTho1 wrote: »
    how do I know my target heart rate. this is so frustrating. it ahouldnt be this hard..I mean eat less/move more! I am doing that. :'(

    You need either to eat even less or move even more. But more helpfully

    Can't see your diary so makes it hard to see what the underlying issue is. My diary is open of you want to look at the level I go at. Using Ockham's razor, you are likely to be underestimating calories, look for the stickies about weighing ALL food and MEASURING all liquids, no eyeballing, no it's roughly right. The other is that you are overestimating your exercise, notoriously difficult to get right, even with a HRM.

    The good news if you are stable, is that you are in calorie balance, so exercising longer or with more intensity without eating more will cause a drop. Eating less and maintaining both the duration and intensity of exercise will also cause weight to come off. It won't be what you want to hear but it is likely to be the cause of your stagnation. Not having your cheat day will also help. Good luck on your journey
  • meganmoore112
    meganmoore112 Posts: 174 Member
    You're likely not losing because you're eating more than you think. I'm on week 3 of T25 and I haven't lost anything either. But I'm certain it's because I'm eating too much. Yesterday, I started tracking as accurately as I can. I got my food scale out and will be weighing and measuring everything. If you log accurately for a couple of weeks and still don't have any loss, then you can re-evaluate.
  • cocobongo
    cocobongo Posts: 186 Member
    Are you having a cheat day or a cheat meal? I'd recommend a cheat meal not day if so. I am on week 6 of T25 and have had a huge result. I have my calories set to 1500 and I eat back exercise cals if I want/need to. I have a cheat meal once a week which makes me go way over for the day but never over on my weekly nutrition in cals, fat or carbs. Only thing I'm ever over in is Protein (good) every day and marginally over in sugar which isn't good but I've gone from being about 50g a day over to about 3 so I can live with that for now.

    Also, I love T25 but I would say it's a programme that could have hugely varying results as it all really depends how much you are putting into it. I followed some of the modifications in Alpha round but was always at 100% of what I could do and trying to keep up with them reps wise etc.
  • ShariTho1
    ShariTho1 Posts: 85 Member
    I follow m odifier in T 25 some but not always. I think I need to just lower my calories. people keep saying I not eating enough calories but even if I in starvation mode I should still be losing weight! Grrrr! I am so frustrated!
    Also, I do weigh/measure/count EVERYTHING I put in my mouth. IS there any product that really works w increasing metabolism? If I could just find something to help burn more calories.......I know, I know...muscle :-) Thx to all for your suggestions!