Trying to loss weight 2 loss the blood pressure meds

Hi my name is Gina. I am currently trying to lose weight with hope in reducing or losing my two blood pressure medicines. I need motivation to help me on this journey because I find it challenging at times.


  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    added you
  • kenpocop174
    kenpocop174 Posts: 8 Member
    Cool thanks
  • ahokay89
    ahokay89 Posts: 353
    Welcome! I also have HBP and have been on Meds for 6 years. It all started from my birth control and then several years of weight gain made it worse. Hopefully this helps both of us!
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am also on 2 different blood pressure meds. Have been on 1 since my 20's (before my weight was an issue as hbp runs in the family) but this past December, my bp was stroke high and I have had to add a 2nd med. I too need to get my weight under control and get my health in check! I have about 80 lbs to lose.
  • kenpocop174
    kenpocop174 Posts: 8 Member
    I hope so too. I always had low blood pressure even on birth control but two years ago I had to Invitrofertilization to get pregnant and I guess because it was not natural it messed me up. It worked on the first time but baby had minor birth defect and I gained a hundred pounds. I also had preeclampsia at the end and ever since my blood pressure never went down been on meds for two years. I'm not sure if it's reversible. All I can do is stay motivated and just try to continue to lose weight. I hope it does help us too
  • annie786
    annie786 Posts: 27 Member
    I am experiencing the same issue. Will add you guys for motivation and support. We can do it together.