Calling All Maintaining Beasts

I recently just celebrated 520 days streak & a MFP bud called me a 'beast.'

It made feel really good because by my own diligence the hope is that it may help encourage others.

SO ... maintaining beasts - what is your highest log in streak and do you still continue to log everyday & how long have you been maintaining?

Whether you DO or DON'T log daily - what is the ONE suggestion (or advice/tip) from your own experience which may help/affirm/encourage others to or not to daily log.

And let me just toss in this disclaimer - there is NO RIGHT OR WRONG here! Everyone is different, what works for one may not another. I think it's just interesting to see how everyone else is maintaining.

As always, I'll start:
  • I log in faithfully daily.
  • Maintaining Since: 8/2013
  • One Tip: Be brutally honest with yourself - recognize your own limitations and be proactive in addressing those short comings head-on.


  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    MFP says I have a 614 day streak, but I have only been maintaining since November or so. I have no tips for anyone else. My only advice would be: don't get as fat as I did before I started losing.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm at 1352 consecutive log-ins today. I have logged in every single day since I started.

    I do not, however, log my food every day. Logging into MFP is part of my morning ritual though - that simple act reminds me of my long-term commitment. And I suppose that's my tip: don't commit just to lose weight, commit to changing how you life your life so you can maintain your loss. For me that means logging in every day, logging my food most days, but taking breaks too.

    Maintaining a 130 pound weight loss since September of 2012.

  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I haven't been in "weight loss" mode since 2009. My advice is just pay attention, and don't stop working out. Oh and don't deny yourself things you love ;). My log in streak is all over the place, it's been up to 300 recently it was at 150, but I have four kids, two under two - getting in my workout and work and family all become before logging in here so my streak is bound to break occasionally. I haven't counted calories in 3 years.
  • Panthers89
    Panthers89 Posts: 153 Member
    Today's sign-in gives me 1383 consecutive days, have maintained for about 12-14 months, currently between 230-235 pounds. In 2012, I lost enough weight to get to 199, but I looked terribly old, and didn't feel very good. Since incorporating weights to my cardio, I look and feel a lot better, even at a higher weight. And, nobody ever guesses my weight correctly - usually the guesses are between 20-40 pounds under.

    I log my food intake and activity every day, as it is now a routine part of my life. I try to work out 5x weekly between the cardio and weightlifting.

    The main advice I give to noobs when I mentor them is to log honestly and consistently, even on the occasions when exceeding the calorie goal. Nobody is perfect and having bad days is part of being human.

    Feel free to FR me - any of you "beasts". I'm happy to have more MFP friends with impressive log-in streaks!!!
  • Nuccia2012
    Nuccia2012 Posts: 122 Member
    I just passed 920 days, and am maintaining a 190lb loss for about a year and a half. I log my food every day. I recently started lifting, so I am kind of forced to look to things other than the scale to measure progress. It's definitely a process, and not one that I am entirely comfortable with yet. The logging and my awesome MFPeep network keep me firmly in a routine that works. Feel free to FR me!
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    I've been maintaining for about a year now after logging for two years straight through 100 lb of weight loss. I was on a 450 day streak when I decided a few weeks ago to experiment with not logging and just listening to my bodies cravings and hunger.

    I was so terrified of letting go. I basically told myself that I would never do it, and that it couldn't be done because I was so unsuccessful before; however, now that I've been log-free for two weeks, I strongly feel like once you get to a certain point, you're able to judge what will put you over, under, or at maintenance for the day without logging. I've actually found that food is so much less stressful in that I'm not thinking about it as much and that at times, foods more enjoyable when there aren't numbers attached to it. I'd encourage all you long-term maintainers to at least try it for a week, and see how it goes because it's been eye opening for me to know that I can indeed trust my body!