Separated food only for you?



  • pjs2780
    pjs2780 Posts: 41 Member
    we eat mostly the same things at our house. hubby is using MFP as well so he usually has a slightly larger portion but it's the same thing. kiddo knows that it's important to eat a variety of things including fruits and veggies (and has called us out when we don't have these things on our plates). we almost always have dessert. no "bad foods". we definitely talk about "good foods" though -- foods that make us stronger and healthier. we have had to start cutting back on sugar with the kid though because she was eating wayyyyy too many fruit snacks.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    We all know we must do drastic changes in our food habits to be healthy and lose extra weight... but how do you manage it when you live with your family?

    Do you keep a separate food section only for you, and the other for your spouse/kids?
    Do you "make them" eat what you eat?

    I have not made drastic changes to the type of food I eat and still am losing weight.
    I eat most of the same foods as my dd and dh. I just have to eat smaller portions of higher calorie stuff and log everything. I haven't made them eat anything they do not want to.
    I have Greek yogurt that is mine. I would share but no one else wants it. Occasionally, I put a box of granola bars for myself in hiding so dd will not eat them all.
    Dh and dd have things like ice cream or pop that I don't touch. I could have those things but I'd rather use my calories for other things.
    We all eat meals prepared at home except for one meal on the weekend when we eat food from a restaurant. I consider what I will order in advance.
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I eat my breakfasts and lunches at work, so that stuff is separate. As for dinners, we all eat the same things but I measure and do portion control.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    I don't make them eat anything, but I'm on keto, so in most cases they want what I'm having anyway, meat and veggies and cheese. My bigger issue is reminding them they can't eat my food and a bowl of rice or potatoes at every meal, too. Those kinds of things are in the house for them, but they're on their own to make them. Everyone in the house is old enough to feed themselves, so in a sense, everyone has a little bit of "their food" on hand.
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    It's just my husband and I and we eat the same things.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    I thought this was going to be about not letting the food on your plate touch each other. I'm a big "no food touches" person.

    I have no input for the real topic though. My husband and I eat the same things.

    If you haven't tried mashed potatoes mixed with sweet kernel corn, you haven't lived !
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I thought this was going to be about not letting the food on your plate touch each other. I'm a big "no food touches" person.

    I have no input for the real topic though. My husband and I eat the same things.

    Hee same here, and I was going to reply that I'm the opposite, I prefer my food mostly all mixed up together.

  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    My daughter and I eat some "healthy" stuff that my husband and her boyfriend won't touch. We try to make those things when they aren't around or have other options available for them but basically we all eat the same stuff. I do have a few things that are just MY food but that is because my husband and daughter are allergic to apples.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'm the cook in my house and for the most part we all eat the same save for my toddlers whom I most definitely let indulge in fun stuff like chicken nuggets and whatnot.

    Fortunately I'm a kick *kitten* cook and my "healthy" food is neither boring nor bland.
  • elleykat
    elleykat Posts: 75 Member
    I have a seperate section in the fridge that is just for my food. That is because I portion all my food out so it is easy to grab when I need it and it frustrates the heck out of me to suddenly realize all my string cheese or spinach or whatever is gone. I also do usually make seperate meals for my husband and kids while I eat something else. Sometimes they all eat what I want to eat for the night, but if I am making something I know I don't want to eat because it isn't worth the calories to me I will go through the effort of making two seperate meals. It has worked well for us so far. Just more dishes!

    We use different tupperware - the stuff in the colored tupperware is measured out, and the stuff in the clear tupperware is "fair game" as far as my husband is concerned. So I'll have 3 oz of smoked salmon in a pink container, and throw the rest in a clear one; measure 1/2 cup of a smashed cauliflower recipe into a blue tupperware, and the rest goes in a clear one... That way I can easily premeasure my food without having to have a BILLION containers in the fridge, and my husband doesn't steal my lunch. ;)
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    I have always had my own shelf in the cupboard, fridge and freezer because of likes/dislikes (mine and theirs) and my sensitivities and some true allergies.

    We share some food. My kids eat very well, both healthy options and indulgences so they are almost always ok with leaving my foods alone.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I thought this was going to be about not letting the food on your plate touch each other. I'm a big "no food touches" person.

    Hahahaha! I thought the same thing.

    Whether I am trying to lose weight or not I've always made the same meals for the whole family, including when my now grown children were at home. I don't understand the notion of feeding children food I think is too unhealthy for me. What kind of lesson does that teach?
  • JoseCastaneda
    JoseCastaneda Posts: 245 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    We all know we must do drastic changes in our food habits to be healthy and lose extra weight... but how do you manage it when you live with your family?

    Do you keep a separate food section only for you, and the other for your spouse/kids?
    Do you "make them" eat what you eat?

    I have not made drastic changes to the type of food I eat and still am losing weight.
    I eat most of the same foods as my dd and dh. I just have to eat smaller portions of higher calorie stuff and log everything. I haven't made them eat anything they do not want to.
    I have Greek yogurt that is mine. I would share but no one else wants it. Occasionally, I put a box of granola bars for myself in hiding so dd will not eat them all.
    Dh and dd have things like ice cream or pop that I don't touch. I could have those things but I'd rather use my calories for other things.
    We all eat meals prepared at home except for one meal on the weekend when we eat food from a restaurant. I consider what I will order in advance.

    Well, now that you mention it, I did not change drastically "what" I eat... except may be for burgers, too much pizza, some type of snacks, and stuff like that. Other than that, I've changed "how much" I eat, and how that food is cooked...
  • chouflour
    chouflour Posts: 193 Member
    The oranges are mine. I need five oranges a week. The office cat pesters everyone for their lunch, and he despises oranges. So I pack an orange. The orange sits on my desk between me and the cat and he doesn't try to shove his face in my plate. When I'm done with lunch, I eat the orange. Everyone can count to 5 - if there are more oranges left than days in the week, they're fair game. Otherwise - paws off.

    For the rest of it - eh. It's food. Eat what you like, don't make faces about what you don't like.
  • livinfluffy
    livinfluffy Posts: 30 Member
    I tend to make one meal, but if the kids don't like it they can make a nutella sandwich or yogurt and fruit, but they have to at least try what I make. We do have some separate foods because I have food allergies and sensitivities that they do not have, thankfully. I have picky eaters so it can be a challenge while still trying to get them to eat healthy so they don't have the issues I now have.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    The only me-only food is any desserts I make for myself using protein powder... thats it. I don't portion my food into containers, sinece I don't plan to do that for life.. I just weigh the recipe and then take what I want every time. Others eat it if they would like to.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    We eat most of the same stuff for dinner. Sometimes I make my kids a separate meal when it's late and they need to get to bed quickly. If I'm having salad, I swap out the kids' portion with raw veggies to speed things up and skip the complaining. If my husband wants something different he makes himself food, but generally he just supplements our dinner with something else (cheese or other extra stuff).
  • Nati_Jean
    Nati_Jean Posts: 27 Member
    Oh no way. I plan/shop for/ prepare ONE meal.

    First, making two meals isn't likely sustainable long term. Second, eating healthy foods and a balanced diet is a positive habit to teach my daughters.

    I use a pretty basic formula for weeknight dinners that works well: a protein, a green veggie, a fruit or a grain. On nights we will get home later, I may use the crockpot or we might have pancakes and eggs. I wash and chop the veggies for that week's dinners on the weekend when I buy them, and thaw the meat the night before.

    Tonight we had BBQ chicken (crockpot), roasted carrots, and corn. Last night we had salmon baked in foil packets, broccoli, and leftover cornbread. My husband has a larger portion, but we all eat the same foods.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well, nobody else in my family eats my protein bars or Greek yogurts, but if they decided that they wanted some, I'd just buy more (ok maybe not the Quest bars, as they are $$ and my kids can just eat the 'real' thing, lol).

    For meals we eat the same things, sometimes I'll make modifications for me (I won't have rice or noodles, or I have my tacos with lettuce wraps instead of taco shells), but that's pretty much it (except when I'm starving by 5pm, then I just make my own food and they get something else later). Lunches is the only thing where we all pretty much eat something different, kids at school, hubby at work, and me at home, and even on week end I tends to stick to leftovers or 'dinner' food while they prefer sandwiches and the like.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    For meals and me doing low carb, if Im cooking meat Ill keep the unsauced version on the side once I cook it and continue making the rest of the meal. Or I add a carb-type side for them to the meat and veggie portion of the meal. If I make something that has cheese, I don't put it on a section of the meal because my stepson does not dairy. If someone doesn't like it, they can make themselves something else.

    For food in the house, I just put aside a stash of snacks for the toddler. If I don't (and this has happened), there would be zero snacks left for the toddler because someone decide a half a box of granola bars for lunch was a good idea.