Not losing weight when I should be



  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    amor3219 wrote: »
    I was wondering more of how it works. I obviously didn't fully understand or still don't how weight loss works. I wish there was a way where people that knew the answers could help without acting like the rest of us are too stupid to understand.

    Hi there. I'm sorry that you aren't getting the answers that you wanted. There are some really great links up above (especially the sexypants guide) that might help. Have you had a chance to look at them yet?

  • amor3219
    amor3219 Posts: 20 Member
    Yes I will take a look and see how to do that. I started logging everything 11 days ago so that I could keep track :)
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    your body can go through periods where you wont lose for a week or so and then you will lose again if you are weighing/measuring foods and logging accurately.when you first start losing weight you can lose quite a bit at first which is mostly water weight,I wouldnt worry about it. if you havent lose anything in a month or so then reassess cant lose the same amount every week it doesnt work that way in most people
  • NekoneMeowMixx
    NekoneMeowMixx Posts: 410 Member
    2 pounds a week is pretty stellar progress, honestly. Anything much higher than that just isn't healthy. Personally, I'm 5' 6", 136 pounds, and I've been hovering anywhere from 133 to 140 for months now... My current MFP goals (calories/macros, etc) have me losing an estimated 1.1lbs/week...

    Be proud though, you're making progress!!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited February 2015
    Can you make your diary public so we can take a look at what you've been eating? Weight loss always starts in the kitchen ...

    ^^^This, because "when I eat anymore than 1200 calories a day I actually start gaining back" doesn't compute.....are we talking 1200 net or gross, and unless you're 4ft tall you shouldn't be gaining on "anything over 1200".

    It sounds like a potential miscalculation in logging.

    Edit: I've also noticed that you've only been at this exercise deal for about 3 weeks. Without knowing what your exercise is, it's total possible that your body is retaining water for muscle repair. Totally expected when you turn on a new or more intense workout regimen.
  • amor3219
    amor3219 Posts: 20 Member
    I am trying to figure out how to make it public.
  • amor3219
    amor3219 Posts: 20 Member
    and would love any feedback once it is public on what I am doing wrong.
  • I'm sorry for getting hot tempered.. I've just seen that a lot. You go to the food tab and then to the settings link and then scroll down and make it public.
  • amor3219
    amor3219 Posts: 20 Member
    Found it! I just made it public. Let me know what I'm doing wrong or right! LOL
  • amor3219
    amor3219 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm not even sure I'm using this thing right. it seemed like it was pretty basic but I could be entering things wrong for sure. I was just going by portion of things. I am happy to try anything I am open to suggestions for sure!
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Yeah... Two pounds a week is pretty good. Just so you know.

    I wish I could lose an average of 2 pounds a week. It's taken me 3 years to lose 97 pounds, which is NOT 2 pounds per week - it's closer to 2 pounds per month! Anyway, I'm still 97 pounds down.
    Weight loss takes time and you have to be patient. You ARE losing weight. You just said you've lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks. That's FANTASTIC progress.
  • Forensiokas
    Forensiokas Posts: 1 Member
    Well, to begin with, when you start a healthier diet there is a period during which your body is trying to deal with the change. It is true that the weight from the first week could be water (and poop; there's nothing to be ashamed of). When switching to a different diet your bowel could be a little upset. The smaller meals, the more easily you will digest, thus the more often you will go to the bathroom. So, usually switching to a healthier diet could empty your bowels the first week. You also stated you eat lots of protein. Protein on the other hand can cause constipation. So, it is highly likely that while you easily got rid of water and poop the first week, during the next few weeks you could expect some weight gain. Try eating fibers and drink lots of water just to maintain a healthy water balance.

    Fat is hard to get rid of. 1g of fat equals to 9 Cal. So if you want to lose 1 kg (approx. 2 lb) of fat, you need to actually burn 9000 Cal. Now that is a huge number. And during the day you dont only feed on stored fat, and it's not healthy to starve yourself to do so. However, there is one bright side, the more you weight, the higher base metabolic rate you have. In simple words, you adipocytes (cells filled with fat) need food. So when you eat less calories, some of them will give the fat as a source of energy to other cells.

    I would also like to state that in order to get rid of fat you need some carbs in order to mobilize it from where it is stored. If you are on a diet that strictly cuts down carbs, you should talk with your doctor and let him inform you about the side effects. During those diets there is a stage (ketogenic state) where you have very low levels of glucose in your blood. Your brain needs glucose and it cannot actively pump it from your blood; the amount of glucose that's in the brain is the same that's in your blood circulation. Long story short, that is not a good thing and you could possibly damage your kidneys, cause early osteoporosis and other things (nothing is sure though).

    I know it's been a long post, but I hope I answered some of your questions. Do not give up. It's a looooooong way, and the thing that makes it harder is your old habbits. As soon as you get used to your new lifestyle, you will see your weight going down. probably not as fast as you want now, but you will see some results. The key is consistency! :) keep up with the good work! Some times all you need is motivation, so just focus on the goal. :)
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    You're eating more than you think. You have a lot of generic meal entries out of the database, which you can't guarantee that they made it with the same ingredients you did. You aren't weighing your food-bananas can vary greatly in weight (I've had them anywhere from 80-150 grams). You're also using a lot of quick add calories. Plus your sodium is in the red almost every day. It's not bad, but it can cause water retention that will mask weight loss.

    Read this thread, then do your best to log everything accurately and honestly, including eating back a portion of your exercise calories.
  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    amor3219 wrote: »
    I have been working out for three weeks. I have lost a total of 6 pounds. I am eating 1200 calories a day, burning 500 calories a day. Imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning and gained 2 pounds! I feel like I should be losing more weight then I actually am. I am not noticing any difference in clothing and this is a total shock to my system. Before I was eating 2500-3000 calories of junk now I am eating clean and extremely healthy. Does anyone have any tips? I have been told I am not eating enough but when I eat anymore than 1200 calories a day I actually start gaining back. I have had all of my levels tested and nothing is wrong!

    Why are you unhappy with 6lbs in 3 weeks? It's taken me 7 weeks to lose 6lbs and I have 40lbs to lose. A loss is a loss! But 2lbs a week loss is great. Weight does fluctuate and it's not unusual to fluctuate by a good few pounds.

    I would first question why you feel 6lbs in 3 weeks isn't fast enough.

  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    A couple things. I see a lot of bars and prepackaged foods. I'm not knocking them....I love them but not as an everyday thing. You need to eat more fresh fruits and veggies. I'm no saint but I try. Things like greek yogurt and granola with berries....also mostly prepackaged and easily found at the store....a good low calorie breakfast or lunch...cereal with skim milk or oatmeal....again pre-packaged but there are healthy options also egg easy and great way to get protein and veggies. I guess I'm just saying try mixing it up a bit.

    Also are you cooking your dinners? If so put in what you make as a recipe to get more exact calories.

    Then just keep it up losing weight is not linear like many others have said...some people call it the "woosh effect" feel like nothing is happening and then one day "woosh" and the scale shifts.
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    amor3219 wrote: »
    I feel there is no reason I shouldn't be seeing results! I know it does not come off over night but 6 pounds in three weeks?

    I think you, like so many of us here, have unrealistic expectations of your weight loss (don't worry most of us do even if we don't talk about it!) If you lose 2 pounds a week, it will take 25 weeks to lose 50 pounds. That is just over 6 months. Seriously that is pretty fast when you think about it. Extrapolate a bit and that is 100 pounds in a year (FAST I don't care what you say :wink: )

    Get used to the idea that weight loss isn't linear, or you will be in for a shock the week you don't even lose 2 pounds. It will happen. 2 pounds a week is losing more that a quarter pound overnight. That is weight coming off overnight. And quickly. Sorry it wasn't fast enough for you, I really am, but I'd gladly trade for losses like that :smiley: It is a terrible feeling not being happy with yourself.

    Do you take pictures and measure? That 6 pound loss came from somewhere! My profile pic is "only" a loss of 4 pounds, but 3 inches were lost in small amounts all over me (my neck, for example). My friends list asked me to remeasure and do pics as the log and activity were good but the weight loss was slow. We all were pretty happy when the truth was I am smaller and am looking better. No change in my clothes fitting. No budging on the scale. I held at 179/178 for 2.5 weeks. The weight doesn't always move the same week to week. I have been up and down and up and down so much now I laugh about it. Anything less than 183 is a win to me!

    Another suggestion: make goals that aren't weight loss related. Then you will feel successful as you achieve them, even when the scale isn't where you hoped it would be.

    I AM PROUD OF YOU! 6 pounds in 3 weeks is killing it! You will be at your goal very quickly if you keep that up! I understand how frustrating it is when you are working so hard and the results just aren't where you want them to be. Keep it up and don't quit! Make REASONABLE expectations for yourself. Did I say REASONABLE? Oh yeah, and be REASONABLE! :wink:

    This is where you have to dig deep and remember why you are doing this. 3 weeks ago you were 6 pounds heavier, and that sucked in some way for you which is why you are doing this! Today from your actions (calorie counting and exercise) you are 6 pounds lighter. It is working for you.

    Feel free to friend me if you are looking for total goal is 50 pounds to lose and I have another 40.7 to go so I'll be at this for awhile! Just don't laugh when I lose about 1 pound a week...

  • princessloubella
    princessloubella Posts: 20 Member
    Can I just point out that muscle weight is more than fat weight as well, so as you gain more muscle you might find out there might be more weight added, but the more you exercise and diet the more will come off in time, dont rush it, congrats though for working so hard, dont give up yet x
  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    Can I just point out that muscle weight is more than fat weight as well, so as you gain more muscle you might find out there might be more weight added,

    She's eating 1200 calories a day, how could she be gaining muscle?
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Can I just point out that muscle weight is more than fat weight as well, so as you gain more muscle you might find out there might be more weight added,

    She's eating 1200 calories a day, how could she be gaining muscle?

    She can't ... but it sounds nice.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    kellicci wrote: »
    A couple things. I see a lot of bars and prepackaged foods. I'm not knocking them....I love them but not as an everyday thing. You need to eat more fresh fruits and veggies. I'm no saint but I try. Things like greek yogurt and granola with berries....also mostly prepackaged and easily found at the store....a good low calorie breakfast or lunch...cereal with skim milk or oatmeal....again pre-packaged but there are healthy options also egg easy and great way to get protein and veggies. I guess I'm just saying try mixing it up a bit.

    Also are you cooking your dinners? If so put in what you make as a recipe to get more exact calories.

    Then just keep it up losing weight is not linear like many others have said...some people call it the "woosh effect" feel like nothing is happening and then one day "woosh" and the scale shifts.

    Not to give you a hard time, but the majority of my diet consists of pre-packaged foods and I've lost over 60 pounds. It's really CICO, so I think the OP needs to tighten up that logging and get a food scale.