PMS hunger is getting worse and worse



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member

    How's your sleep during your PMS? Are you getting the usual amount?

    I have PMS induced insomnia (I actually have PMDD, it's a b*tch). Lack of sleep screws with your hunger and satiation hormones. Could that at least part of the issue maybe?

    I didn't know it was a thing. I don't sleep as well, but my mom is visiting and has pretty much woken me up every morning this week... I know it's harder for me when I'm tired too but overall I've been sleeping plenty.

    Thanks everyone for the support, it's good to know I'm not alone dealing with this. I hope we find a miracle solution one day or something...
  • Isabelle_1929
    Isabelle_1929 Posts: 233 Member

    I used to be able to, but it's gotten worse and worse. It's seriously awful. I mean, I know some of it is my fault for making some bad choices this afternoon, but still... I had eaten 1300 calories by 11am and apart from 400 calories, it was 'healthy' stuff (eggs, two 90 calorie tortillas, salmon, veggies, an apple and some cheese). And I was still hungry. So I had some mac and cheese (probably less calories than what I entered, it's a weird entry, but who knows) and some spaghetti squash with some veggie/lean meat sauce... and I was hungry again two hours later and really craving carbs. That's where I just gave up.



    Since you were craving carbs, maybe you should have eaten that, instead of all this low or no carb food?

    In any case, I do recommend that you see a doctor. See if there is something to be done about that. The problem is not the 4000 calories, really, but the fact that it seems to cause you some distress.

    Take care.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    Look. Every woman in the world gets PMS to some degree. I understand it makes us more emotional (and sometimes more hungry) but really you are going have to woman up and deal with it. I suspect this is more psychological - you're nearly at goal weight, you've been doing this a long time and are probably burnt out and this gives you a monthly excuse to binge while crying 'hormones'. Everyone has hormones (men too). If you really think yours are beyond the realms of normal then get some blood work done to check things out and speak to your GYN about getting on a form of birth control that prevents your period.

    I disagree with this. It's not an excuse, and it's not about being burnt out. I do typically stay within my calories when I am PMSing, but I am also miserable. I get light headed as well and am constantly stomach growling hungry no matter what I eat for that week. If you understand that every woman has it to some degree, then maybe you can also understand that some women suffer with it a bit more than others. Just because you don't get these symptoms to this degree doesn't mean others are exaggerating theirs.

  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    edited February 2015
    Completely giving in to your craving for high-carb foods, particularly processed high-carb foods, sets you up for hunger. Processed sugars and starches "cause a sharp increase of blood glucose that triggers the body to release a rush of the hormone insulin. A large surge of insulin will leave you feeling tired, hungry, craving more sugar and also lowers the speed at which the body burns fat."

    "Low carbohydrate foods cause a steady rise of blood glucose, which only results in a small and gentle rise in insulin. Small increases in insulin keep you feeling full, energized for hours and encourages the body to burn fat."

    When you indulge yourself with carbs, make it a baked potato with cheese instead of potato chips and dip. Instead of a big bowl of pasta, cook up some wild rice with raisins and pinyon nuts. Instead of ice cream, make it a fresh fruit smoothie with a bit of dark chocolate syrup added. Try to get the protein in there. Get clever and hide it in a casserole if the thought of protein makes you sick.

    Eating high-carb once a month isn't going to blow your hard work to heck, depending on the carbs you choose. Try not to stress about it. It's all OK. You'll do better the other three weeks of the month and continue to lose weight if you stick to your plan.
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    edited February 2015
    You didn't offend me. And for the record progesterone makes me puke. So I have to take anti nausea pills during PMS. Pregnancy is even worse but I don't take meds when I'm pregnant . Generally that's what progesterone does (hence morning sickness for a lot of women in pregnancy). It doesn't force you to eat 4000 calories every month. As I said in my first reply to you, a lot of women get hungrier during TOM. But it's your choice how much you binge and what you binge on. So I repeat, either this is psychological (you need an excuse to binge so tell everyone you will pass out if you don't - you may be depressed?) or you have a blood sugar/thyroid problem and should get checked out asap.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    edited February 2015
    How's your sleep during your PMS? Are you getting the usual amount?

    I have PMS induced insomnia (I actually have PMDD, it's a b*tch). Lack of sleep screws with your hunger and satiation hormones. Could that at least part of the issue maybe?

    I was diagnosed with this as well, but I wasn't given anything to manage it...mainly out of my choice. They wanted to put me on intermittent antidepressants, but only during the time my PMDD symptoms would flare up. Francl27, you may want to visit your doctor and ask about PMDD...Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. They may have things now days that can help you.

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I'm going to assume by carbs you mean things like pasta, rice, cereal, breads, etc.. My advice is to just go eat some carbs and stop trying to eat around the craving because it seems (from what you've said) to only make it worse (as in still hungry/unsatisfied and way overeating).
  • oat_bran
    oat_bran Posts: 370 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    When I was still overweight, PMS was hard, sure, but now it's just insane. Horrible physical hunger and the feeling I'm going to pass out if I don't eat something. Every month it's getting worse... Today is the worst yet and I'm feeling absolutely horrible about it. The crazy thing is... it's not even 5pm and I'm still hungry.. and I've eaten close to 4000 calories already.

    I've tried better choices, but it doesn't satisfy me at all. I've tried protein, fiber, fat, lots of veggies... nothing worked. Still hungry. The only things that satisfy me are high carb foods... but not for long. The idea of eating protein pretty much disgusts me.

    It's completely setting me back. Every month I'm looking at a week of deficit to make up for it, and it's just depressing. Thankfully I tend to naturally not be hungry the next week, but still.

    I mean, maybe it's an 'excuse' to overeat, but it's that or feeling sick and nauseous the whole day. If I ate even half the amount of food I had today any other day, I'd be sick... but now I'm just barely ok for now... until dinner.

    Please just tell me I'm not alone... I'm feeling so guilty and always terrified it's the first step to gaining the weight back (I've lost 80 pounds... 3 pounds to goal, well, probably 4 now).

    Hey, I know this over 3 years old, but I am suffering from the same problem and I've been searching for similar topics and I stumbled upon this one and to be honest, it's as if I have written every word! So if there's a chance you may see this I was just wondering if you have found a solution?

    Because it seems to be getting worse for me as well, but not because of weight loss though, because I have been losing and gaining the same 5 pounds for several years due to this uncontrollable hunger. I am also not sure it's cycle-related since I'm on combo pill and I can't find any distinguishable pattern. Sometimes it can last for almost 2 weeks with a couple of days of break in between. Then I get two weeks of normal hunger levels. Sometimes I just get 4-5 days of this hunger randomly distributed during a month. But the last time the intense hunger streak lasted for almost a month with a several days of only slightly lower hunger and then 1 whole month of normal appetite (that was a bliss). And now it's back again. I'm currently on day four. I ate 2600 cals already and it's only 4pm (I'm still hungry). I'll probably end up over 3000cals today, which is 1000 over my TDEE. The previous two days were almost the same. Which means I've gained almost a pound already. I can only maintain a 200-250 average deficit, so that's almost a week of progress ruined. It's incredibly frustrating. And I feel like my will power is being exhausted gradually because every time the damage is a little worse.

    I know I've made a lot of threads about this already in the last year, and If I'm not mistaken you have replied to some of them. I just wanted to know if yours is still just as bad or if you have found a solution.
  • oat_bran
    oat_bran Posts: 370 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    Honestly, when i had those problems it was because i was suffering from hormonal problems (low thyroid).

    Once that was fixed i was good. If i were you, i would take that as a sign that perhaps something is not 100% right.

    And i know that feeling you're describing it's like a savage real instinctual I NEED TO EAT NOW! feeling that overcomes you. You seriously feel like you will pass out if you dont eat RIGHT THEN.

    If there's a chance you see this, I have a question: did you really mean low thyroid? I thought increased appetite was a symptom of hyperthyroidism, not hypothyroidism. Or am I mistaken?
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    As I'm lactose intolerant, I find that making myself sick with an ounce of cheese kills my TOM cravings. It's weird, but it works. Basically when my body decides to get all batshit crazy on me, I get a bit crazy back.

    I also find that upping protien helps me, so whenever I have steak 3 nights in a row, it's a safe bet that I'm on my period.

    Find whatever works for you. You may just have to back an extra 200 calories a day the week before your period, so that you can eat an extra 200 calories a day on your period. It'll average out in the end.
  • oat_bran
    oat_bran Posts: 370 Member
    VUA21 wrote: »
    As I'm lactose intolerant, I find that making myself sick with an ounce of cheese kills my TOM cravings. It's weird, but it works. Basically when my body decides to get all batshit crazy on me, I get a bit crazy back.

    I also find that upping protien helps me, so whenever I have steak 3 nights in a row, it's a safe bet that I'm on my period.

    Find whatever works for you. You may just have to back an extra 200 calories a day the week before your period, so that you can eat an extra 200 calories a day on your period. It'll average out in the end.

    I tried having a huge lunch that day, with like 3 burger patties, so lots of fat and lots of protein, but it still doesn't do the trick. Lately I've been overeating by 1000(!) calories EVERY day of this crazy hunger streak so 200 extra calories for a week won't save me. I'm thinking I just need to suffer through it. The problem is that I become completely non-functional if I do that as I don't have any energy or focus left for anything else, like my job and responsibilities :(.