I'm Ready!

Hi! I'm not new to my fitness app but I am new to the forums. My "dieting" has been a roller coaster for the last 5 years. I always want to be thinner, but no longer being a kid, I actually want to become healthier as well.

I recently got engaged and promised myself (and my fiancé) I would get healthier before the wedding. After the wedding comes children - which is only more motivation. I am 26, and 170 pounds. I'm about 5'6. I'm not disgustingly fat but I'm chubby and there is some definite double chin. I'm tired of people saying "you're not fat, you look good!" When I need someone to say "you could lose some weight, you can lose the weight". I want to be at least under 135lbs for my wedding. It's on March fifth of 2016! That is more than enough time lose the weight comfortably - but for me it's an entire lifestyle change (waking up earlier, no fast food, cooking and cleaning up after, exercising - blech, going to bed earlier) so that's why it is so difficult.

Anyway, I'm rambling! But this is me and hi to everyone out there! I can't wait to be get to know more people and stay encouraged and on track and watch others do the same! :#


  • Hi, really weird I am 5ft 6 and started at 170lbs (on 167 today) so I know how you feel I am looking to lose about the same amount and feel good about myself. Good luck we can both do it. :D
  • Lady_Lamp
    Lady_Lamp Posts: 7
    edited February 2015
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi and welcome!! read the stickies at the top of the "Getting Started" boards. like this one


    You can do this and be awesome on your wedding day!!

    Edited because I posted the wrong thread, sorry :\
  • Okay I might be double posting. I don't know why my text isn't showing up in my posts. What a great first impression. :\
  • Don't worry about it I do it all the time lol
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    hi there! i am alittle bit shorter (5'4) but have the same starting weight and goal weight. ive been here two weeks and am now 165. my highest weight was 215 and ive kept off those 45lb for 2 years. im ready to make my goal weight! i am hoping to get there by the end of summer but am aiming for a 1-1 1/2 lb per week wieght loss! ill add u as a friend
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I posted the wrong thread, sorry. Read the sexy pants thread, it is great!!
  • Well done on losing 45lbs thats fantastic x
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    thanks! once i got in my head that this was my new life, not a diet, it wasnt so hard. i focused on how great i felt each day, how much more fit i felt, the number on the scale still mattered but it wasnt all that mattered.
  • Your so right, as you build muscle that scales don't always tell the true story
  • Jenn that's so awesome!! Losing the weight is one thing but I feel that keeping it off is a whole other challenge. It's so great to hear that you've kept at it and managed for two years!
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    eventually u will develop habits that are just automatic and u dont need to think about anymore. i never bring chips, pop, or candy into the house. if my husband wants it he has to go get it himself and then only bring enough for the one night or i throw it out the next day. i cant have junk in the house. but i have been at the same weight for 8 months. its gone up and down 5-10 lbs . winter i just feel so unmotivated!
  • Winter is hard! It's a comfort food season. Lots of hot steamy carbs and starches. :( At least for me. Not to mention the desire to stay inside and keep warm and drink hot chocolate in bed all day. I've got lots of work to do. You're officially my role model!
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    just a suggestion. i noticed ur calorie goal is extremely low. the lowest anyone should go is 1200 and thats if theyre short and almost at goal. i would do about 1400-1500. u want something u can stick with long term without giving up cus your starving!
  • I agree if it's too hard it's not sustainable long term. Know what you mean about winter meals but there's some great low fat recipes so you don't have to give to much up
  • You're both right but it's my way to cope. I need to have the extra challenge to change my habits otherwise I just can't stick to it. I aim for 1000 but in my head I know if im feeling really hungry or icky I can have an apple or a little piece of chocolate or something and not ruin everything. My biggest thing is simply cutting back. Then learn time management to cook and clean on a working day, and then figure out the actual nutrional stuff after. It might sound bad but I'm a cold turkey kind of girl. I can't ease my way out. And honestly, eating 1000 calories is healthier than eating an average of 4-5000 fast food calories everyday no matter how you cut it. Hopefully I can prove my theory.