Cheat Meal/night of drinking

Hello all! I have lost 15 pounds in the past two months and I feel so great! I haven't been drinking alcohol which I think has been a huge part of my success. However, an old college friend is coming to visit for two nights and I want to go out and have fun and have a few drinks and some bar food. What can I do throughout the rest of my day (other than starve myself) to kind of try to set off the heavy caloric Intake I know tonight will bring? Any suggestions?


  • Kelll12123
    Kelll12123 Posts: 212 Member
    I've lost 45 pounds binge drinking almost every weekend. I always do a little extra exercise during the day. Sometimes I'll go over my calories when I drink, but it I don't really let it bother me too much unless it becomes consistent. Try to look at your weekly deficit instead of just the daily one.
  • HeidiHirtle
    HeidiHirtle Posts: 126 Member
    I would do this:

    NOTHING!! Do your usual thing, and enjoy your time with your friend, overinduldging even! It's what we do MOST of the time that effects our goals. One or two nights of letting your hair down isn't going to hurt you. Just make sure you go right back to what's working after the fun is a lovely memory.

    Just don't weigh yourself until at least a week later. ;)
  • Hahahaha! Great advice especially that part about not weighing yourself until a week later! Thank you so much! :)
  • Thanks!! Also great advice!
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    I would do this:

    NOTHING!! Do your usual thing, and enjoy your time with your friend, overinduldging even! It's what we do MOST of the time that effects our goals. One or two nights of letting your hair down isn't going to hurt you. Just make sure you go right back to what's working after the fun is a lovely memory.

    Just don't weigh yourself until at least a week later. ;)

    100% Agree
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    I would do this:

    NOTHING!! Do your usual thing, and enjoy your time with your friend, overinduldging even! It's what we do MOST of the time that effects our goals. One or two nights of letting your hair down isn't going to hurt you. Just make sure you go right back to what's working after the fun is a lovely memory.

    Just don't weigh yourself until at least a week later. ;)

    This totally!
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    If I anticipate going over, I find a way to exercise. Burning a few hundred calories that morning will make your cheat night more enjoyable and less detrimental to your fitness plan!
  • glitterrain70
    glitterrain70 Posts: 76 Member
    I would do this:

    NOTHING!! Do your usual thing, and enjoy your time with your friend, overinduldging even! It's what we do MOST of the time that effects our goals. One or two nights of letting your hair down isn't going to hurt you. Just make sure you go right back to what's working after the fun is a lovely memory.

    Just don't weigh yourself until at least a week later. ;)

    Agreed! Hey I might have to try this myself. I SOOOO need a glass of wine, or two, or THREE lol! :wink:
  • HeidiHirtle
    HeidiHirtle Posts: 126 Member
    I would do this:

    NOTHING!! Do your usual thing, and enjoy your time with your friend, overinduldging even! It's what we do MOST of the time that effects our goals. One or two nights of letting your hair down isn't going to hurt you. Just make sure you go right back to what's working after the fun is a lovely memory.

    Just don't weigh yourself until at least a week later. ;)

    Agreed! Hey I might have to try this myself. I SOOOO need a glass of wine, or two, or THREE lol! :wink:
    Well, it is Friday after all! ;)
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    I agree with the consensus of the group. I will add though that I totally knew I was running for beer calories at lunch today. My mile splits were faster and harder than ever, lol! ;) Have a fun night ... hydrate well and eat a full breakfast in the morning, so you don't eat a bunch of junk with your hangover. That's where I screw it all up.
  • yolo9752
    yolo9752 Posts: 69 Member
    Awesome advice! Makes me excited about the weekend :)
  • shamcd
    shamcd Posts: 178 Member
    I would do this:

    NOTHING!! Do your usual thing, and enjoy your time with your friend, overinduldging even! It's what we do MOST of the time that effects our goals. One or two nights of letting your hair down isn't going to hurt you. Just make sure you go right back to what's working after the fun is a lovely memory.

    Just don't weigh yourself until at least a week later. ;)

    Looks like we have reached consensus, excellent advice! We're human beings first and foremost, we must indulge without guilt every so often. Life's too short to be miserable :)
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    Well..if you starve yourself you shouldn't need as much alcohol, right?


    Enjoy your night out. Pick up where you left off after. As long as you don't do it regularly, you should be fine.
  • Thank you everyone!!!!!!! So so helpful and encouraging!
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 429 Member
    This is a lifestyle change & not a diet; in which we are human & need to enjoy our lives. I lost 85 lbs & have been maintaining & drink now & again. With luck you will see a 600 cal margarita on my log this Saturday!!! I personally would make healthy choices the rest of the day, kick up the workout a bit to off set the consumption but enjoy the heck out of myself while out. It's only two days & two days will not ruin results that you have been working toward or will continue to; unless you are about to enter a competion-lol. Agree to hold off on weighing & recommend hydrating for both alcohol/sodium consumption. Maybe even suggest opting for less calorie version drinks like mixed with diet soda or non-creamy drinks. All in all don't stress if you're over & enjoy your time with your friend.
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Have fun with your friend! You obviously don't do this all the time and can go back to your normal patterns after. Congrats on the weight loss :)
  • AShannon54
    AShannon54 Posts: 111 Member
    Thank you for this post! So much truth and good advice. <3

    I personally find maintenance can be more mentally challenging than weight loss. I am having to learn to enjoy myself once-in-awhile. My son had a b-day party last week and I ate too much birthday cake and had a few drinks and I have been mad at myself for days.

    I need to trust in myself - have a good time, enjoy it guilt free and then know/trust that I can get back on the bandwagon.
  • DaveyNH
    DaveyNH Posts: 23 Member
    I always make sure to exercise if I'm going to induldge. I'm running 5-6 miles now and I think it is mostly because I didn't want to give up pizza Saturdays twice a month.
  • sschiano1987
    sschiano1987 Posts: 62 Member
    I would do this:

    NOTHING!! Do your usual thing, and enjoy your time with your friend, overinduldging even! It's what we do MOST of the time that effects our goals. One or two nights of letting your hair down isn't going to hurt you. Just make sure you go right back to what's working after the fun is a lovely memory.

    Just don't weigh yourself until at least a week later. ;)

  • sschiano1987
    sschiano1987 Posts: 62 Member
    Seriously!! Love and enjoy life , just be healthy mostly but a little indulgence is part of having fun. In my experience , when I'm way too restricted I'm just crabby and hungry a glass of wine and some bar food is harmless
  • jonsmithkidd
    jonsmithkidd Posts: 1,204 Member
    I enjoy cheat days to varying degrees. Sometimes it will just be a beer or sweet treat here and there and some weekends I really go for it and have a takeaway, a few beers and even a glass or two of wine.....for me, they are key to enjoying the overall process of losing weight and getting healthy without hating it or resenting the work.

    My two pieces of advice would be....look at calories over the week, rather than a specific day, if you know you're going to go over, as it will stop you from getting discouraged. Also, if you are going to really go for it (on one recent cheat day I had over 4,000 calories) then it may be worth getting an extra workout in beforehand just to feel even better about all of the cheat day fun!