Ok ok.. I ADMIT IT!



  • kailyamie
    kailyamie Posts: 130
    Sunday was Mother's Day so my husband and kids (God love them ♥) Made me breakfast... heart shaped pancakes, bacon, and an egg-white and cheese omlett (egg whites... my husband's attempt at "supporting" me LMAO) And I ate it and it was delicious :) Then Sunday night we had burgers and I ate a burger AND a hot dog IN the buns!! So Sunday for me was horrible LOL I got a good workout in though Sunday night and ended up Netting under my cals... but it was still bad lol
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    ok really ashamed to admit this but this post hit close to home. i'm still struggling with binge eating and logged over 4000 cals on sunday...kid you not. the big thing is that i actually logged it...i'm proud for that reason. usually when this happens, i'll throw my journal out or pretend it didn't happen. it's all about accountability here. no shame in being honest as long as we learn from it right?

    I did the same too! I overate and LOGGED IT this time! I feel like we are definitely taking steps in the right direction. I also used to have the theory that if I ruined one meal, I might as well just ruin the whole day (cough cough weekend cough cough) but I'm starting to get out of that mind set by remembering that EVERY meal is a new meal. Every snack is a new snack. You body appreciates any and all nutrition that it gets, so it won't stay mad (ie pains from a full tummy) forever!
  • kailyamie
    kailyamie Posts: 130
    OH!!! And also Sunday night I had a s'more.... we roasted marshmallows in the grill hahaha and I ate 1 s'more.
  • jperrysunlover
    jperrysunlover Posts: 96 Member
    I'm a wine lover! Had FOUR glasses last night of a limited Cabernet a friend sent to me from a vineyard she visited. Oh yeah....4 glasses is a bottle! :drinker:

    Totally worth it! It was fabulous!

    Cheers to the vodka drinker!!
  • Ekeras
    Ekeras Posts: 22
    I went out for dinner last night and researched the restaurants nutritional information before going to make sure I picked healthy. Not sure if it was a typo or if that's what it actually was.. but there's no way that a Baked Seven Cheese Ravioli was 490 cals only! When everything else on the menu was 1000+ calories! I ordered it anyway... figured ignorance is bliss..
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    The primary reason I often don't eat all of my exercise calories back is because I often forget the little things I eat during the day. therefore any deficiet will hopefully cover anything I forgot to log. I do try to log everything though.. and if I go over, I try to make up for it by exercising. Not a great way to do things but better than nothing. :bigsmile:
  • losebyaug
    losebyaug Posts: 8
    Lately, for me, it's been beer. I try to justify it by getting Mich Ultra (95 cals), but having four (or six) pretty much defeats the purpose.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    3 weeks ago I ate dinner and dessert at Olive Garden. I'm finally back down to where I was before I went there.
  • cfinley21
    cfinley21 Posts: 18
    CHOCOLATE CAKE! That was my mothers day present to myself! I have been working out every day this week to pay it back!
  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    About twice a month I have take-out or fast food, and it's usually something yummy but modestly proportioned.

    But I had a total bonanza Monday. My niece and nephew were over and normally they eat healthy with me but they asked for Pizza Hut. We got cheeze pizza, AND I ordered both the chocolate and the cinnamon dipping strips. :) They were so unbelievably sweet and fatty and delicious. We had pizza, dipping strips, and Coke. And we dipped out pizzas in ranch dressing! I didn't log that night hahahaha.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I had curly fries at Hardee's, and I logged them. Luckily I had plenty of calories left over because this week has been torture on my will to live. Not really, but you know... one of those weeks.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    El Pollo Loco on Sunday. Couldn't just eat up to my calorie limit....no....I had to eat a day's worth of calories and see a big ugly -600 on my profile. I sat up till midnight to see it go away.:laugh:
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I impulse ate on monday night! I didn't feel bad about eating the foods, I splurge occasionally. But I felt bad bc it was totally impulse eating. I ate a yummy dinner of veggies and mahi. Then a few bites of hamburger helper that I made for the kids, corn with butter AND a cadbury egg! It was yummy lol but I usually like to plan out my splurges and not just shove my face on a whim LOL.

    Luckily it was a gym day and I was still under calories
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Welp, this weekend I had 4 beers. They were delicious and I do not regret them at all! Plus, I was still down a pound! Woohoo!
  • WeakCalves
    WeakCalves Posts: 32 Member
    Yesterday I had 1 small bag of M&Ms and 5 belgian chocolate cookies that I bought from costco. No regrets though.