Anyone dealing with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and trying to lose weight?



  • glorione
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in December 2013 but have been dealing with it since I was probably about 18 (I am now 34). Anyone with PCOS knows how easy it is to put on weight but how extremely hard it is to lose weight. I would love to be friends with other PCOS women, together we can support and relate to each other!!

  • glorione
    I was diagnosed in 2008 but started fighting it in 2013 prior to that I gave in and warned my husband that his wife was going to be fat, bald and have a mustache so be prepared. Since I started to fight back I've lost weight and my hair has grown back :)
  • ccostacwp002
    My sister was diagnosed with this! And she has just started seeing a nutritionist and eating differently. I'm so glad you posted this because I totally didn't even think of telling her about this app until now! It's perfect for her!! I just told her about it and hopefully ya'll will be friends soon!!!
  • mbsb4eva
    mbsb4eva Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I was diagnosed at the age of 18 I'm now 31
  • megandhight
    megandhight Posts: 89 Member
    My sister was diagnosed with this! And she has just started seeing a nutritionist and eating differently. I'm so glad you posted this because I totally didn't even think of telling her about this app until now! It's perfect for her!! I just told her about it and hopefully ya'll will be friends soon!!!

    Good I'm glad you told her! We all need someone who can relate to what we are going through and try as they might our husbands and family just don't get everything unless they also have PCOS. Your sister is lucky to have you to discuss this with.
  • asm2014
    asm2014 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! I was diagnosed at 20 years old and am 32 years old now. I was on metformin, but it made me sick, so I stopped using it. I finally made the decision I'm going to try to get healthier the natural route by portion control, making better choices and getting more active. Ever since I started in December, I have been able to get my cycles going.. I hope I can drop 60 lbs!!
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Try the here on MFP, great info, ideas and friends there with PCOS also.
  • Annette_906
    Annette_906 Posts: 44 Member
    mizgirl24 wrote: »
    Me! I've struggled with my weight since I was in middle school -- was diagnosed in High School. I've tried every fad diet (pointless, I know.) i am ready and willing to lose the weight but it's so much harder with pcos. My motto: I'm not on a diet, I'm changing my lifestyle. I'm getting married soon and he & I would love kids but I've been told by numerous doctors that my weight is a serious problem. I'm new on here -- add me please & thank you! I could definitely use daily motivation and I am completely willing to help others in the process as well. :)

    Don't give up hope about children, my Dr told me twice I wouldn't be able to have children and I now have two beautiful daughters! Losing weight can be a big factor in conceiving, I 100% think my weightloss was the reason I got pregnant with my second. Even losing 5% of your weight can be a huge help. Don't let Drs discourage you, in my experience and research, a lot of Drs don't have a full understanding of PCOS. Look up PCOSDiva, she is fantastic and is a huge resource of information.
  • Annette_906
    Annette_906 Posts: 44 Member
    jasmineecc wrote: »
    I was diagnosed two weeks ago and im 17!! I have an appointment tomorrow to check me results of blood work but yes its extremely difficult! You girls have all my support <3

    The one good thing is that you've been diagnosed early so hopefully you can adapt quicker. I highly recommend looking up PCOSDiva, she has so much information available. I would also recommend that you do some research on PCOS on your own, a lot of Drs still don't have a full understanding of PCOS, so doing a bit of research on your own will be very beneficial
  • Annette_906
    Annette_906 Posts: 44 Member
    My motto is the one you see in my pic its also the back ground on my phone so that I never forget. "Every food or drink you put into your mouth is either feeding disease or fighting it" I choose to eat healthy to fight my PCOS

    That's a great motto! And is the best way to fight PCOS
  • Annette_906
    Annette_906 Posts: 44 Member
    glorione wrote: »
    I was diagnosed in 2008 but started fighting it in 2013 prior to that I gave in and warned my husband that his wife was going to be fat, bald and have a mustache so be prepared. Since I started to fight back I've lost weight and my hair has grown back :)

    That's great!!! Never give up the fight :)
  • Annette_906
    Annette_906 Posts: 44 Member
    My sister was diagnosed with this! And she has just started seeing a nutritionist and eating differently. I'm so glad you posted this because I totally didn't even think of telling her about this app until now! It's perfect for her!! I just told her about it and hopefully ya'll will be friends soon!!!

    Thank you for sharing this with her, you should also tell her to look up PCOSDiva, it's a huge source of beneficial:)
  • Annette_906
    Annette_906 Posts: 44 Member
    My sister was diagnosed with this! And she has just started seeing a nutritionist and eating differently. I'm so glad you posted this because I totally didn't even think of telling her about this app until now! It's perfect for her!! I just told her about it and hopefully ya'll will be friends soon!!!

    Good I'm glad you told her! We all need someone who can relate to what we are going through and try as they might our husbands and family just don't get everything unless they also have PCOS. Your sister is lucky to have you to discuss this with.

    I completely can be tough for family and friends to relate to PCOS
  • Annette_906
    Annette_906 Posts: 44 Member
    asm2014 wrote: »
    Hi! I was diagnosed at 20 years old and am 32 years old now. I was on metformin, but it made me sick, so I stopped using it. I finally made the decision I'm going to try to get healthier the natural route by portion control, making better choices and getting more active. Ever since I started in December, I have been able to get my cycles going.. I hope I can drop 60 lbs!!

    Good luck! Healthy eating is the best way to fight PCOS :)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I don't, but there's a group for PCOS here on MFP.. thought i'd offer the link for you in case it's of any help to connect with others who do...
  • MeganFlanagan16
    MeganFlanagan16 Posts: 136 Member
    Please do add me! I'm 25 now, but have been dealing with PCOS since I was about 16 or 17. I just recently got health insurance again and am finally hoping to get some meds to balance my hormones out. I'm 201lbs right now and it seems like I went from 185lbs to that over night. It's been a real struggle losing the weight, but I am determined. My boyfriend and I are looking to get married within the next year or so and we desperately want to start a family. As of right now I am unable to have children, but I am hoping once I get down to my goal weight I might be able to start fertility treatments so I can become pregnant.
  • Annette_906
    Annette_906 Posts: 44 Member
    Snooozie wrote: »
    I don't, but there's a group for PCOS here on MFP.. thought i'd offer the link for you in case it's of any help to connect with others who do...

    Thanks for sharing, I've joined :)
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Hey there :smile: I'm 19 now and was diagnosed with PCOS when I was about 16. My blood tests showed the hormones consistent with PCOS but the ultrasound showed that I don't actually have any cysts on my ovaries. I've read that the hormone imbalance can be drastically helped by losing weight so I hope once I'm at goal weight it won't be a problem! I've lost 48lbs so far with another 24lbs to go. Anyone can feel free to add me, I always love getting new friends :smile:
  • Annette_906
    Annette_906 Posts: 44 Member
    Hey there :smile: I'm 19 now and was diagnosed with PCOS when I was about 16. My blood tests showed the hormones consistent with PCOS but the ultrasound showed that I don't actually have any cysts on my ovaries. I've read that the hormone imbalance can be drastically helped by losing weight so I hope once I'm at goal weight it won't be a problem! I've lost 48lbs so far with another 24lbs to go. Anyone can feel free to add me, I always love getting new friends :smile:

    Great job on the weight loss!!! :) women with PCOS don't always have cysts on their ovaries, the symptoms are different for each person and the intensity is different as well. Good luck with the remaining weight loss!!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Hey there :smile: I'm 19 now and was diagnosed with PCOS when I was about 16. My blood tests showed the hormones consistent with PCOS but the ultrasound showed that I don't actually have any cysts on my ovaries. I've read that the hormone imbalance can be drastically helped by losing weight so I hope once I'm at goal weight it won't be a problem! I've lost 48lbs so far with another 24lbs to go. Anyone can feel free to add me, I always love getting new friends :smile:

    Contrary to the name, you don't actually need cysts on your ovaries to have PCOS. It's a syndrome, which by definition means that you have a certain number of a larger number of symptoms.

    OP - I was diagnosed with PCOS about 8 years ago. I've had mixed results with both doctors and Metformin. As has been mentioned, most doctors are pretty clueless about PCOS.

    So far, I've found that a Primal-based (similar to Paleo) ketogenic diet to have the best results for both my weight and overall health (including issues with bloating, acne, cravings, and more). I also seem to have stumbled on the key for me to get my weight to move downward, but it's too soon to make any definite call on that one. Up until very recently, the best I've been able to do is maintain. Since I've been able to stop it from going up, I consider it a win and can focus on tweaking to make it go down.

    I third the suggestion to join the PCOS group. It's a great group of women, and there's a ton of information shared in it.