Ever "cheated" and not gained?

Today is my birthday, and I had planned to treat myself a little. I planned to exercise twice today by jogging an hour once this morning and again before bed to help minimize any damage. I planned to eat as usual all day (consuming roughly 750 calories) but for dinner have cake (weigh it) which is 300 calories a serving and then have two slices of thin crust pizza and a salad.

I am on a 1260 calorie per day, which I know is likely ridiculous as I'm close to my goal of 145 lbs. I'm 5'5, 149 lbs, and I've lost 17 lbs so far.

Now that my cheat day is here, I'm finding it very hard to go through with. I'm so close, I'm afraid I will gain 5 lbs from one cheat meal. I know I have a problem, and I'm likely
obsessing way too much.

I'm dieting with my husband, and he has lost twice as much. I know that's normal for men, but it's discouraging with him losing a pound every single day while I hover right at the same weight despite low calories and exercise.

Has anyone ever cheated and not gained after all?


  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    Just cut him off a slice twice as large as the one you're going to have. Problem solved. ;)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited February 2015
    Even if you cheat you don't gain fat overnight or from one meal or one day...that's not how the human body works. You will probably gain on the scale because you will have more waste in your system than normal and you will also top off your partially depleted glycogen stores...but you don't gain a bunch of fat in a day.

    Do the math...do you know how many calories over MAINTENANCE calories you would need to actually put on 5 Lbs of fat? 17,500 calories over MAINTENANCE.

    Start looking at this for what it is...math and science.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Why are you only eating 1260 cals if you're near your goal?

    Comparing yourself to other people achieves nothing, so I wouldn't bother, just do you.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    I think you are doing everything right. Eating well before your birthday dinner, and planning for it. I have absolutely done that and not gained...but I've also had perfect weeks where I have gained. sometimes your body is just not ready to let go of those pounds! have a happy birthday, drink lots of water and plan on having a perfect day tomorrow (calorie wise). Enjoy!
  • mom2ava07
    mom2ava07 Posts: 186 Member
    Why are you only eating 1260 cals if you're near your goal?

    Comparing yourself to other people achieves nothing, so I wouldn't bother, just do you.

    Because I'm crazy ;)

    I have an all or nothing personality, and unfortunately that equates to either eating everything I want or obsessing over every morsel of food I consume. It's pretty sad.

    I actually would be totally down for a birthday cheat meal, guilt free, if it weren't for my husband's sudden marathon weight loss lol
    I'm happy for him really, but since he's not that overweight to begin with its a tad frustrating.
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    3 days of overdoing it (not terribly, but some). I'm back on track and the same weight on day 4. However, I know I have to stay on track this week to make up for my fun vacay!

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    mom2ava07 wrote: »
    Why are you only eating 1260 cals if you're near your goal?

    Comparing yourself to other people achieves nothing, so I wouldn't bother, just do you.

    Because I'm crazy ;)

    I have an all or nothing personality, and unfortunately that equates to either eating everything I want or obsessing over every morsel of food I consume. It's pretty sad.

    I actually would be totally down for a birthday cheat meal, guilt free, if it weren't for my husband's sudden marathon weight loss lol
    I'm happy for him really, but since he's not that overweight to begin with its a tad frustrating.

    It sounds like you have underlying issues that you need to work out. I would suggest counseling or something like that …not sure an MFP thread is going to solve your issues..

    Here is my advice…it is YOUR birthday …don't worry about freaking calorie counting, or exercise burns, or anything else. Go out, have fun, eat what you want, try to log it all in as accurately as possible, and then start over tomorrow..

    I mean I get that we all want to lose weight/be healthy, etc, etc…but if you can't go out and have fun without worry about calories then you are going over board….

    Life is meant to be enjoyed, go out and have fun …

    and happy birthday!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Even if you cheat you don't gain fat overnight or from one meal or one day...that's not how the human body works. You will probably gain on the scale because you will have more waste in your system than normal and you will also top off your partially depleted glycogen stores...but you don't gain a bunch of fat in a day.

    Do the math...do you know how many calories over MAINTENANCE calories you would need to actually put on 5 Lbs of fat? 17,500 calories over MAINTENANCE.

    Start looking at this for what it is...math and science.

    that would be too rational….
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Go to http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    Enter your info. Look at what your TDEE is. You'd have to eat over that consistently to gain any fat.

    With how little you are eating, it's absolutely guaranteed that you will gain WATER weight. It doesn't mean anything. It's just those extra carbs that will replenish the water in your muscles. It's not fat. You will lose it within a few days. Heck even if you actually gained fat from that meal (and you'd probably have to eat 6000 calories in one day to gain one pound of fat), with the huge deficit that you have, you'd lose it again in a day.

    It's totally fine.

  • bjb561
    bjb561 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm fairly new to MFP been doing it for about 7 weeks. I just had a milestone birthday this week (turned 50). I made the mental decision that I was going to celebrate my birthday. I went out to eat for both lunch and dinner, logged my food and at the end of the day I was 400 calories over my allotment and I was ok with it. I waited several days to hop on the scale and to my surprise I was down 3 pounds. Next time a celebratory event comes up I may gain 3 pounds. But at least in my head, I'm understanding this is a way of life and I own the decisions not the scale. Celebrate your birthday and just get back in step the next day. Happy birthday.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    bjb561 wrote: »
    I'm fairly new to MFP been doing it for about 7 weeks. I just had a milestone birthday this week (turned 50). I made the mental decision that I was going to celebrate my birthday. I went out to eat for both lunch and dinner, logged my food and at the end of the day I was 400 calories over my allotment and I was ok with it. I waited several days to hop on the scale and to my surprise I was down 3 pounds. Next time a celebratory event comes up I may gain 3 pounds. But at least in my head, I'm understanding this is a way of life and I own the decisions not the scale. Celebrate your birthday and just get back in step the next day. Happy birthday.

    There you go!! that is how it is done!! good for you :)
  • Hi :) this is probably fairly late in response but I have a cheat day every week c: sometimes more than one :) It doesn't hurt as long as you don't go waaay over and even if you do, there's tomorrow to be healthy, enjoy your birthday :3
  • pap3rw1ngs
    pap3rw1ngs Posts: 58 Member
    I ate likely 5000 calories on Valentine's Day and, a week later, I was down 2lbs.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I "cheat" on a fairly regular basis and still manage to lose. I'm a total rebel too in that I don't even log my cheat meals.
  • NekoneMeowMixx
    NekoneMeowMixx Posts: 410 Member
    ONE little cheat meal (or day) is not going to cause your entire progress scheme to come tumbling down in a blaze of failsauce... It's your birthday, girlfriend-- live it up! Cheat days are honestly healthy, when done within reason. They keep you from going crazy and snapping and just decided to flip desk and say to hell with it all and quit... ;)

    I've had my share of cheat days, but since logging my calories and being more aware of what I ate, I'm down 7 pounds, almost 2% bodyfat, and a full point down on my BMI since October... (And I've had my share of cheat days ;P)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    mom2ava07 wrote: »
    Why are you only eating 1260 cals if you're near your goal?

    Comparing yourself to other people achieves nothing, so I wouldn't bother, just do you.

    Because I'm crazy ;)

    I have an all or nothing personality, and unfortunately that equates to either eating everything I want or obsessing over every morsel of food I consume. It's pretty sad.

    I actually would be totally down for a birthday cheat meal, guilt free, if it weren't for my husband's sudden marathon weight loss lol
    I'm happy for him really, but since he's not that overweight to begin with its a tad frustrating.

    So what happens when you get to maintenance if you aren't trying to learn moderation and setting yourself a reasonable deficit?
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,756 Member
    One meal, is not going to be a problem. One bad meal is not going to sabotage one month of hard work. No different than if you are like a pig all month and then went for one really long bike ride....that one good activity will not erase a month worth of poor choices.
    Think of this long term. Keep making good choices the majority of the time, and you will succeed.
    I don't want to read too much into your post, but it sounds like you have some guilt around food and I would hope you have learned that food isn't bad. Enjoy it, its awesome and you have earned it. A little moderation isn't a bad thing, but even if you over-do it...don't beat yourself up over it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    mom2ava07 wrote: »
    Why are you only eating 1260 cals if you're near your goal?

    Comparing yourself to other people achieves nothing, so I wouldn't bother, just do you.

    Because I'm crazy ;)

    I have an all or nothing personality, and unfortunately that equates to either eating everything I want or obsessing over every morsel of food I consume. It's pretty sad.

    I actually would be totally down for a birthday cheat meal, guilt free, if it weren't for my husband's sudden marathon weight loss lol
    I'm happy for him really, but since he's not that overweight to begin with its a tad frustrating.

    In all seriousness, this is something you should work on...this is going to cause issues long term...maintenance is going to be literally impossible.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Well regularly about once a month at least, I will go off the rails. I will go to the pub and drink and drink and drink. I did last night, and it was the first time I was physically sick. Of course, the calories would still have stayed in my body. Doing this type of thing once a month whether with alcohol or with food, can speed up your metabolism. You won't gain for eating way too much in one day. It takes longer than that to gain weight, and it would just be waterweight from the sodium and sugars.... just eat and enjoy yourself.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Also, Happy birthday. On my birthday I just don't even bother. I just eat what I want and don't really aim to log, if I do, I do a little but it's not the most important thing. Don't torture yourself with exercise. Honestly. Eat heaps of what you want and stay away from the scales for a few days, in case there is a waterweight gain. However it would be temporary.... this is what birthdays are made for, celebrating and not giving a *kitten*.