Gotta do this thing!

Ok! No more procrastinating for me! This is my year to lose 100 extra lbs of fat for good! I have a lot to lose, but even more to gain if I succeed! Could use some support and motivating words!☺️.


  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 830 Member
    you can do it!
    Make a commitment to re-commit - don't let little setbacks put you off track. Make changes you can live with/stick with and don't be afraid to start small because when you succeed at smaller things its easier ti succeed at bigger ones too!
  • areallycoolstory
    areallycoolstory Posts: 1,680 Member
    Ok! No more procrastinating for me! This is my year to lose 100 extra lbs of fat for good! I have a lot to lose, but even more to gain if I succeed! Could use some support and motivating words!☺️.

    When you succeed! You can do it go get 'em! I have a hundred to lose too:-) Feel free to add me as a friend. My diary is open and log every day. Best of luck!
  • jmmarcellus
    jmmarcellus Posts: 7 Member
    Add me if you like, I could use the support as well!
  • Khalstead0517
    Khalstead0517 Posts: 42 Member
    I have lost 82 and have another 200 to lose,I log daily (even when I make BAD choices) and welcome ANY new friends!
  • khristiana
    khristiana Posts: 131 Member
    You can definitely do it, all in little steps to get to the big goal! Feel free to add me as well, I log every day and could use the motivation/friendship :smile:
  • malikiey
    malikiey Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a big procrastinator too, if thats a word. I just started back & i'm gonna make the change. I have to understand one step @ a time. we can do it together. you can add me also, encouragement from your fellow MFP's is a good thing.
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    Just set little goals so it doesn't seem so overwhelming. I set little goals like once I loose 5lbs I will get a mani or pedi. Then 10 lbs a pair of gym socks. Small stuff that really kept me focus. You got this!
  • melly0405
    melly0405 Posts: 215 Member
    Take it one day one pound at a time for me I set small goals for my self in five pound increment for example get under 180 lbs than one I hit that the gaol was to get under 175 lbs etc etc. Remember you are doing this for YOU!! So t forget to reward yourself for hitting small goals for me I will sneak some additional alone time, take a long relaxing bath, or get a pedicure no more rewarding masked with unhealthy snacks. Our bodies put up with a lot from us now it's time to start fueling them efficiently. You deserve to be healthy and you can do it. Let me know how I can help!
  • dreacava206
    dreacava206 Posts: 27 Member
    You got this!
    I am on the same journey as well and I could use some support/motivation to keep me on track this time around.
  • 003yolanda
    003yolanda Posts: 9 Member
    You can do it! We are pretty much in the same boat, I'm looking to lose 70 lbs and most importantly maintain from there! I'm determined again! Stay positive and look forward!