Meal planning for weight loss

I've been dabbling in meal planning for the last few weeks, and have lost weight, but am now looking to fully commit.

I am looking for some pals that also do meal planning. I expect the first few weeks of eating the same thing will get boring, which is the point, but I'm hoping I can get some motivation/support from here to keep me in line.

If you do meal planning, or are interested in starting, please add me as a friend. I love support (don't we all) and I love to encourage others.

Hope to spread some or gain some encouragement soon!!!


  • melly0405
    melly0405 Posts: 215 Member
    Meal planning is crucial!! I am working on portion control and breaking the I need to eat everything on my plate habit. I'm not very creative with my eating but I am more than happy to support you however I can.
  • I always meal plan, it stops me going off the rails. Feel free to add me x
  • gaeo189
    gaeo189 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks guys! Can't wait to get some tips from you!